The Best Stephanie Quotes

Dennis: I mean, look at this girl. What's her story? She's got a decent bone structure. She was probably very pretty when she was young.
Dee: Yeah.
Dennis: Probably spent her summers here, lounging on the beach and scooping ice cream.
Dee: But she didn't want her summers to end, so she got herself a fake ID and a push-up bra and started hanging out at the local bars.
Dennis: Right. Developed a nasty coke habit, 'cause she loved the way it made her feel.
Dee: Mm-hmm.
Dennis: But then extreme highs gave way to extreme lows and she fell into a depression.
Dee: Had herself a kid. Thought it would give her a sense of purpose. And it did, for a while, till she started using again.
Dennis: Mm-hmm. And then Social Services came knocking at the door, and now the kid loves upstate with his grandparents, 'cause she can't take care of this kid. And here she is festering away in a one-bedroom apartment waiting for the HIV to turn into AIDS...
Dee: Ooh!
Dennis: And wondering what the hell...
Stephanie: You know I can hear you, right?