The Best Seamus O'Reilly Quotes

Seamus: My life has been nothing but shit since the day I was born, and I didn't have no brother to lean on like you did. I've been alone my whole fucking life, and soon... you will be, too.
Ryan: I'll never tell anyone the truth about what happened with Carolyn. That's between you and me. But, Dad... You better pray to Jesus Christ almighty himself that I never get out of this place, because when I do... I will kill you.

[Seamus refuses to see Cyril and Suzanne accuses Seamus of ruining his life]
Seamus: Why don't you go suck off your nigger boyfriend!

Cyril: Dad's coming to visit?
Ryan: Well, not visit, exactly.
[cut to Seamus being escorted into Oz]
Correction: Welcome to Oz!
Seamus: Fuck you!