The Best Ozark, Season 2, Episode 9 Quotes

- Let's take the long ways.
- Drink it all in before it's gone.

- It's from Mizzou.
- I know it's... it's fucking skinny, and maybe it's a no, but...
- I also want you to know that there's a buttload of other colleges out there.
- Okay, can you do it? I can't.

- And if you can run things by yourself, we'll be long gone before the cartel knows we've left.
- With me out of the picture, they'll have no choice but to hand everything to you.
- But if this is gonna work, no one can know.
- Not the kids, not Wendy.

- took my beating heart in both her hands and took off quicker than a mare.
- Same woman I've been chasing ever since.
- They'll kill you, Jacob.
- What do you do, Martin, when the bride who took your breath away becomes the wife who makes you hold your breath in terror?

- is gonna stop the cops from figuring it out?
- I don't give a shit! Now open the safe!
- You don't wanna do this, Daddy.
- Oh...
- I already am, baby girl.
- Now, open the safe.

- I'll need assurances... if we're expected to stand down, that you will never, ever try and hit me or my wife ever again.
- You have them, so long as you keep Darlene in line.

- -Darlene.
- -What?
- Don't you be making any reckless moves without me.
- Don't you worry about me, baby.
- You just rest.
- If you do anything foolish...
- You just worry about getting your strength back.
- I am perfectly capable of handling the rest.

- the chairman of the gaming commission will ask something of you.
- Something like what?
- I have no idea, but it won't be small.
- And whatever it is, you need to grant it.
- You don't have a choice.
- So, extortion.
- It's the way they do business.
- Like you said, nothing personal.

Jacob: What do you do, when the bride who took your breath away becomes the wife who makes you hold your breath in terror?

- If I may. Pardon me.
- Is she staying in line?
- Why don't you just worry about your own business?
- I am.
- But if you don't keep up your end of the bargain,
- I can't keep up mine.

- No, but they're getting the casino approved.
- -That was the plan.
- -We're bad guys.
- I mean, we're criminals.
- You see that, don't you?
- You almost killed someone, and Mom asked you to do it, and you're not even freaked out about it?
- That's what freaks me out.

- But I just don't have any idea what she's talking about.
- If you could shed just some light on what she has said, then I don't know.
- Maybe I could offer a little perspective, or at least understand why she's so upset.
- I can't reveal any more of the specifics.
- And I hope I never have to, because you and your husband signed those papers without a fight.

Gene: You and your husband signed those papers without a fight.
Wendy: You know, the kind of people who do the troubling things you think we're doing are the kind of people who will do anything to protect their children.

- What's he supposed to do?
- Uncle Cade lives right there.
- What do you think I'm about to say?
[sighs] "Shut up, Three"?
- So, how much money'd Cade give you?
- Five grand.
- Okay. This is where you give it back.
- Right now.

- it can be your Trojan horse.
- Mine? Yours.
- I just-I'd like to request a transfer.
- Back to Chicago.
- I've got some personal stuff that's come up.
- I need to be closer to home.

- ♪ Speak to me kindly ♪
- ♪ I'm the type of girl you call wifey ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ I ain't no side piece ♪
Jonah: Can you turn down the music?
- I'm gonna put the baby down for a nap.

- What's not to know?
- This is everything you've been working for--
- I know. I just feel stuck, okay?
- Okay, so get the fuck unstuck.
- There's no curse, Wyatt.
- I need to understand what happened to my dad, okay?
- Was it an accident? Was he murdered?
- Then what the fuck happened?

- So, I need you to promise me that you will not go anywhere
- -until I get back. Okay?
- -[crying] Sure. Yes.
- Yes, sweetie, I promise.
- I promise.
- Okay.
- Okay. [sighs]

- Sorry to bother you so late.
- I can't find Charlotte.
- She left in her van with Wyatt.
- Van? What van?
- The one she bought with her own money.
- Do you know where they went?
Ruth: All I know is that they're not here.

- ♪ And if it snows
- That stretch down south ♪
- ♪ Won't ever stand the strain ♪
- ♪ And I need you more than want you ♪
- ♪ And I want you for all time ♪
- ♪ And the Wichita lineman ♪
- ♪ Is still on the line ♪

- It's like it's killing everything we spent our lives working for.
- But I swear, Darlene, if you ever even think to undermine me again...
- What?
- Tell me, Jacob.
- What the fuck happens if I undermine you?
- Don't push me, Darlene. It will not end well for you.

- Because she's right.
- We're not fit to be parents.
- It's not even a family.
- It's a goddamn group of criminals.
- God.
- God damn it!
- God damn it!

- Please, be direct.
- The casino can't be a union shop.
- Under any circumstances.
- Um...
- Then it won't be. You have my word.
- Great. Thank you.

