The Best Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 1 Quotes

Harold: Nicely done, Mr. Reese. I realize now I never did hear how you came to enlist in the army.
John: 'Cause I never told you, Finch. I'm a very private person.

- and the marine heroes who took them down.
- Took big risk coming meeting you.
- Risk goes up, price goes down.
- I give you 1.2.
- How much for me to not put a bullet in your brain?
- Put your weapon down!

John: That's six bars down, Finch.
Harold: Excellent. Only 1,274 to go.

Detective: Don't worry. I'm a cop.
R.J. Phillips: [Hopeful] Bomb squad?
Detective: Homicide.

Devil: We told you to come alone. You brought the suit, So now he's a guest at our party. He tries to leave, we hit a button, RJ explodes. You try to move RJ, he explodes. You understand me, squid?
Jack: I get the gist.
Devil: Destroy your phone. There's a cab on the curb that'll take you to the next location, alone.
John: You walk out that door, Jack, you won't come back.
Jack: RJ's my friend. You said it yourself. I can't be something I'm not.

Jack: Who are you people? Where am I?
Harold: You have a bullet lodged in your shoulder, Mr. Salazar, a gift from a very angry group of force recon devil dogs, whom I can only assume live up to their name. Now, Ms. Shaw has medical experience, so either you can either let her retrieve the bullet, or we can continue to discuss the matter until you contract sepsis.
Jack: [Turns to Shaw] Sure you know what you're doing?
Sameen: I've been shot. A lot.

- I realize now I never did hear how you came to enlist in the army.
- Because I never told you, Finch.
- I'm a very private person.
- Well, one more thing set right in the universe.
- You should look happier, Harold.
- I am.
- It's just I have a feeling things are about to get more complicated.
- Then you might as well enjoy your first boilermaker.

John: [after saving a guy's life and he just runs away] You're welcome. They never say thank you.
Joss: Yeah, I wonder why. Maybe if you figure out a way to save them before all hell breaks loose.
John: Thanks, Carter. You know, for what it's worth, You're looking kind of badass in that uniform.

- With a little help.
- Listen, Carter...
- You doing okay?
- It's been a while since we sat down and talked.
- I'm fine, John, you know, just getting on with my job.
- You know if you ever needed help, you just need to call me, right?
- I know. Thanks.

- Time to get your friend back to the ship before he turns into a pumpkin.
- You're pretty handy with that thing.
- I'm hungry.
- You're buying me a steak.

Dr. Ronald Carmichael: Look, some of the patients have complained about you talking late into the night, And since cell phones are strictly forbidden and you have no roommate, I can only conclude that you're talking to yourself. Is that correct?
Root: You wouldn't understand.
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: Try me.
Root: I have a direct line to a higher power. It speaks to me.
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: I see. So you're hearing voices. What are those voices telling you to do?
Root: It's just the one voice really. It wants me to stay here, to work through some issues.
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: And what issues would those be?
Root: Methodology. We're discussing how I go about things.
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: You're not alone. All these news reports about government monitoring our digital lives, recording texts, emails, phone calls, It's unsettling. You know, it's easy to feel violated, even paranoid. Let me ask you this: do you have feelings that you're being watched?
Root: [Looks at security camera] Every now and then.

- You'll never find us but victim or perpetrator if your number's up, we 7! Find you.
Man: What are you doing tomorrow?
- Woman: I'm serious.
- We should do it again sometime.
- Band was good, conversation was good, you look fabulous.
- You're so sweet.

- Well, he's gonna have to take a swing at you.
- Then your knuckle-dragger buddy over here is gonna jump me.
- After I introduce his face to the bar,
- I'm gonna put this foot upside of yourjarhead.
- Upon which all hell breaks loose.
- And nobody wants that.
- Reese: [Like this guy, Finch.
- Hm.

- Yeah, well, I got a little insurance policy. Your buddy rj.
- There's a pawn shop at 23rd and Lex.
- What about it?
- You're gonna play
- "let's make a deal" with our fence.
- You bring him the diamonds and you bring us the cash.
- He tries to pull a fast one, you end up in a body bag.
- Time's ticking, petty officer.

- And so are you.
- With your talent, it probably won't be long before the CIA comes knocking.
- So what should I do?
- That's up to you.
- But in a few years, when the guys from Langley show up...
- Say no.

- your friend switched the video?
- Long enough. Let's hope.
- You're in the Navy.
- Know anything about igniters?
- Man, I'm a glorified shopkeeper.
- I inventory supplies.
- Don't worry, I'm a cop.
- Bomb squad?
- Homicide.

Root: The truth? The truth is a vast thing. I see that now. Just how much truth there is? Where would we even begin? The truth is, you're not very smart. In fact, you're only the 43rd smartest person in this building.

Man: You know what? I enlisted in the marines to kill Russians.
- Looks like I'm gonna get my chance.
- Shaw: Wait a minute.
- Looks like the Russians brought some friends to the party.
- Multiple shooters above you, Reese.
- Get clear, now.

