The Best Sam Carr Quotes

Sam: I'm still asleep.
Dr. James Wilson: Think of this a dream.
Sam: What about House?
Dr. James Wilson: I said a dream, not a nightmare.
Sam: He's in the next room.
Dr. James Wilson: Sound asleep.

Sam: I'm not asking you to like me House. To be honest, I think you're an ass. But we do have *one* thing in common - we care about James.
Dr. Gregory House: So prove and dump him again.
Sam: You're pretty much insufferable all the time, aren't you?
Dr. Gregory House: Sorry. Go on, and yes.

Dr. Gregory House: You're a cold hearted bitch who ripped his heart out. I watched him struggle for years to overcome the damage you did. There's no way I"m just going to let you reel him back in so you can do it all over again.
Sam: ...And all this?
Dr. Gregory House: Phase 2 of getting to know my enemy.
Sam: You're wrong about me. But I'm glad, now I don't have to preten to like you, except for when James is standing next to me.
Dr. Gregory House: Same here. Only difference is, I'll outlast you.

Dr. Gregory House: You're new.
Sam: You're naked.
Dr. Gregory House: And for the record, a little bit cold.

- You can thank me later.
- I'm all in.
- All right.
- Fom. Jesus.
Sam: Nervous?
- I'm getting there. I'm getting some nervousness.

Sam: [to Eve] You're mad at us, aren't you?
Eve: Yeah.
Sam: Well, you have a right to be. We weren't honest. You might not know this yet, but sometimes adults mess up. Can I tell you something, and you keep it just between us?
[Eve nods, still not looking up]
Sam: I'm not great with kids. I love them, but I get scared that I'm gonna do the wrong thing, and then... I usually do and that's what I did with the lying. And I'm very sorry about that. The reason why I did the wrong thing was because I was trying to get you to do the right thing. Your mommy and your Lamby both really need you to get better. So... do you think that... you could be really brave... and do the right thing?
Eve: I'll try.
Sam: Great.

Dr. James Wilson: I always thought that I was keeping the peace. But I was just resenting you and giving you a reason to leave.
Sam: I wish we had this fight 10 years ago.
Dr. James Wilson: Is it okay if we don't give House the credit?
Sam: I recommend it.

Sam: It's just dinner. Relax.
Dr. James Wilson: Trust me. There's no "just" when House is involved.
Sam: We're in the middle of a restaurant. What could he possibly
[Sam notices House and his date]
Sam: do?
Dr. James Wilson: That.

- First stop every time I go home.
- Me, too.
Sam: Remember that strip club?
Sarah: Girl, I used to work at that strip club.
- Where does it hurt, William?
- My legs. It feels like they're on fire.