- Charlotte.
[sighs] Look, I'm not asking you to stay.
- I just need you to acknowledge that you know that I love you.
- That's it.
- That your mom and I love you more than anything in the world.
- Can you do that?

[Marty] Want some company?
- Listen.
- We messed up, okay? I messed up.
- But we are the only family that you're ever gonna have.
- I'll have my own family one day.

- Petty. You're that fed, ain't you?
- I wanna talk to you about Marty Byrde.

[Marty] Why did you talk to her lawyer?
- I told you that would make things worse, didn't I?
- Somebody had to do something.
- We can't just cross our fingers and wish it away.
- I did do something. I talked to her.
- Oh! Well, clearly it did a whole lot of good. Because you undermined me, Wendy.

Darlene: Hold on, baby.
- Please, please, please, just hold on.
- Drive, you idiot.
- Jacob. Oh, God.
- Don't you go and die on me, baby.
- Oh, God, don't you die on me.

Jacob: [walking out on their property] What is it?
Darlene: It's a badger, looks like.
Jacob: Hmm. Best leave it. His family will find it and drag it back to the den. Pups will feed on the worms and eat the corpse. That way its death has meaning. Brings nourishment to the family.

- to our business partners to build shopping malls and hotels and, yes, access roads.
- Because it's in their financial interest.
- The tax revenue from said development is gonna be massive, just like it was in 1929.
- They own it all. Above, around and below.

- Hello.
[Wilkes] You got it, Wendy. You won.
- Barring any fuck-ups, the commission's gonna grant your license in 48 hours.
- Oh. [chuckles]
- I don't know how the fuck you do it, but you always manage to get what you want, don't you?

- -No, bravo, Charlotte.
- -No lawyers. Just you and me.
- -No, bravo.
- -Wendy--
- You were trying to get our attention.
- -Congratulations, because you got it.
- -Please... Wendy. Come on.
- Charlotte.
- Two days. You have two days.

Jacob: Hmm.
- Best leave it.
- His family will find it and drag it back to the den.
- Pups will feed on the worms and eat the corpse.
- That way its death has meaning.
- Brings nourishment to the family.

- Hmm?
Cade: Hmm?
- I already did.
- And now I'm taking yours.
- Mm-hmm.
- I thought you were gonna kill me.

Helen: It's the first law of power. Those who can, shit on others. Those who can't, clean it up.

- Maybe I'll go to that fucking fed, Petty, and drop a dime on all your asses. Hmm?
- You're putting this on me? Hmm?
- 'Cause last I checked,
- I didn't rob anybody.
- I didn't violate parole.
- I'm your fucking father.
- -Now, you will fucking get me out--
- -Or what? Or you'll kill me?

- Fine.
- Fine.
- You wanna emancipate? Fine.
- You emancipate.
- You wanna go, Charlotte? Go!
- You be my guest!
- Just go!

- There is a sermon to be had here, but I don't feel much like praying.
- If you try to fight this, it will cost you a lot more than a bullet in the shoulder.
- Which is why you asked to meet me alone.
- You were afraid Darlene wouldn't be quite so receptive.

- You know, the kind of people who do the troubling things you think we're doing are the kind of people who will do anything to protect their children.
- Judges don't look kindly on people who threaten lawyers.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- I'm just saying,
- I'll do anything to protect my daughter.
- And I know she's safest at home, with her family.

- I'll get you your money back, every fucking penny of this.
- -This just can't come out, Marty, okay?
- -[cell phone ringing]
- Please. You gotta protect him.
- Hello.
- Jesus Christ. All right.
- I'll be right there.
- Stick to your story.

- A van? Whose van?
- I don't know. I think hers.
- I'm gonna wait here until she comes out.
- -Be nice to her, okay?
- -Yeah.
- -Is Mom okay?
- -Yeah. She found Charlotte.
- I'm not so sure she wanted to be found.

- "Dear Wyatt Langmore,
- I am delighted to inform you that the University of Missouri
- Committee on Admissions has accepted you into the class of 2022."

- Cyanide in your coffee, from ground-up cherry pits.
[straining] I never could keep up with you, Darlene.
- It's okay, baby. Just rest.
- I love you, Jacob.
- You just rest.
- I'll make sure it means something.

- What are you talking about?
- Oh, poor thing.
- Did they not tell you that they were gonna try and kill us?
- What?
- Suffice to say, our little deal is dead.
- You best start sniffing elsewhere for your casino.

- Eh... Just small talk. Playing nice.
- Figured we might go for a walk before breakfast.
- This early?
- Workers start building that road today.
- Don't you think we ought to see the land one last time?
- While it's still unspoiled?

- ♪ And I want you for all time... ♪
[woman] A gentleman never lets a lady go in alone.
- Miss, what makes you so sure
- I'm a gentleman?
- I'm Darlene.
- Got the feeling you're all kinds of trouble, Darlene.
- Only the best kinds.