- Well, the marines will have to fence the uncut diamonds.
- Locate the fence, odds are we can locate Jack.
- Where to now?
- I have another resource on that.
- Well, suit yourself.
- Carter: Yeah?
- How's your contacts in robbery?
- Not yet.
- Don't worry, I got a source.

Harold: Fleet Week! An annual deluge of drunken sailors that somehow does not qualify as a military attack.

- Feel that?
- That's your rib cracking.
- I jam it two inches further,
- I'm gonna puncture your lung.
- Where is it?
- I don't know what you're talking about, man.
- Get him and his buddy to a room.
- We'll sort them out.

Sameen: Harold, the exchange went pear-shaped.
Harold: Yes, I heard. Can you follow Mr. Salazar?
Sameen: Not an option. He's long gone.
[Looks at rifle sadly]
Sameen: Never even got to take this baby out for a test drive.

Jack: Don't know how I wound up here.
John: I do. Same reason you got into a fight with those jarheads. You stand up for people you care about.
Jack: Lotta good it's done me, huh?
John: We'll see. You can't be something you're not.
Jack: Yeah? And who am I?
John: You're a good guy, Jack. You just haven't figured it out yet.

- I get the gist.
- Destroy your phone.
- There's a cab on the curb that'll take you to the next location, alone.
- You walk out that door, Jack, you won't come back.
- Rj's my friend.
- You said it yourself.
- I can't be something I'm not.

Don: Can I be honest? I only asked you out 'cause you're drop-dead gorgeous. But after sitting down, really getting to know you over dinner, I realized I think you might be the most fascinating woman I've ever met.
Sameen: Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls. In fact - I know you do. And after you get into their pants, you get into their bank accounts, Just like you did with Paula Scarlatti. Poor Paula was so heartbroken, she told her mobbed-up old man. He and his gangster pals just put a big fat bounty on your head. And can I be honest? I only went out with you because of them.

- If I go straight in, Jack'll be dead before I even get to him.
- Don't screw with us.
- We screw with you. Empty your pockets.
- Look, man,
- I don't really have time for this.
- I gotta get my shipmate, and I gotta get...
- They're stealing a car.
- It's an extraction.
- I gotta get him out.
- Please be careful, Mr. Reese.

- and the only dialogue you need to be worried about is between me and her, which is why you might wanna give me my phone back.
- Because I'm having an argument.
- Would you like to know the truth, doctor?
- About what we're arguing over?
- Whether or not I'm gonna kill you.

John: Celebrating or commiserating?
Jack: Both. RJ took the rap for everything. Captain gave me a desk-drawer reprimand and two days swabbing the deck. I got an hour left of liberty before I gotta get back on the ship.
John: So what's the plan now?
Jack: Captain thinks I could make it through buds, become a seal, but after what happened, I'm not so sure about the military anymore. Thought maybe there was a chance for a normal life after my tour's up, like those two.
[Glances at a nearby couple]
John: The military's full of good and bad, just like the rest of the world. A guy like you could do a lot of good.
Jack: I was forced to join in the first place.
John: What, you think you're the first kid to have to stand in front of a judge and pick door number two? Turns out, I was good at it. Maybe even made for it. So are you. With your talent, it probably won't be long before the CIA comes knocking.
Jack: So what should I do?
John: That's up to you. But in a few years, when the guys from Langley show up... say no.

Dr. Ronald Carmichael: I thought it would be good for us to resume our dialogue. I know that you'd rather be talking to the voice, but you're gonna have to settle for talking to me.
Root: What do you want to talk about?
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: I'd like to talk about something real, Robin. I know you're very smart. I'd love to know what you're really thinking, so why don't we start with the truth?
Root: The truth? The truth is a vast thing. I see that now Just how much truth there is. Where would we even begin? The truth is you are not very smart. In fact, you're only the 43rd smartest person in this building.
Dr. Ronald Carmichael: 43rd, hmm? Okay, did your voice tell you that? That's based on what?
Root: Every standardized test you ever took averaged together, not including your medical boards, which you cheated on. The truth is you smoke an average of nine cigarettes a week in the parking lot when you think no one's looking. The truth is that you visit a massage parlor once or twice a month, that you pay for it with crisp $100 bills that you get out of the cash machine at the 7-Eleven across the street. The truth is that you fantasize on online forums about having sex with some of your patients, though not me yet. I guess I'm not your type. The truth is, God is 11 years old. That she was born on New Year's Day, 2002, in Manhattan. The truth is that she's chosen me, and I don't know why yet. But for the first time in my life, I'm a little scared about what's going to happen. The truth is, my stuck here for now, and the only "dialogue" you need to be worried about is between me and her. Which is why you might want to give me my phone back, because we're having an argument. Would you like to know the truth doctor? About what we're arguing over?
Root: [Doctor looks worried] Whether or not I'm going kill you.

Root: [to her therapist] The truth is that you fantasize on online forums about having sex with some of your patients. But not me, yet. I guess I'm not your type.

