Top 50 Quotes From The Witcher, Season 1, Episode 8

Geralt: People linked by destiny will always find each other.

- -[sobs] How? I can't!
- -You can!
- Everything you have ever felt, everything you've buried...
- Mm...
[softly] Forget the bottle.
- Let your chaos explode.

[breathlessly] Vilge...
- Vilge...
- Help... me.
- Vilgefor--

Yennefer: Can anyone hear me?
- Is anyone out there?

- What are you after?
- What do you want?
- To get to the center of it all.

- Shit, look.
- Take Sodden, you take the North, some say.
- -Ye gods, that looks hideous.
- -[Geralt groaning]
[sighs] Fuck.
- My bag.
- -My bag!
- -This? Here.

- -[sword slashes]
- -[creature snarls]
- Go home.
- I can help.
- -One bite will kill you.
- -Or you.
- Go... home!
- All right... [grunting]

- In Nilfgaard, there are no limits.
- Only power and potential.
- That could be your legacy.
[Yennefer softly] Is anyone out there?
- Is anyone still alive?
- Is anyone still alive?

- Fuck.
- Not a happy ever after, after all.
- A fitting end... huh, Roach?

- I can't repay you for saving my life.
- But what I can offer you... is the Law of Surprise.
- That which I have but don't know.
- Just give me an ale and consider your debt paid.
- Now, can we go?

- Fire.
- No!
[woman screams] Oh, no!
[echoing] Tissaia.
- Can you hear me?
- Nilfgaard has broken through!

Yennefer: If Nilfgaard wanted to take the North, why would they expose themselves by sacking Cintra first? Why wouldn't they just push through Sodden and surprise everyone?
Vilgefortz: First, she shuns the military, now she's a military expert.
Yennefer: First, he speaks to her as though she's not there, and then he loses a limb.

- to soldiers who... claimed it belonged to them.
- Took all me sucklin's, the bastards.
- I raised 'em, all on me own after me husband died.
- But now I have to fight back.

- You're a talented mage.
- An asset, to be sure.
- Despite being a...
- An inconvenient arsehole?
- I couldn't have said it better myself.
- Why did you come?

- Yennefer!
[Tissaia echoing] Yennefer!
[Geralt echoing] Yennefer! Yennefer!
[Calanthe] Go.
- Find Geralt of Rivia.
- He is your destiny.

- -[crunching]
- -[screaming]
Yennefer: Sabrina, prepare your shot.
- Hold your fire until they're in range.
- Hold!
- Hold!
- Now! Pull!

Geralt: Ill winds follow grave robbers.
Yurga: If I was a robber, I'd be taking their belongings, Butcher.
Geralt: If I was a butcher, you'd be amongst the corpses.

- It's the first thing
- Nilfgaard will destroy.
- Must you always be so fatalistic?
- It's only appropriate, seeing as we might die.
- All the more reason to live tonight.
- Mmm. Like you.

Yennefer: Can anyone hear me?
- Can anyone hear me?
- Tissaia?
Tissaia: I can.
- They're closing in.
Tissaia: It's time.

[boy] Nilfgaard.
[sighs] They're here.

Yennefer: You... you saved me. I won't ever forget that.
Tissaia: It's your turn... to save these people, this continent. This... is your legacy.

Yennefer: Is anyone out there? Is anyone still alive?

[woman] Come on, girl.
- Get up now.

[man] Grab your bows. Keep your head down.
[man 2] Ready yourselves!
- -Let's do this.
- -Right.
[man] Bar the gate!
Sabrina: Let's do this!
[woman] Come on, everyone!

Yurga: I'm just a simple merchant. I can't repay you for saving my life. But what I can offer you... is the Law of Surprise. That which I have but don't know.
Geralt: Just give me an ale and consider your debt paid.

Ciri: Who is Yennefer?

Fringilla: Draw the mages out.
- We will not lose to them.

- Again.
Yennefer: Get up! Everyone up!
Yennefer: Move!

- then give them something to cling to.
- Even if it's shitty ale.
- That's why we're here.
- Because sometimes it's not shitty ale.
- Sometimes it's a bed in a pigpen.
- You have to make a choice to fight back.

- -[high-pitched ringing]
- -[Yennefer panting]
- Sabrina. [wheezes]
- Sabrina... [breathes shakily]
- -[Sabrina] I'm sorry.
- -Don't worry.
- I'll find Tissaia.
[woman wailing] No!

- -[crackling]
- -[screaming]
- Who's next?
Field: So much for depleting them. What now?
- Move to the other front.
- Right turn!
- March!

- -[grunts]
- -[yells]
- Do not stop, Triss.
- -[horse neighs]
- -[men yelling]

- Sleep, girl.
- Sleep.
- We'll all be better in the morning.

- -We can teach you.
- -[father] She's no daughter of mine.
[Glacella] Just because you fucked up doesn't mean we will.
[Queen Kalis] You horrible, useless bitch!
[Artorius] If only
- Yennefer had gone to Nilfgaard.
[Istredd] I'm sorry you chose power.
Tissaia: Do you actually have what it takes?

Tissaia: Forget the bottle. Let your chaos explode.

- Take the children and hide before they get here.
- There is no more hiding from Nilfgaard.
- They have come from beyond the mountains to destroy the world.
- You still believe it can be saved?
- I suppose I do.
- With some help.

- And after the edge of the world, let's go to Lyria and Rivia and Vengerberg!
- -[mother] Stop.
- -And never stop.
- -[mother] I have to stop.
- -[man] Whoa, lads. Whoa.
- -Are you okay, Ma?
- -[mother] I need water.
- Go! Fetch it for me.

- I'm glad our paths crossed, then.
[woman] People linked by destiny will always find each other.
- People linked by destiny will always find each other.
- Ma?
[woman] Don't move.
- Come closer.

- I wish I could do that.
- It's magic.
- It's not real.

Geralt: I will take her, protect her, and bring her back unharmed,
- I promise you that.

- Coral!
- Save yourself!
- -[deep sighing]
- -No!
- Triss! The gate! Can you buy us time?
Triss: I don't know if I can!
- I'll find Tissaia and get us help.

Yurga: I met a witcher.
- He saved my life.
- Now, fetch him an ale before he goes to Sodden.
- Hey, Butcher.
- Butcher!
- Where are you goin'?

Yennefer: Vilgefortz... slow... down.
- Reserve your chaos.
- Huh.
- Vilgefortz!

- Are you dumb or somethin'?
- Why don't you talk?
- Ow.
- Can't you see she's been through hell?
- She's not here to take chores off your lazy hands.
- If you stay, think you could teach him some manners?

- But you haven't been satisfied in any of them.
- I've tried.
- But I've no legacy to leave behind.
- No family.
- It's time to accept that life has no more to give.
- You still have so much left to give.

[woman] Well, then... they got what they deserved.
- You're safe now.
- It's okay.
- It's okay.
- Let me take you home, girl.
- Something's in the air.

- to honor the White Flame.
- Sir, forget Princess Cirilla.
- With the General, we can take the Continent.
Cahir: Enough!
- We will not lose her.
- Test the Brotherhood's defenses.

[man] Don't leave!
- Look at these people.
- Innocent people, killed for what?
- So Nilfgaard can have more land?
- We owe it to 'em to do better.
- I'm not better.

[soldier] Get through that gate!
- -[soldier] Get in!
- -[screaming]
[woman] Come on, lads! Come on! Here!
- Move, move! Quick, quick!
[Yennefer echoing] Tissaia, where are you?
- -Shouldn't you be at--
- -[yells]

Vilgefortz: What are you after? What do you want?
Cahir: To get to the center of it all.