The Best Spider-Man Quotes

Aleksei: [waves his rhino suit's metal fists] You fight me! You fight me now!
Spider: You want me to come down there so you can kill me?
Aleksei: Yes!
Spider: Okay, I'll be right there.

Gwen: [Answering phone] Hi.
Spider: Hey, where are you?
Gwen: Peter, hi. I'm at Oscorp.
Spider: You have to get out of there right now. Ok?
Gwen: The antidote is cooking.
Spider: No, no, no. Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now.
Spider: He needs the dispersement device. He's gonna infect the while city!
Gwen: There's eight minutes left.
Spider: You're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you? People are gonna die! You leave right now. That is an order, ok?
Gwen: I'm gonna get everybody out.
[Hangs up]
Spider: Did you hear wh-
[Gwen hangs up]
Spider: Gwen! Gwen! You Mother Hubbard. Are you serious?

Spider: [while The Lizard is slamming him against the walls] Don't... make me... have to... hurt you!

Jack's: Who are you?
Spider: Spider-Man.

Spider: Ahem. You know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief, man.
Car: Who are you? Are you a cop?
Spider: Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red and blue suit?

Spider: Uh-oh. Somebody's been a bad lizard.

Spider: I'm gonna throw you out the window now.
Gwen: What?

Gwen: I'm coming with you.
Spider: Gwen, you're not coming with me.
Gwen: Yes, I am.
Spider: Gwen, it's too dangerous.
Gwen: I'm coming with you. I've seen the grid specs and I know how to reset the entire system.
Spider: Gwen.
Gwen: I'm coming with you! You need me!
Spider: Okay, shut up. You're coming with me! Shut the thing.
[webs her wrist to the hood of a police car]
Spider: [swinging away] Sorry. I love you. Don't hate me.
Gwen: PETER!
[covers her mouth]

Electro: You're too late, Spider-Man. I designed this power grid. Now I'm gonna take back what is rightfully mine. I will control everything. And I will be like a god to them.
Spider: A god named Sparkles?

Car: Freeze! You in the tights, don't move!
Spider: You serious?
Car: Who are you?
Spider: No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.
[Peter walks towards cop]
Car: Freeze!
[starts shooting]
Spider: [dodges] I just did 80% of your job. Huh? And that - Is that how you repay me?
[throws cop's gun under car]

Gwen: [after magnetizing Spider-Man's web shooters] And that is why you were number two at Midtown.
Spider: Rub it in. Okay.

Spider: [to Aleksei] Knock, knock. Mr. Criminal? Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing, just don't call me late for dinner. You get it?

Spider: Is that a knife? Is that a real knife?
Car: Yes, it's a real knife.
Spider: My weakness. Small knives. Anything but knives!

Spider: [after saving a police officer from getting hit by his car] I'm glad you're not one of those cops who rides a horse.

Green: Peter. When you said Spider-Man said no, you meant *you* said no.
Spider: Harry, what did you do?
Green: What you made me do. You were my friend and you BETRAYED ME!
Spider: No. I was trying to protect you.
Green: Oh. Look at me.
Spider: Hey, it's gonna be okay. This is gonna be all right.
Green: You don't give people hope. You take it away.
Spider: No, Harry.
Green: I'm gonna take away yours.
Spider: No. Gwen, run!

Spider: You okay? You all right?
Max: You're Spider-Man.
Spider: Costume gives it away, huh? These look pretty important, Max.
Max: How do you know my name?
Spider: It's written on your badge.
Max: I'm a nobody.
Spider: Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody.

Spider: On behalf of the fine people of New York and real rhinos everywhere, I ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air!
Aleksei: Never! I crush you, I kill you! I destroy you!

[from trailer]
Spider: Yo, Sparkles!
Electro: You don't remember me?
Spider: Of course I remember you! You're my eyes and ears! Uhh, what's your name again? Uhh, do I know it? I know it! Don't tell me...
Electro: It's Max.
Spider: Is it Max?
Electro: Yes.
[Gwen stares in disbelief]
Electro: How could you forget me?
Electro: [furious] YOU LIED TO ME!
Spider: No, no, I'm trying to help you! Let me help you!
[Electro sends a bolt at him, knocking him into a police car]

[last lines]
Spider: There really is no place like home.