The Best The Sinner, Season 4, Episode 5 Quotes

- Why?
- I haven't slept in two years.
- Point to the first thing that you notice, that you're drawn to.
- Don't think.
- Is that wrong?

- I knew leaving Clark Harbor would make him worse, but I wanted to go anyway.
- Dad?
- My Percy.

- I don't--you know, it's not really about teaching.
- Just tell me how to start.
- Well... you gotta respect the ocean.
- Can't overfish.
- Like me and my family?
- Yeah.

- You're still not ready.
- You enjoy this?
- Honestly?
- No.
- Let go of what you think should happen.

- about Sean,
- Percy's time off-island.
- But you have to understand that this is a very small town.
- People talk.
- They smile at you, but they don't wish you the best.
- It's made me a private person.
- I know how that can happen.

- That area that's so tight right here, that's our pride.
- We let our ego control us.
- You're not ready.

- Just wait.
- Now.
- Stay with it.
- Keep going.
- Keep going.
- Let it through.
- Ah!

- The water's only 42 degrees.
- It's gonna feel like you can't breathe.
- Don't fight it.
- You have to fully submerge yourself.
- A lot of people give up at this point because of the cold.
- You don't have to keep going.

- What is this shit?
- You're telling me someone didn't poison her mind with that shit?
- That wasn't Percy.
- Somebody had control over her.
- The ancient lunar goddess is represented by the ouroboros... a snake swallowing its own tail.

- I don't know about the other one, but that's a Keyser boat.
- Whose?
- Brandon's. Why?
- During the break-in, the only thing taken were these photos.
- Brandon brings his haul in around lunchtime.
- His boat's coming in right about now.

- Dad, it's-- it's my fault.
- That night.
- I mean, if you had-- if you hadn't gone there, you never would've needed those pills.
- Everything that's happened is on all of us.

- if you're not willing to face what happened.
- Whatever it was.
- I can't.
- Take it.
- We haven't been working for months for you to give into fear.

- It's like a spiral going down.
- If you don't stop, you're gonna end up doing what I did.
- Maybe that's what I deserve.
- No one deserves that.
- I killed a man when I didn't have to.

- she was still blocked, so I had had her pick five objects.
- Each one would represent a relationship that was holding her back.
- These are people in her life?
- So she could release them.

- I don't know what to think about any of this anymore.
- It's like the vertigo I felt after my stroke.
- No solid ground.
- Yeah, I'll bet.

- This one CJ's.
- That first night
- I went to apologize... but I just made everything worse for him.

- What's going on?
- Oh, my God.
- Keep it coming.
- Keep it going.
- We gotta get him out of there.

- There's the Keyser clunker.
- What the hell?
- He's not turning.
- Brandon?
- Hey!
- There's no one behind the wheel!

- I could dig through some files, see what I come up with.
- Yeah, that'd be great.
- She's weird about people touching her stuff.
- No problem, no problem, mate.
- Thanks for looking into this.
- Meg, we'll be in touch.
- Oh, all right.

- Why that spot, do you think?
- Something happened to her down there?
- I don't know what.
- At some point, you started to talk to her and thinking you could help her, right?
- She's the one who started it.

- Your whole life, you've been looking for it.
- And it's been right here all along.
- You don't have to do anything to prove yourself.
- You don't have to be anything you're not.
- You already belong.
- You always have.

- I'll do it.
- It means we'll have to humble ourselves.
- It'll be painful.
- It's okay.
- I'm ready.
- Now?
- Now.

- Do you know if that person's name was Valerie?
- I've never seen that before.
- She must have written this after our ritual.
- Do you think you can push someone to suicide?
- I know you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
- Then why are you still here?

- I can send them to you so you can, I dunno, check for whatever it is that you're looking for.
- Yeah.
- If you wouldn't mind.
- Yep.
- Well, I'll go now if that's-- if that's all.
- Okay.

- Um, what about Grams?
- And--and-- and you and Colin and the business?
- Percy, you gotta start taking care of yourself.
- If you don't... you'll just end up like me.

- It's like a war back and forth with these traps.
- Keep telling my boys they gotta stop--
- Now, this is strange.
- Brandon knows better than that.
- Hey, pull me some slack.
- All right.

- What do you feel?
- I don't know.
- A dead tree?
- Try to feel its pulse.
- It's like listening.

- Are you fucking with me?
- Is this a joke?
- What?
- No.
- I can't do this.
- Hey.
- Just...sit.
- Just sit.

- Look, you're an outsider here.
- Same as me.
- And any sign that you might have hurt her, people are gonna assume the worst about you.
- Just like you are.
- Well, maybe.
- This is your chance to set me straight.

- You don't go near him ever again.
- You hear me?
- Percy?
- What the hell's wrong with you?
- I feel sick thinking about it.
- Keep going.