The Best Rick and Morty, Season 5, Episode 3 Quotes

- Ah, nah, we still got time.
- Well, then, stop being in love and start having fun.
- Oh, love's pretty fun, Summer.
- Just give it a chance.
- It's not even real love!
- Daphne's just with you so she can keep surviving!
- Ah, the young. So naive.
- Ew, gross.

- I've been all over the universe, met hundreds of people, and Planetina's the only one I've ever met that makes me feel like I belong, and you just kicked her out of our house!
- -Morty, please--
- -I will never forgive you for this!
- ♪ Let it shine under the morning star♪
- Morty! Morty, come back!

- I can't-I can't love you. I just can't.
- -Please understand.
- -No. [sniffles]
- I'll go. [sniffles]
- But don't you dare ask me to understand.
- Planetina, I'm so sorry.
- Fuck you.

- But I have to admit, it was pretty Rick of you to avert an apocalypse in a tantrum of cynicism just to destroy one dumb relationship.
- Still, sorry.
- Eh, I would've done the same for you.
- Promise?
- -Love you, Grandpa Rick.
- -Don't make it weird.

- Morty? Are you all right?
- She's gone, Mom! She's gone!
[sobs] I loved her so much!
- I know you did, honey.
- -[sobs]
- -Shh, Mommy's here.
- ♪ Let it shine under the morning star♪

Rick: To Summer: But I have to admit, it was pretty Rick of you to avert an apocalypse in a tantrum of cynicism just to destroy one dumb relationship.

- Don't you worry. I know how to deal with this Morty kid.
- Hey, a bunch of us are going over to Hibler's place to shoot ourselves.
- You want to come with?
- Sorry, but no man's tying down
- Sum-Sum tonight. Hit the dicks.
- Your loss, honey. You could have had all this.
- Hey, check it out! There's old people dancing!

- Oh, my God! Come on! Let's go!
- I know a place that serves cruelty-free doughnuts.
- If you'd like, I could fly you and your friend there,
- -easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.
- -Okay, I'll ask him.
- He-He said he can't come. Let's go!
- What the fuck was that shit?

- but someone's giving you the big eye.
- Excuse me. I got to see a man about a horse I'd rather have sex with.
- -Hello.
- -I'm Rick. Hey.
- So, the world's ending, and for some reason,
- I want to die with you more than anyone else.
- -Hello.
- -[Summer] Have fun, Grandpa Rick!
- No commitments!