The Best Ozark, Season 4, Episode 10 Quotes

- You think she'd be proud of me now?
- The way I'm handling this?

- You don't have to stay.
- Yes, I do.

- All right, bring him up on his knees.
Arturo: You're making a big fucking mistake, gabacho.
- Get this fucking thing off of me!

- You tell me that I'm right, and all this stops.
- -Okay!
- -[Marty] Okay what?
- I fuck with the books.
- As his top earner,
- I thought I deserved it.
- I fuck with the books.
- But I didn't try to have him killed.

[guard] Time's up.
[in Spanish] One hour a day isn't enough.
- -[handcuffs ratchet]
- -[sniffs]

- And if anybody can get the foundation back on its feet, it's him.
- I thought you said that he's not talking to you.
- Hmm! Yeah, well. [chuckling]
- There is that.
- Don't worry.
- Right.

- she's the only thing on the whole planet that really loved me.
- And I'm including God in that equation. [chuckles]
- She's-she's the only thing… that really loved me.
- And I always wanted her to be proud of me, you know.
- I just fuck up too much, and, you know, I just-I fuck whatever up, and then I, you know, I apologize and then fuck up again and…

- It has to be a mistake.
- Well, once would be a mistake.
- You know, three times is…
- But I didn't do that.
- I didn't do that! [grunts]
- -[Arturo shouts] Cabrón, huh?
- -No, no! No, no, no, no.
- -[panting]
- -[accountant groaning]

[officer] T-shirt, bong, some books.
- You gonna bust me for a bong?
- Why rent the truck?
- I guess I thought he had a lot more shit.
[Ronnie] Mm-hmm.
Ruth: Mm-hmm.

- and you're gonna put both hands on the dash.
- -Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
- -I won't say-[inhales]
- Yeah, I understand.
- Let's go.
- Okay. [sniffles]
- All right. [sniffling]

- You need eyes and ears on everything.
- You will have to be commanding, Marty.
- You will have to be ruthless.
- You're going to have to be me.
- And if you show even an ounce of weakness, they will pounce.
- And if they don't respect you, they will join forces with a rival.
- Oh, and they will kill you.

- No, sir.
- But you can speak to our bookkeeper.
- He's-he's in room 138.
- I'll do just that. [chuckles]
- Have a good 'un!
- You too.

- It's fine. Lots of guys with guns.
- But it's working?
- So far.
- I should go.
- Thank you for doing this.
- Yeah.

- Poor fucker doesn't have a clue what he spawned.
- What do you want, Ruth?
- Your little plan with the sheriff didn't work, Wendy.
- The Shaw deal's done.
- So you need to get the fuck up out of my business.
- You got me?

- Say it again.
- I ordered the hit.
- I ordered the hit!
- Enough. You've asked.
- Enough.
- Ya, para.

- On the tarp.
- Kneel down.
- Wait.
- Close your eyes.
- Wait.
- This is a dream.

- From an American prison?
- I'm gonna get him out of prison.
- What makes you think that you can do that?
- Because that's what I want.
- I wanted Navarro to win the cartel war.
- Who won the cartel war?
- Now I want him out of prison, so I'm gonna get him out of prison.

- and you're playing fucking Candy Land.
[inhales] I aim to be sheriff permanent, and I don't need anything fucking that up.
- So go home, cool off, don't screw up.
- It ain't that hard, Langmore.
- Get out!

- uh, which means any moves that we make, they notice.
- Uh, but my wife is working through our foundation to get him removed, and once that happens, we can extradite him to a Mexican prison and then pay for his escape.
- Hmm. You sound very confident.
- I am.

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry you have to do this.
- Can you do something for me?
- You can tell Wendy I'm sorry too?

- ♪ Ain't nobody gonna tell me ♪
- ♪ Ain't nobody gonna tell me ♪
- ♪ Ain't nobody gonna tell me
- How it's goin'… ♪
- Wen?
- Wendy, you okay?
- Hello.

- I'm not sure that it's the smartest thing to do.
- Are you loving or judging?
- If your love is conditional, it's also transactional.
- Love doesn't keep score, Marty.
- It's not self-seeking.
- I think it's easier said than done.

