The Best Ozark, Season 1, Episode 6 Quotes

- --♪ Smoke in the air, binge drinking ♪
- -It's right there on the left.
- -Thanks.

Wyatt: You know, they always leave, Charlotte. That's the difference between us and them. And you guess you're one of us now.

- I couldn't hear myself fart.
- Okay. You know what, Buddy?
- If it isn't too inconvenient... would you shut up?
- So I can drown my stress in quiet.
- -What's itching your crotch?
- -Shh, shh, shh.
- Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

- Yeah, it's more than close.
- That's... We're gonna make it.
- We're making it.
- We're gonna make it.
- We're gonna make it.
- We're gonna make it.
- We're gonna make it.

- We don't want another screw in those two acres.
- We see so much as a cross goin' up... and we will cut that baby out with a paring knife.
- -Marty!
- -Dad?
- Marty?
- Call the Blue Cat, see if he's there.

- A lot of accidents happen on the lake.
- Look for opportunity.
- Find the scenario you can control... and you do what nature intended.
- Hey. You'll be fine, Ruthie.
- You got me inside you.

- Beer?
- I'll take yours.
- -You are...
- -What?
- How old are you?
- Old enough to drink that beer?
- Nope.

- Okay. Just wait.
- Wait, one second.
- Okay, now... call me if you need anything.
- Anything.
- -Thanks.
- -Mm-hmm.
- Uh... Okay, bye.

- Whatever happened to my toy chest?
- They lost it.
- How?
- Sometimes, things just... get lost.
- I hate it here.
- --I know.

Wendy: Hi, this is Wendy. Leave me a message.
[voicemail beeps]
Martin: They put up a cross. Jesus fuck! They put up a cross.

- I dealt with unions back in Detroit.
- And politicians.
- There was a bit of trouble.
- Came here.
- For the Magic Dragon.
- What kind of trouble?

Russ: [to Ruth] The fact is, you ain't nothing but a Jheri-curled nancy, just using mind games to fucking buy more time. Fact is we should have never let a little bitch do a man's job.

- They need another van to help expedite the work, so I'm just gonna leave them mine.
- A ride?
- Yeah. Sometime in the afternoon.
- I'm not sure when.
- Uh, yeah, I... I can give you a ride.
- Okay. Thank you.

- Marty!
- Welcome to our home, Martin Byrde.

- I'm sure she can get rid of Sam early and come get me.
- It's not a big deal. I'm on my way.
- Meet me at the strip dock.
- -Are you sure?
- -Yeah.
- Okay.
- Bye.

- Well, they're up.
- Yeah?
- They're up.
- Good.
- Okay, well... there's a drink with your name on it.
- -Thank you. I'll be up there in a bit.
- -Okay.

- Perfect accident.
- And if you wanna take that chunk for your payday, and open a bait shop...
- -And tackle.
- -...then you go right on.
- In the meantime, shut your fucknugget mouth and get the hell out.

- He didn't tell you?
- Heard you two were at Party Cove the other night.
- You know, they always leave, Charlotte.
- That's the difference between us and them.
- And you... guess you're one of us now.

- Jesus Christ.
- Hey, how's that heart?
- Oh, it's fucking great.
- There's a package for you.
- Left it on the counter.
- It came this afternoon.
- Thanks.

- Charlie, cop a squat. Fries?
- No, thanks. Have you seen Zach?
- He's pulling his boat out today.
- -Pulling it out?
- -Yep. Done for the season.
- He has, like, some work thing over Labor Day, so...

- We've got three open suites, so I was just gonna rotate guests as they come, and we'll do the regular rooms first, then we'll do the cabins afterwards.
- Why don't we just wait till the off-season?
- Better to do it now.
- 'Cause they upcharge in the off-season.
- Everybody does their renovations then.
- Sound good?

- Hi.
- What are you doing sitting alone in the dark?
- Wendy?
- Del sent us something.

- You haven't done it here.
- Mom!
- Charlotte--
- Mom!
- Isn't that Dad's bike up there?
- Where is he?
- Just stay in the car.
- Stay in the car.

- Oh. Um...
- Naperthrill!
- Um, I have a thing to do tonight, so I can't.
- Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, next time.
- Yeah. Definitely.
- Bye.

- Can you drop off the van tomorrow?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Thank you. Thanks for the ride.
- Oh, and, you know, you've been great at the club.
- Really. Thank you.
- -Thanks.
- -G'night.

- Ah, fuck!
- Oh, fuckin' thing...

- Trust me, you're not gonna call shit.
- You're not gonna tell--
- -Marty, go, now!
- -Put the fucking phone down!
- Put the phone down, and let me finish telling you what all of this is about.
- I'm talk--
- Put the fucking phone down!

- if you eat all my Pringles.
- What do you got, like, a date?
- Shut it, Wy.
- Hey.
- You look nice.
- Thanks.

- Hello.
- Yeah, the files are all delivered. Uh...
- You should be ready to start tomorrow...

- Change my will.
- Give my money to the ASPCA.
- Save a stray cat, since that's what you're doing.
- Mom...
- Goddamn it.
- 25,000.
- And you take care of the open house today.
- Mom...?

- We're okay.
- All right? We're gonna make it.

- You've never done that before.
- I thought you'd like it.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- -What does it mean?
- -Why would you think I would like that?
- After all these years, you...
- Uh... I thought you did.

- You pussed out, latchkey!
- You pussed out!
- The fact is, you ain't nothing but a Jheri-curled nancy just using mind games to fucking buy more time.
- Fact is... we should have never let a little bitch do a man's job.

- Hey.
- You on a rabbit hunt?
- --Whoa, whoa.
- Didn't mean to bother.

- So, Zach... that invite to Party Cove still good?
- We're going now.
- -Give me five minutes.
- -Okay.

- Get up.
- Get the fuck away from me!
- -Get the fuck up!
- -What's your problem?
- Get the...
- Okay, all right!
- Get in the truck!
- Get in the fucking truck. Get--

- Oh. Hey. Thank you for returning her.
- No problem.
- Oh, Jesus Christ, Ruth.
- No, I'm fine.
- -Come in here.
- -I gotta get back to the club.
- It'll... just take a minute. Come on.
- Yeah, just... just wait right here.
- I'll be right back.