The Best Josh Lang Quotes

Josh: With your bionic strength and my... far out brain, we're superior types, think about it, Steve. We're the... beginning of a whole new species.

Josh: [during spacewalk] Mission, control, I got some news for ya that's gonna shock ya, so you'd better sit down, Listen very carefully. The Earth is flat, gentlemen. That's right, it's flat as a table!
Josh: Hey wait a minute, there's an elephant holding up the table! And... there's something holding up the elephant... Wait, it's a rhinoceros holding up the elephant. Hey, wait a minute, there's such a... big cloud cover, I can't make out what's holding up the rhinoceros. It's - wait, it's - Oh, no, oh, ah, gentlemen I, I, I, I don't know how to tell you this, I'm just gonna have to... come right out and say it. The table, the elephant, the rhinoceros are all being held up by a beautiful, a gorgeous 20 year old girl. There goes the old ego, amongst other things.

Josh: Do you realize what we could learn if we send one of those dolphins up into space into that electrical field? Why there's no... mystery in the universe that you and I couldn't solve!