The Best Mr. Robot, Season 2, Episode 6 Quotes

- I'm sorry.
- Hey, no problem, e-meister.
- Give me four.
- Or not.
Angela: Can I help you?

- Thank you.
- Oh, hi.
- Oh, there's no conditioner in my room, and I'm sure gonna need it with this humidity.
- You know how it is.
- Thanks, doll.

- If we can't get the interface to load, then we can't use the Juniper screenos backdoor to own the network, which means,
- I can't wipe the security footage of you planting the femtocell.
- You're fucking kidding me.
- Just get to your cubicle.
- I'll walk you through it.

- Iferelgood ifyouletfl.
- Believing it's real makes it so.
- Come on, grab him by the loafers.
- Oh, please, gentlemen.
- Ankles instead?
- The shoes, they're ferragamo.

- Like, 30?
- I know a great Greek place around the corner.
- I'll see you in a half.
Darlene: All right, you need to find a cubicle with a network switch under it.
- It should be on the ground. Lots of ethernet cables and flashing leds.

- Before you get all bentoutofshape, all I was trying to do was take those punchesforyou.
- That's it.
- Thank you.

- Ray is not some coffee shop owner.
- Forget what you saw and move on.
- Hey! Hey!
Young: We're deep down inside you, Elliot.
- You can't leave us.
- And we can't leave you.
- Announcer: You're watching usa, america's favorite cable network.

- We settled on midtown, jw?
- Twenty-third floor, eastside view.
Darlene: This'll be during their lunch hour, so the floor should be pretty empty.
Cisco: Okay.
- We're officially good to go. [Winces]

Darlene: Are we still on for lunch?
- Yeah, I'll be there.

- If you're not careful, dad's gonna push you out a window again.
- Pipe down, Darlene.
- While I'm alive, you need to treat me with respect.
- I'm your father.
- Not for long.
- Audience: Ooh.

- And don't fucking leave until you get him.
- Where's my car? I'm late for my next appointment.
- Sorry, sir.
- The driver's having trouble getting into the parking structure.
- Protesters have surrounded the building.
- Tell Bratton to summon as much NYPD as is necessary.

- You gonna tell me why you took him?
- First, you're hearing voices.
- Now, you're seeing things.
- He's right in front of us.
- We're staring at him!
- Am I the only one here who isn't [bleep]?

- Yeah. Thanks.
- Vveh, iguessl got to take advantage while I still can, right?
- How about it?
- Turkey sandwich on whole wheat.
- Yeah, okay.
- Lettuce, Mayo, muenster.

- But I think that realization might have killed her before the parasites had the chance.
- Anyway,
- I'm gonna quit yapping, let you rest.
- Big days ahead.
- Work to do.

- And ifyou're anything like your old man...
- On second thought, don't be anything like your old man.
- All right, gang, let's pack it up and hit the trail.
- Together.
- Because it's one for alderson and...
- Alderson for one?

- If I were alive, I'd want no part of that agony.
- Nobody's won anything, Elliot.
- Especially not me.
- I'm just trying to help you put it all in the rearview.
- As painlessly as possible.
- Bring her in, kiddo.

- Not yet, but in this family, it's only a matter of time.
[Sizzling] Owl you're burning me.
- So what if he hears?
- Magda: How about being more useful than your sack-of-potatoes sister?
- Mama needs a new pack of slims.
- Lights, remember?
- I'm watching my figure.

- Rinse and repeat, again and again. Wax on, wax off.
- Do whatever you got to do, but this is happening.
- Okay, the holdup on the femtocell isn't helping either, okay?
- I still need to load the exploit, I need to test it...
- It'll be here.
- Cisco's still modding and swapping antennas.

- Just take me back.
- It's not that simple, kiddo.
[Thumping] Whoa!
- Someone help me!
- I'm a businessman!
- A very important businessman...

- I'm here!
- Not so fast, kiddo.
- Isn't that... nothing but baggage, sorry to say.
- No, no, that was...
- We're gonna have to get your peepers checked as soon as we get home.
- In the meantime, go do what you got to do. We shove off in five.

- When we pull up, the first thing that comes into your mind.
- That'll be the name.
- Really?
- Now it's coming up here on the right.
- Just keep those eyes on the road.

Elliot: Masters.
- We all have them.
- Every relationship's a power struggle.
- Some of us need to be controlled.
- Once in a while, the best course of action is to just ride shotgun, stare at the road ahead, and hope it leads somewhere you want to go.

- Before she got sick,
- Maxine lived like her own operator.
- Didn't seem to cross her mind that she belonged to someone.
- But in that basement, she needed human hands to give her every scrap of food, every pill.
- Occasional light.

- Click on the icon of the black screen, just like you practiced.
- Okay, I need you to type the following,
- "ssh," space, dash, "I, " space, "root," space, "l4 713
- "116. E-corp-usa. Com."

- Okay, found one.
- All right, put the battery backup down and the femtocell next to it.
- Plug the battery backup into a power strip.
- Do not unplug the femtocell from the battery backup.
- After that, plug the other end of the yellow network cable into the switch.
- Don't forget to wipe your prints from everything.

- Eyes up, son.
- See, on this journey of life, it's best to stay focused on the road ahead.
- Becauseifyou spend too much time looking down, you mightjust end up with a crick in your neck.

- Cartrouble, huh?
- He's on to us. Run for it.
- Gideon, you're alive.
- You folks haven't seen a clan of outlaws with a kidnapped corporate exec, have you?
- Yikes!
- I kill me!

- "Ifconfig," space,
- "wlan1, " space, "up."
- Dipierro: Angela moss.
- Is that right?
- Oh, you in the middle of a call? I'm sorry.
- I hate when people do that to me.
- Go ahead. I can wait for you to finish.

- Mr. Robot: Nowthat the worst is behind you, it's time we get you back.