Scarface: [In Carter's face] Thanks... For helping my Boss
Carl: [to Carter, smirking] Looks like you made a friend.

Carl: What happened to time off for good behavior?
Joss: That assumes you've been good. We had a deal, you keep a low profile.
Carl: Why else would I be enjoying my Barolo in a basement?
Joss: Your man's been seen in Crown Heights, Russian territory.
Carl: It's all Russian territory now.

- Shaw, a little help here?
- I would have taken the head shot but Finch gets annoyed when I kill people.
- In the arm, through a brick wall, in the dark. You're welcome.
- Oops.
- You wanna get out of here?
- Yeah, I think so.

- It sounds like a job for Shaw.
- Besides, someone needs to defuse that bomb. Hop to, Lionel.
- What? Nobody said anything about defusing a bomb.
- Be careful, it's got a failsafe.
- If you try to cut the power source, it'll blow, so dig out the igniter.
- The what?

John: If Jack's like most sailors, it's booze, broads and a tattoo; in that order.
Harold: I suppose you know the usual haunts.
John: Sure. It's two for one boiler makers in Hell's Kitchen.
Harold: [Makes a face] That sounds horrible.

Harold: I appreciate you resolving this situation, Ms. Shaw. However, perhaps in the future, you might try to complete your assignments without quite so much violence.

John: I'm sorry. Are you guys closed? It's a bit tense in here. Can I make a suggestion?
Devil: What the hell are you doing here?
Maksim: Who is this, cop?
John: Concerned third party. I've got no stake in this except for helping my friend Jack out of here with the same number of holes he had in him when he came in.
Maksim: What's your point?
John: ...40 cents on the dollar?
Sameen: Reese, no offense, if the vigilante thing doesn't work out, I'm not really seeing a future for you in conflict resolution.

John: Can't say we didn't already know, Finch. First time we met, Shaw shot me.
Harold: I realize that Ms. Shaw is an effective asset, But I'm not sure I can work with somebody who refuses to carry a cell phone off the job.
John: People out there are trying to kill her, you know.
Harold: Some of the same people that are trying to kill us.

- But it's a shame to waste a rifle like this on kneecaps.
- No sentry. Something's up.
- You got eyes on the room?
- Who's there?
- S haw: Looks vacated.
- For good reason, poor guy's rigged up to go boom.
- Don't.
- Can't risk setting him off.
- Your friend's sitting on an ied.

- You, amigo, you can blame your old man.
- Hey. [Speaking Spanish]
- Huh?
- If your father had been smart enough to work with the cartel you might have lived long enough to kiss her good night.
- _hey!
- What?
- Who the hell are you?
- Tonight, hostage negotiator.

John: Looks like I lost Jack. Finch, how many squids are there in the city right now?
Harold: Approximately 6,000. Why do you ask?
John: I think we're gonna need backup just to find them. All hands on deck.

- No big deal.
- We'll celebrate tomorrow.
- Always skimming something, rj.
- Don't get your hand caught in the cookie jar.
- Meet back in an hour.
- Can you do that?
- Look at her. I'll be back in 30.
- Mm-mm-mm!

R.J. Phillips: You're gonna need to pick that up.
Jarhead: Or what, squid? One of you splittails gonna do something about it?
Jack: He's gonna have to take a swing at you. Then your knuckle-dragger buddy over here is gonna jump me. After I introduce his face to the bar, I'm gonna put this foot upside of your jarhead Upon which all hell breaks loose. And nobody wants that.
John: [Listening] I like this guy, Finch.

- Hey, Reese, no offense.
- If the vigilante thing doesn't work out,
- I'm not really seeing a future for you in conflict resolution.
- The suit here just got your buddy killed.
- Detective, get out, now!
- There's no time.
- Good bye.

- You can't be something you're not.
- Yeah? And who am I?
- You're a good guy, Jack.
- You just haven't figured it out yet.
- Gracias.
- What, you need help finding a trash can?
- You're a smart guy, you'll figure out what to do with it.
- Give me three minutes.

Sameen: Multiple shooters above you, Reese. Get clear, now.
[Targets the Russians]
Sameen: You gonna ambush somebody, use a muzzle suppressor. Losers.
John: [Getting shot at] Shaw, a little help here?
Sameen: I would have taken the head shot, but Finch gets annoyed when I kill people.
Sameen: In the arm, through a brick wall, in the dark. You're welcome.
[the person falls out the window]
Sameen: Oops.

Sameen: Our leatherneck has a nice weapon. This is gonna be fun.
John: Just remember... no shots to center mass.
Sameen: Ah, but it's a shame to waste a rifle like this on kneecaps.

- Where the hell else would a swabbie go?
- To get some. He's a sailor.
- Come here.
- Ma'am.
- Why are we stopping here?
- I told you, this area is restricted.
- Sailors aren't supposed to be here.
- Well, when did the Navy outlaw pastrami?
- See that phone booth?
- Just watch.