The Best Sala Quotes

Sala: [while hallucinating] I have fear! You're giving me fear!

Paul: I thought you said you had a TV.
Sala: No, the guy across the alley has a TV. I have binoculars.

Sala: You're high, you fool! Drink some rum.

Moburg: Maybe I can interest you gentlemen in something else.
Paul: Like what? Death?
Moburg: Like the most powerful drug in the history of narcotics. I'm not at liberty to discuss or disclose; all I can tell you is: this stuff is so powerful, they give it to communists.
Paul: Who does?
Moburg: The FBI.
Sala: Why would the FBI get communists high?
Moburg: That I can't help you with.

[last lines]
Sala: Ride yourself a trade wind...

Paul: You know what I think? I think we're drinking too much rum.
Sala: There's no other way.
Paul: I'm getting double ashtray, and double salt pot.
Sala: You gotta a Moberg bifocal.

Lotterman: What do you know about horoscopes?
Paul: Nothing.
Lotterman: Ah, well, if I can write one, you can. So it's every day with a special "Star's Star" featured Saturday with Betty Grable and Neil Sedaka, things like that. So here, everything you need is right there. It's called "Madam La Zonga Predicts."
Paul: What happened to Madam La Zonga?
Sala: He got canceled.
Paul: What do you mean, fired?
Lotterman: They raped him to death.
Paul: They raped him to death?
Sala: There are very few places on this island I decline to visit, but the toilets frequented by sailors on the west side of Candado Pier is one.
Paul: They raped him to death?

Paul: The only upside with Nixon is he ain't gonna win.
Sala: He's got the grin.
Paul: He ain't gonna win. Irish guy's gonna win. But don't ever let him live.
Sala: Well how do you know that?
Paul: I do horoscopes.

Paul: [Kemp and Sala are wandering down a pier late at night, high on hallucinogens] I thought I was losing grip in there. What did we take?
Sala: I don't know.
Paul: We need to get some more.
[Kemp stops to stare at a tank full of lobsters]
Paul: [quietly] That explains it... doesn't it?
Sala: Explains what?
Paul: The world... and us.
[he stares deep into the eyes of one particular lobster]
Paul: [voiceover] I wonder what it is you might think about our different worlds. He looked at me kinda sideways and said, "Human beings are the only creatures on Earth who claim a God, and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one. Does the world belong to no one but you?" And when he said it, I was taken aback. Not because of who was doing the talking. Because I finally understood the connection between children scavenging for food, and shiny brass plates on the front doors of banks.

Sala: Do not confuse love with lust, nor drunkenness with judgment.