The Best Melanie Quotes

Melanie: That is a great beard. I've never made out with a guy with a beard before.
Steven: Well, today is your lucky day.
Melanie: You want to go up to my room?
Steven: Absolutely!
[Melanie takes Hyde's arm, but he doesn't move]
Steven: Actually, I can't.
Melanie: If you change your mind, me and a few of the other girls will be in the shower.
[she leaves]
Fez: [to Melanie] I can go! My name is Fez! Don't pretend you don't see me!
Steven: What did I just do, man? I turned down a sure thing because of Jackie!
Fez: And you don't know what she's doing at Marquette. Or who.
Steven: Shut up!
Fez: I bet if she was doing it, you would cry, because you love her.
Steven: If you don't shut up, you're gonna become the first person to touch his chin to his ass!
Fez: Have you been spying on me?