- Please tell me the truth.
- Please tell me that you ordered the hit.
- Come on. Come on.
[Marty] Fine, give him some more.
- No, no, no, no! Okay, okay! Okay.
- -Okay.
- -Okay what? Come on!

- You tell her I'm sorry. And you… you tell her I forgive her.
- You-you can do that for me. Can't you?
- You can…
- Yeah, yeah.
- You can do that.

Wendy: Hey, that was your dad.
- He's okay.

- You're interrogating a minor without a guardian present, Deputy?
- Acting sheriff.
- Ah.
- Now that you're here, maybe we can go inside.
- Oh, I don't think so. Jonah and I were just about to go to lunch.
- Weren't we, Jonah? Goodbye, Deputy.

- May I?
- Sure.

- we cannot let anyone know that he's in a coma, you know.
- He's gotta be impossible to take down.
- He killed his attacker.
- He is strong. He's still giving orders.
- We need to find out who did this.
- Well, then what?
- We do what Navarro would do.

[muttering] I'm so fucking…
- Oh, my God.
- Stupid fucking asshole, just…
- Stupid fucking asshole. [sobs]
- Stupid fucking asshole, what's so fucking hard?
- What's so fucking hard?
- What's so fucking hard?

- Lastly, I'm gonna need to meet with each of you individually to discuss your business in your territories.
- That's something Navarro wanted.
- So you bring your accountants, and you bring your books.

- -What's going on? What-hey!
- -Hey, hands on the hood.
- -Hey, what the fuck, Ronnie?
- -What are you doing out here?
- What are you doing out here, Ruth?
- I was getting my dead cousin's things from his dead wife's house.
- -Were you? Open it up.
- -Mm-hmm.
- Let's take a look.

Nelson: Get out of the car.
- Come on, walk inside.

- -[man 1] That's it.
- -[man 2] That it?
- -[man 1] That's the last of it.
- -[man 2] Okay. Close it up.

- -Do you know what he was after?
- -I don't know.
- I don't care.
- He was harassing your son, which I'd think would be your primary concern.
- I'll put these up.
- I'll see you this weekend.
- All righty.

[in Spanish] Then he's a fucking idiot.
[in English] Things'll go a lot easier on you if you just tell the truth, okay?
[panting] I am!
- You've been skimming money.
- You were jealous of Javi, and you don't know why
- Navarro chose him over you.
- You don't know shit!

- Bitch.
[Frank Jr.] Let me see that.
- Yeah, that's good. That--
- Guys, you give us a minute?
- Close the door on your way out.
- So, do I owe you a drink?

- He and Javi were friends, but he was always jealous of him.
- His blood tie to my brother.
- I caught him cheating the cartel.
- Javi once told me that if he ever became the cartel chief, he would get rid of Arturo first thing.
- He never trusted him.

- What message?
- The one I sent by not answering your calls.
- I understand why you'd never wanna speak to me.
- Oh, not just speak. See, hear.
- I get it.
- But if I'm in for a beating, at least let me have it sitting down.

- Why the fuck would I do that?
- Because you owe us.
- You killed our last chance of getting out of here.
- It costs you nothing to help us.
- Hmm.
- Costs me nothing to fuck you either.

- Let me see the receivables.
- Those are there, right?
- Yes, sir.
[in Spanish] Don't fucking call him "sir."
[in English] Hello!
- You've got some cash flow discrepancies here.
- There's a-there's a few of 'em.

- Are you okay?
- What are you gonna do?
- What else can I do?

- Hmm. Yeah.
- You think maybe I could get access to any security cams your department might have?
- I might be able to get you a few cameras along 50.
- -Hmm. Great.
- -[Kim] Just up to the border.
- Yeah, Greg. I need a favor.
- Thanks.

- It was not the Lagunas cartel.
- The person who ordered that killing was Navarro.
- Javi Elizondro was a traitor.
- He was making a deal with the US government.
- He was gonna bring this cartel down.
- And he is the one that got Navarro arrested.