Top 20 Quotes From Batman: The Animated Series, Season 3, Episode 6

Bruce: [catching Harley as she trips] Are you all right?
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: [her hyenas snarl at him] Wow! I never saw them do that before.
[recognizing him]
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: Hey! Don't I know you?
Bruce: I don't think so.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: [covering his eyes] Something about that chin. I know! You're Bruce Wayne, the boy billionaire.
[taking his hand]
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: Hmm. Unattached, I see.
Veronica: [clearing her throat] May I help you, miss?
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: Uh-oh. Enter the jealous girlfriend.

General: Got you now...
Detective: You screwy little...
Boxcars: Trouble-making clown!

Harley: Back off, rich boy! I'm armed!
[whacks Bruce with the arm of a mannequin]

Harley: [weakly] I think I made a mess on your cape.

Veronica: Did you mean what you said back there? About sending me home?
Harley: Sure. You're a good kid. And I do kinda feel a little bit responsible for all this.
Veronica: No kidding.
[seeing how dejected Harley is]
Veronica: So, what'll happen to you?
Harley: If I'm lucky, I'll make it out of town before Bats hauls my heinie back to the bin.
Veronica: Can't you explain that it was all just a mistake?
Harley: Ha! With my past? I don't even believe it myself.
Veronica: Look, let's make a deal. You get me out of this alive, and I'll drop all the charges.
Harley: Yeah? Hey, you're all right, toots. For the first time today, I think things are finally looking up.
[they scream as an explosion rocks nearby]

Dr. Harleen Quinzel: [seeing people recoiling from her] Gee, what's wrong with them?
[looking at her reflection]
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: I knew I shouldn't have worn this outfit. It's so out of style, it's growing mold. I probably look like a total geek.

Harley: Hi, He-Man. Wanna race?
Batman: Stop the car. Now!
Harley: I think not.
Robin: We wanna help you sort this out before it gets worse.
Harley: Sure, like you helped poor Professor Crane last night. Sorry, boys. You ain't taking me back to Arkham.

Bruce: Miss, please. I'm sure this has all been a simple misunderstanding. You don't want to mess things up on your first day out, do you?
Bruce: Miss?
Harley: [hitting him with the changing room door, trembling in anger] I tried to play by the rules, but no! They wouldn't let me go straight. Society is to blame.

Detective: [crashing his car to avoid hitting Harley] Oh, you're gonna pay for that.

Boxcars: The last time I seen you, you not only ruined my club, but brought the freakin' Batman down on my head as well! Gimme one good reason I can not dust you right now!
[Harley grabs him and plants a big kiss on him]
Boxcars: ... I'll buy that.

Harley: Talk about grasping at straws! Oh well, at least I'm going out on a joke.

Veronica: I love it.
Bruce: That makes one of us.
Veronica: Really, Brucie. A man of your social standing needs a woman like me to keep you in step with the latest trends. Who dresses you, anyway? Alfred?
Bruce: [blushing] Well, actually...

General: Let me get this right, Commissioner. You're saying that milksop Bruce Wayne allowed a crazy woman in a clown suit to kidnap my Veronica?
Commissioner: Wayne did what he could, General Vreeland. And for what it's worth, I don't think Harley Quinn means to hurt Veronica. This is her first day out of Arkham, and the threat of being sent back probably spooked her.
General: I want action, Gordon, not excuses. My daughter's in danger. I need SWAT teams, helicopters, full military backup...
[knocking Gordon's coffee mug over]
General: Oh, I-I'm sorry, Jim. All I want is my little Veronica returned safe and sound. If you could just give this old soldier a moment to compose himself?
Commissioner: Certainly, sir.

Harley: I'm having a BAD DAY! I'm sick of people trying to shoot me, run me over, or blow me up! I didn't even get to keep my new dress. And I actually paid for it.

General: You in the car! Release your hostage immediately!
Veronica: Daddy!
Harley: Daddy? Oy!
[Harley turns about and speeds away from General Vreeland]
Veronica: Wait! What are you doing? That's my father!
Harley: No, that's your father... IN A TANK!

General: My little girl... I was so worried!
Veronica: I noticed.

Harley: There's one thing I've gotta know. Why'd you stay with me all day? Risking your butt for someone who's never given you anything but trouble?
Batman: I know what it's like to try to rebuild a life.
[He holds up a bag, and gives her the dress she wanted to buy, before getting in so much trouble]
Batman: I had a bad day too, once.
[Ecstatically, she takes the dress, then stands on tiptoe to kiss his cheek]
Harley: Nice guys like you shouldn't have bad days.

Harley: [Kissing Batman] Mmmmmmmm... Mwah!
Harley: Call me.
Batman: [With a grin] Don't press your luck.
[Walks away]
Harley: [to a smiling Poison Ivy] Eh, what are you looking at?

Boxcars: Any last words?
Harley: Just one: BABIES!
[Harley's hyenas crash through the wall and maul Boxy]
Harley: Play nice with your new chew toy.

[Boxy Bennett grabs Veronica and holds her, pointing a gun]
Boxcars: Back off, freak, or the dame's history!
[Harley knocks him out from behind with a fish]
Harley: Get your own hostage!