The Best Ray Terrill Quotes

Oliver: I guess we're in Earth-X's Star City.
Ray: I have to say, that's one hell of a story. You're a speedster.
Barry: Yeah.
Ray: [to Jax and Martin] Okay, you two turn into the burning man.
Jefferson: Yup.
Ray: [to Oliver] And you're the good doppelganger of the Fuehrer.
Sara: "Good" might be an oversimplification.
Leo: You still haven't told us which Earth you're from. Clearly it's not from this one.
Barry: We're from Earth-1.
Leo: Earth-1? Well... golly.
Jefferson: Am I missing something here?
Ray: I'm from Earth-1 too.
Barry: If you're from Earth, then you know we got here, don't you?
Ray: Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.

Ray: Hey, you're cutting it too close.
Leo: I thought that was great timing. I really enjoyed the pun.
Barry: So you're Leonard Snart's doppelganger.
Leo: No, I'm Leonard Snart, but you can call me Leo. That is a fantastic outfit. Did you make that?

Curtis: [stepping aboard the Waverider] Oh, man, I have just died and went to geek heaven.
Zari: [to Amaya] Told you we picked the right guy.
Curtis: Uh, picked the right guy to do what?
Amaya: Hunt Nazis. Meet our resident Earth-X expert, The Ray.
Ray: Well, uh, you can use my real name Ray Terrill.
Curtis: [shakes Ray's hand] Your secret identity is your first name with the word "the" in front of it.
Ray: Yeah. Why? What's your secret identity?
Curtis: Mr. Terrific.
Ray: Really? That's a little boast-y, don't you think?
Curtis: Nah, it's just one of my favorite wrestlers.

Mar: In the beginning, there was only one... a single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life. With the Multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility, and spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell, and rose again to cross realities grasping expanse. Life, a precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until finally, the age of heroes was born. Chaos, the constant enemy of life, kept at bay by champions from across the Multiverse. Joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation, they found each other just in time. Because now, the entire Multiverse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal.
Alexander: [on Earth-89 Gotham City] I hope you're watching, big guy.
Mar: The destruction of all there is.
Ray: [on Earth-X] Oh, no!
Mar: I have planned. There are those who say I have schemed. But the time for preparation has passed. The Crisis is now upon us all.
Dick: [on Earth-66 Gotham City] Holy crimson skies of death!