The Best Reacher, Season 1, Episode 3 Quotes

Jack: You know, cursing is a sign of weak mind and weaker character.

- Your house isn't safe anymore.
- Pack your bags.
- Finlay?
- Got an ID on the body that was found with Joe.
- We gotta get you to the morgue.

Judy: [motioning toward desk phone] I will ruin your life with one phone call.
Jack: I'll end your life with one phone.

- Golden gloves.
- You know, the thing about boxing...
- Too many rules.
- Where's spivey?
- He left town with some Spanish guys.
- Real fast. That's all I know.

- He had to have surgery, sutures.
- This is a very serious crime.
- There were bicycle tracks leaving Curtis's house.
- You know where they led?
- Right there. To your bike, Joe.
- Joe, did you do this?

- So if I may give you some friendly advice...
- If you keep talking to the cops on my force, hinder this investigation in any way,
- I will put my fucking foot up your fucking ass until your heart fucking stops.
- I think it's time for you gentlemen to leave.

- Kliner knows you suspect him.
- We don't know who to trust at the station.
- Motels. Cash. Fake names.
- Travel light.
- You mean live like you?
- You get used to it.

- Negligent care of an animal's a misdemeanor in margrave.
- $500 fine, up to 10 days in jail.
- Everything going on in this town, and you're worried about a dog?
- This how they policed up in Boston?
- Don't make me come back and cite you, sir.
- Reacher, come on.

- Here we go.
- Come on.
- There you go, stay close.
- Not too close.
- There you go.
- Stay with me, boys.

- Listen, man, you should've told us you were a cop.
- Hard to do with a boot in your mouth.

- Hey.
- I'm looking out for you, Roscoe.
- I care about you.

Jack: Never trust a weapon you haven't personally test-fired.

- Are you kiddin' me?
- I just told you to be careful with that thing.
- Never trust a weapon you haven't personally test-fired.

- I gotta go get some toothpaste and deodorant and stuff.
- I don't know how he lives like this.
- Yeah, I gotta make a stop, too.
- Roscoe?
- Be safe.
- Watch out. Keep bein' nice like that and you're gonna be making friends around here in no time.

Roscoe: You know I was recruited by the FBI and Central Intelligence? Scored a 99th percentile in IQ, but only an 80% on the psych eval. You want to know why, you condescending asshole?
Jack: Interpersonal skills?

- Yeah. Well, whole town's wound tighter than jungle gym screws.
- I don't know what to tell my wife.
- This reacher guy's running all over everybody like it's...
- Teale: Stevenson?
- A moment.
- Yes, sir.

- Little further.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Reacher: Oh.
- Don't bother trying to find out my real name.
- Cause any problems, you'll wish
- I'd finished strangling you.

- But I appreciate you having my back.
- Of course.
- You hear from reacher?
- We're meeting him at Jolene's.
- Said he found something.
- Good. 'Cause so did I.

- And you're nice, too.
- And lovely.
- But I'm not your guy.
- Okay.
- Can't blame a girl for trying.
- Good luck, officer.

- Mr. Spivey?
- Tanner spivey?
- Mr. Spivey?

- They came into my house that I fixed up with my money in the town that my family founded because they think they are untouchable.
- You want a gun?
- Uh-huh.
- Fine by me.

Zacarias: [motioning toward desk phone] I will ruin your life with one phone call.
Jack: I'll end your life with one phone.

- and I was the only family he had.
- Not what you'd call a subtle weapon.
Roscoe: People round here know I have this thing.
- Use it wrong, and it gets back to me.
- So don't use it wrong.
- I won't let anything happen to it.

- And how his connections got him off?
- The charges disappeared, but nothing goes away completely, not these days.
- Jack reacher's a murderer.
- If you don't let me into my truck right now,
- I'm gonna have you facedown on the hood in handcuffs.
[Quietly] Maybe I'd like that.

- stolen car reports for the whole county.
- Figure if an ex-con was gonna go to a cop's house, he wouldn't risk using his own ride.
- Well, that's good thinkin'.
- You keep me posted.
- Hmm.