The Best Eldon Veckmer Quotes

[Laura and Steele are spying on their suspect, Mr. Thorpe. Laura pretends to be a jogger, while Steele uses a camera to watch Thorpe and his two companions, Eldon Veckmer and Greg Keever. Steele takes pictures of the three. The three men speak, without suspecting Laura, who stands nearby. As they get closer, Laura switches on a sound detector, which allows her to eavesdrop their conversation]
Stuart: [to Keever] Of course this'll help, but we're gonna need you with us before too long.
Greg: I don't know. I mean, it wasn't just Stony. My wife and I we're friends with those people, and then there's my contract...
Eldon: [interrupts] Why don't we let the foundation dictate those decisions for the time being, Mr. Thorpe? And then we'll see...
[suddenly, a beeping comes out of Veckmer's pocket. The three men stop]
Stuart: What's that?
[Veckmer drops his cigarette, takes a gadget out of his pocket and moves it about]
Stuart: We're being bugged?
Eldon: Be quiet.
Laura: It dropped off. What's happening?
Remington: Thorpe's in the way. Can't tell.
[as Veckmer points the gadget in Laura's direction, the beeping gets louder]
Stuart: [points at Laura] It's coming from her!
Greg: What do we do?
Stuart: Well, we stop her!
[Thorpe heads for Laura]
Eldon: Thorpe. Thorpe. Don't! Don't!
[Thorpe ignores Veckmer and continues running toward Laura. Keever joins him, while Veckmer stays behind]
Laura: I got trouble!
Remington: On my way.
[Laura runs away. Thorpe and Keever chase her]