The Best Lost, Season 3, Episode 11 Quotes

- That is enough for today.
- Then I will see you tomorrow.

- Sure. We can have a mercy rule.
- You want to volley for serve?
- I'll tell you what.
- Be my guest. take him down, Hurley.
[Woman] Go for it.
- Come on, Hurley.
- Zero serving zero.

- I ask you now, that you show me the respect of acknowledging what you did to me.
- That it was you who questioned me...
- That tortured me...
- And that you remember me.

- This is my land.
- You said I could stay here.
- No. I am not who you think I am!
- My name is Sayid Jarrah.
- I was on a plane that crashed here months ago.
- A plane?
- I'm unarmed. I swear.
- Stay right there.

- Excellent work, if I say myself.
- Thank you, mikhail.
- Perhaps I can begin to earn your forgiveness by offering some iced tea?
- I will also check on your friend.

- Sounds like a place well worth visiting, don't you think?
- There will come a time when your guard is down.
- And when it is,
- I will not hesitate a moment before killing you.
- You should know this before you... he's making an excellent point.
- You have a map.
- Why keep him alive?

- It's Hurley... or Hugo, if you want.
- Get bent, Hugo.
- You ready to go, Locke?
[Locke] I'll be there in a minute.
- Has there been an incursion on this station by the hostiles?
- If so, enter seven-seven.

Amira: After my husband and I first arrived to Paris, I was afraid to ever leave our apartment. So I would stare out in the window into the alley, and I would see this cat looking for scraps. One day some children came into the alley and trapped him in a box. I watched them light firecrackers and drop them in the box. I could hear him howl from three stories above. So finally, I had a reason to leave my apartment. I rescued this cat and I brought him home. He sits with me when I read, sleeps with me, and he purrs. But, every once in a while, he will bite me or scratch me. He does this because sometimes he forgets that he is safe now. So I forgive him when he bites me, because I remember what it is like to never feel safe. And that is because of you. So today, I ask only one thing of you: I ask you now to show me the respect by acknowledging what you did to me. That it was you who questioned me, tortured me and that you remember me.
Sayid: I remember you. I remember your face. Your face has haunted me ever since I left Iraq.
Sayid: I am sorry. I am so sorry for what I did to you. I am sorry.
Amira: I forgive you. When my husband returns, I will tell I made a terrible mistake, that it was not you, and he will release you.
Sayid: Why? Why are you letting me go?
Amira: We are all capable of doing what those children did to this cat. But I will not do that. I will not be that.

- Until we lost it to your hostiles.
- That's very unfortunate.
- Well...
- At least we were able to kill one of them.
- Why are we continuing to play this little game...
- When we all know it has moved to the next stage?

- Ah, here's my wife.
- She's in charge of the kitchen.
- Amira, come meet najeev.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- Are you sure this is him?
- Look, I don't know who you think I am.
- S 596. Mi

- What do you want from me?
- I want you to admit to what you did.
- And if you don't...
- You will leave this room in that bag.

- Fill", f:”g|.../x, lp\'j fair/a mm myfi
- I'i\1/\\/“lml/'\'y q2!!! Q5 .szlq [Lily] .. I for sonar access, enter five-six.
- Sonar is inoperable.
- Has there been an incursion on this station by the hostiles?
- If so, enter seven-seven.
- Keep your voice low and your hands in front of you.

- What are you talking about?
- The reason they let him stay here is because he is not Dharma.
- He is one of them.
- He shot you and you just let him...?
- Why are we still sitting here?
- We are sitting here, Kate, because I am certain he is not alone.

- They weren't interested in the dish?
- Why would they be?
- It hasn't functioned for years.
- Who are they, these hostiles?
- I do not know.
- But they were here for a long time before we were.
- A very long time.

- Over 40 of us, yes.
- I'll go in first, make sure it's ok.
- Who are you?
- My name is mikhail bakunin.
- And I am the last living member of the Dharma initiative.
- Watch your step.

- It was in the magazine stack.
- We share things now.
- Listen, Zorro, it was in my stuff.
- Stuff you decided to party with while you thought I was dead.
- Listen, hillbilly, if you want it that bad, take it.
- Just keep it.

- provided by the carvings on a stick.
- And? we're going to chance upon the others?
- I don't know what we're going to chance on, Sayid, but...
- My bearing is the only bearing we've got.
- I'm going to find some fruit.
- Then we're going to have a rational conversation regarding our next move.

- Q rm \q5 / he's my prisoner.
- I will decide his fate.
- I can see you didn't find anything worth taking.
- Actually, I just played that chess game again.
- And now I realize why you didn't want me to beat it.
- Meaning what?

- your move. your move.

- but it was programmed by three grand masters.
- Hmm. ready to play?
- I've played computers and I'm pretty sure they don't know how to cheat.
- That's what makes being human so distinctly...
- Wonderful.
- Your move.

- I. \\I/ stop! just do it, mikhail!
- John!
- U ..73. \§ q5

- stop right there.
- Put the gun on the ground... now.

- Maybe she saw me at the same facility, but I do not know her!
- I can remember every face of every person I've interrogated.
- She remembers your face.
- Q [n73. ”.Miml.' Aim q5 q5 q5 q5 that she recognized it from a mere glimpse when we walked by the restaurant where you worked!

- Do you think this will do any good?
- That this will make me confess to something I didn't do?
- My wife confessed to something she didn't do.
- She confessed when you poured a pan of boiling oil over her arms.
- No. I did not. You have the wrong... admit it!
- I cannot admit to something I didn't do.

- Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here.
- Rest in peace, Mr. Eko.
- And thank you for helping me find my...
- They've got him and we have to get him back. I owe him that.
- The Pearl is a monitoring station where the activities of participants in Dharma initiative projects

- Well, it's delicious.
- My name is sami.
- Najeev. Thank you.
- Please, sit. Sit.
- So where are you from, najeev?
- I'm Syrian. please.

- They sent someone out here because they lost communications.
- Maybe when the sky turned purple?
- That would be my guess.
- If someone's here, they're hiding good.
- I checked every nook and cranny of this place.
- Not every nook and cranny, John.

- S 596. Mi
- Get some rope.

- If he's gonna kill me, I'd be dead. shut your mouth.
- Listen to me.
- Sayid, do not let her go.
- I will execute you. he's not going to do it.
- Quiet, John.
- I'm keeping him alive.
- Mikhail! calm down, everyone!
- Sayid.
- I'll handle this, John.

- I remember you.
- I remember your face.
- Your face has haunted me ever since I left Iraq.

- I will tell him
- I made a terrible mistake.
- That it was not you.
- And he will release you.
- Why?
- Why are you letting me go?
- We are all capable of doing what those children did to this cat.

- and being alone, like a lighthouse keeper.
- So they put me in this station.
- They called it "the flame." what's the purpose of the flame?
- To communicate with the outside world, of course.
[Computer voice] Ready to play?
- Ready to play?

- What is it? c-4.
- Explosive.
- The whole place is wired. why?
- I don't know. your move. your move.

- What did you just say?
- I told Nadia to be polite because you are my guests.
- Nadia? mmm.
- After Nadia comaneci, the greatest athlete the world has ever known.
- We have the same birthday.

- if you like it, I will hire you at twice your pay here.
- You're offering a stranger a job because of a single meal?
- I'm offering you a job
- 0,3 [a q5 q5~5j n and because, uh...
- My chefjust quit.

- Hey, where are you going?
- I have no interest in that man inside the house.
- Gawk xxa precisely by avoiding these types of encounters.
- I'll wait for you by the stream.
- For those of you who survive.