The Best Jack Ryan, Season 1, Episode 6 Quotes

- They will give you the woman but not the children.
- No way.

- Buy them? Buy them?
- Yes. Yes.
- Yes, yes.
- I'd love to buy all of your eggs.
- Thank you.
- Your son.

- Hey, hey, hey.
- This one's for women only.
- Get out of the way!
- What are you doing in here?
- Shame on you!
- Come on, everyone out!

- Jesus.
- What did they want that body for?
- No idea.
- I'm just focusing on containing this.
- Thanks, Sean.
- Well, thanks for getting on it.
- Talk later.
- Cheers.

- I'll give you 10,000 now and 10,000 when we locate the woman.
- 25,000 now,
- 25,000 when you find the woman.
- 15,000 now.
- And 20,000 when we recover the woman.

- No cheating. I've driven there before.
- Actually, I need to go to Syria.
- Jfsjoke?
- No, that's a town called ai bab.
- It's about 332 kilometers from here.
- No one wants to drive you to Syria.
- How about now?

- Come with us.
- We'll get you somewhere safe.
- Okay. We'll be there by then.
- Plane is waiting for us at incirlik.
- Everybody, in the truck.
- You're the finance guy.
- Pay the man.

- I'm keeping us safe now!
- You think this is hard?
- You have no idea what hard is!
- One day when you're older...
- You'll realize what I saved you from!
- Now, come on! Let's go! Walk!

- But he's paid me already.
- I can't go back on my word.
- You'll offend my family over a deal with a stranger?
- Don't fuck me for petty cash.
- If I leave here without what I came for...
- I won't forget it.

- What do you want me to do?
- Bring my daughters home.
- And your wife?
- Sheikh'?
- Don't let them see.
- Yes, sheikh.

- Welcome to adana. I'm Lance Miller.
- Jim greer. Jack Ryan.
- Hey.
- Hey. How was the flight?
- Not bad.
- Hop in.

- You just try to look casual, like you know what you're doing.
- I do know what I'm doing.
- Good. Tell your face.
- You have to wait.

- He was my mentor.
- Trained under him in Vienna.
- Yeah, Nick's the real deal.
- You couldn't do better.
- But those pastries...
- Oh, man, seriously.
- Bring a box of those every day.
- And pastries in Vienna are like an art form.
- Right.

- Samuel, you can go.
- You know the rule. When you drive...
- I get the radio.
- I'm not driving yet.

- Hanin, I have to tell you...
- We've cleared you to fly to the U.S.
- But if you don't help me, you and your daughters cannot stay.
- Help how?
- I need to know what your husband's plans are.
- I don't know.

- I stabbed him.
- Walked out before anybody noticed, and he died right at the table.
- Three days before his daughter's wedding.
- Guy had four other kids and...

- There was an incident at the stop where they refuel the trucks before they go to the coast.
- It may have involved your woman.
- We should go there now.
- Let's go.

- in a place like this without a local.
- The wife is who we need.
- That's our mission. Now, get that through yourthick fucking skull.
- Let's do what we came here to do.
- And you! Get in the goddamn truck and let's get this done.
- Keys to the gate.
- Come on.
- Keys to the gate.

- Good luck with the woman.
- Good-bye, Cincinnati.

- This fee! Wrong to you?
- I can't tell yet.
- He's just milking us for more money.
- Yeah.
- So, we'll pay it.

- It's not the entrance of a cruise ship, my friend.
- It's changing every couple ofweeks.
- They have to avoid the police, or pay them off.
- Which is not cheap.
- Where are they now? Today?
- I can make a phone call.

- Okay.
- What are you doing?
- You better put your gun down before you get shot.
- She's not going to help us if we let them take her kids.
- Just put your weapon down.

- My guy will be able to get us access.
- Wow.
- Take a break from sex trafficking and drug running for us?
- How lucky are we?
- They're all bad guys, buddy.
- Nice guys don't know about smuggling refugees out of Turkey.

- I know you left him behind.
- I had to leave.
- I know you did.
- And I'm gonna do everything I can to get him back for you, but you have to show me where he is.
- I've lost everything.
- Everything but them.

- Can you hold it?
- No, mama. No, mama.
- It's okay, honey, just go.

- He fell into the shit pit.
- No way suleiman uses a local to find his wife.
- So, what happened to him?
- The guy in the shitter?
- He cleaned up and is driving to the coast.
- I have a shortcut we can take, but we have to go now to catch her, before the boats go out.
- Let's go.

- I got it. I got the location.
- That's good. Sit down.

- I killed your son.
- I killed your son.
- Me... from up there, the sky.
- Me.

- He changed.
- I had no idea he was going to do what he did.
- I believe you.
- And if you help me, I can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again.
- I don't know his plans.
- But you do know where he is.

Tony: You think you're the good guy, I'm the bad guy. Maybe you're right. But maybe, if I was born in a nice city in America, like Cincinnati, I could be the good guy too. Geography is destiny, my friend. The world is the kiln, we are the clay.
Jack: Wow, let me write that down.

- Come on, honey.
- Sara.
- Go here.
- I can do it myself.
- Okay, dear.

- No! You can't!
- Help me!
- Put your weapons down!
- Put the weapons down!
- Relax. There's just friends here.
- Just friends.

- My son...
- I want your word you will get him back.
- Promise me.
- You know I can't.
- But I'm the best chance you have.
- That I can promise you.

- Put down the fucking guns!
- What the fuck is going on here?
- Relax! Relax!
- Tell them to put their guns down!
- Put your weapons down!
- Put your weapons down!

- You guys good here?
- Yeah.
- I'm heading out.
- You call if you need anything.
- You got it.
- Please. Sit.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.

- Come on. If anyone needs a night out, it's you.
- I can't.
- I got to finish this.
- Right.
- Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be.
- Have fun.
- I will.

- Hurry, hurry! Quickly!
- Everyone out!
- You only have 15 minutes.
- Next stop is the coast.
- Bathrooms are over there.

- "before she gets on a boat."
- Maybe that's not how it happens.
- And maybe we can find a unicorn and a rainbow.
- Now, just follow along.
- Watch and learn.
- Okay?

- Salaam alaikum.
- I need to see your boss.

James: You just try to look casual; like you know what you're doing.
Jack: I do know what I'm doing.
James: Good. Tell your face.

- and suddenly in the middle of the talk, he changes his mind.
- Not only does he not want to work with me, he wants to throw me in a Pakistani prison, where I'm gonna spend the next ten years...
- If I'm not tortured or beaten to death first.

- Hey I got some games for you girls.
- Is that okay?
- Yes.
- That is fine.
- Great.
- I'll show you how to play.
- Do you mind if we speak privately?

- Give me a minute.
- I don't know what you think you're fucking doing, but you need to unclench your asshole.
- We need this guy, so dial that shit down.

- But maybe, if I was born in a nice city in america, like Cincinnati...
- I could be the good guy, too.
- Geography is destiny, my friend.
- The world is the kiln, we are the Clay.
- Wow, let me write that down.

- There another way?
- Not if you want to make it to the coast before the man who is chasing your woman.
- Stay in the car.
- I'll take care of this.
- I know the man who owns this land.
- Maybe his guards need some money.