The Best Jordana Geist Quotes

Lynette: Hey, Jordana!
Jordana: Hey Lynette, how are you? You look a little tired. Is everything okay?
Lynette: Actually, I'm getting ready for a dinner party tomorrow night. Six people.
Jordana: Sounds fun.
Lynette: Big fun. Say, you wouldn't have any of your kids ADD medication that you could spare just to get me over the hump?
Jordana: Tina! Don't push your sister. Gosh Lynette, I'm really running low. I need all my energy I can get. My sister, Elaine, and her kids are flying in town for a week.
Lynette: Yeah, that's exciting. I wish my sister would visit more often.
Jordana: Yeah, sisters are great.
Lynette: Yeah. Just three or four pills, I'm really hitting a wall here.
Jordana: Yeah, the come down can be a real bitch. I wish I could help.
Lynette: I'm not going to forget about this, Jordana.
Jordana: What's that supposed to mean?
Lynette: It means come Girl Scout Cookie time, don't bother bringing little Tina, because we won't be home!