The Best The Wire, Season 4, Episode 10 Quotes

- They can't do 30 minutes without climbing the walls.
- Isn't there somebody we can talk with, face to face?
- Actually, the area superintendent wants to see the two of you tomorrow, nine o'clock in the conference room.
- Let's not panic... yet.
- ¢qué es esto?

- For various reasons that I can't get into,
- I got to get it back somehow.
- Camera?
- Yeah. This fella marlo probably took it.
- I don't know if he hocked it...
- You bothering me about a camera?
- You supposed to have my back, remember?
- Five minutes, you told me.
- I know. I owe on the deal.
- It's Tyrone's, chicken wings.

- Meanwhile, carcetti's gonna have to give Daniels six months in cid before he can bump him again, for appearances' sake.
- So we're buying time here.
- Enough for ervin to show the mayor who butters the bread.
- And for events to take the new-penny shine off Cedric Daniels.
- I happen to know he's less the Saint than he pretends to be.

- This is from the incident reports?
- That's why we do the paperwork.
- Giving me a fucking ticket, man?
- Are you out of your motherfucking mind?
- I live here, man!
- This could get out of hand.
- That's what we want, isn't it? More arrests?
- Why you messin' with me, man?
- Nojustice, no peace.

- Them expeditions are hard to handle.
- With a Lexus I wouldn't have no problem.
- You little motherfucker.
- You know how many cars you hit?
- What?
- Don't even think of bullshitting.
- I don't know what you're talking about.

- The cops picked me up, saying I was slinging.
- They was gonna send me to baby booking.
- But we took him in.
- You leave my son the fuck alone.
- And you, you afraid to go to baby booking?
- The fuck is wrong with you, boy?
- Get in the damn house!

- You've got to be shitting me.
- Oh, shit!
- Get out of the way!
- Driving all crazy.
- Damn.

- Grab your dick, walk into marimow's office, and say, "lieutenant, I made a mistake.
- "I attributed my PC to an informant when in fact I had it off a camera."
- That I got from isd without going through the proper channels. No.
- He's gonna take my stripes.
- Maybe he does. But if you wait until isd asks for that camera and he figures out the lie, he takes your fucking balls.

- She got kids?
- I ain't touch them kids! Who told you that?
- I know what you're saying, but when you're in the inside, ain't no pussy.
- Well, yeah, shit. You've been inside.
- Man got to bust his nut, you know what I'm sayin'?
- I do.

- Business as usual.
- Marlo.
- You no know him when we robbed the gang?
- We ain't never been introduced.
- Boy's merely a name to me.
- If you knew it was marlo, you'd still go through with it, no?
- I wish I'd have known.
- I'd have enjoyed it that much more.

- He want so bad to be a gangster, maybe it's time he get a taste of a real lockup?
- Come on, Mr. C, don't do me like that.
- I made him sleep on the deu bench last night, if that counts for anything.
- Isn't there anybody else?
- Friend, relative, anybody?
- You've always been good with the knuckleheads, boss.
[Sighs] All right. Let me go call my wife.

- That's why?
- Look. I told y'all, I just want him gone.
- I just want him away from me and bug.
- What the fuck did he do to you?
- All right.
- We'll take care of it, boss.

[Mason] I'll get the school police.
- You all right?
- She was like...
- And then... she was like...
- Typical day?
- I wouldn't know. My first time.
- Your first time?
- Mrs. Donnelly oversees this project.

- Good morning, ladies.
- Help a man get something to eat?
- God bless.
- Good morning, reverend.

- try to keep some distance between me and Lex, right?
- You tell this Randy what happened to Lex?
- No, I swear it.
- Go, motherfucker.
- The fuck you still waiting for?
- What the fuck y'all following me for?
- Easy, son.
- Naw, ain't nobody walking with me nowhere.

- for you to get angry and fire him for insubordination.
- But I need to know where you stand.
- I gave you my word.
- Yes. You did.
- Well, thanks for going outside the chain of command.
- Don't expect me to make a habit of it.

- Stay in the car. Stay in the car.
- Keep your hands on the wheel.
- Let's see those hands.
- What's the problem, officer?
- Step slowly out of the vehicle.
- Keep your hands up.
- Unh! Son, be gentler than that.
- Shut the fuck up. I ain't your son.
- This guy...

- Like what?
- Some police shit. I don't know.
- Something that looks good to carcetti, so he can say it was his idea to keep you.
- "Police shit"?
- Well, whatever it is y'all do for a living. Look...
- Just take care of your end and let your friends handle theirs.

- Nothing. You see? [Laughs]
- Bug, you seen your daddy?
- Went to the store.
- Where you going?
- I'm gonna go look for him.
- You ain't gonna find him.
- Why not?
- Because he ain't coming back.

- Damn, yo! That hurt!
- You think that hurts...?
- No, no!
- Ah! Ah!
- You're so smart, let's see how easy you boost a car now.
- Ah!
- Ah! Ahh!

- Well... you just tell him his friend Clay got the council president to UN-ass a salary bump for the police commissioner.
- You tell him...
- Write this down, now.
- You tell him that senator Davis has his interests at heart.
- Right. Thanks.

- It's bad in there. I don't know if it's... that bad.
- Well, I hear different.
- You got no other family?
- I got a aunt down in pg county.
- You got a number?
- Well, I ain't driving you this late...
- Come on, man.

- How you feeling?
- Can't complain, yo.
- Getting to be that time, though.
- Joe wanted me to check in, you know.
- All right. Pull up a chair. Let's chop it up.
Omar: Now, that there a barksdale boy.
- So?
- Don't add up.
- Interesting, though.

Preston: He's a cold motherfucker.
Malik: It's a cold world, Bodie.
Preston: Thought you said it was getting warmer, man.
Malik: World going one way, people another.

Preston: [about Marlo] He's a cold motherfucker.
Malik: It's a cold world Bodie.
Preston: Thought you said it was getting warmer.
Malik: The world going one way, people another yo.

- What? What happened to three plays for a quarter?
- Um... homework?
- Done, dad helped us.
- I got off early. Here.
- You want to go, too?
- So what are you drinking?
- I'll have a white wine.
- I'm good, thanks.

Off. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: [to a patrolman who has given someone a ticket at the urging for more arrests] Baker, Let me let you in on a little secret, The patrolling officer on his beat is the one true dictatorship in America, we can lock a guy up on the humble, lock him up for real, or say fuck it and drink ourselves to death under the expressway and our side partners will cover us, No one - I mean no one - tells us how to waste our shift!

Sgt. Ellis Carver: The young man seems to think highly of you boss. He invoked your name with a measure of respect.
Maj. Howard 'Bunny' Colvin: It wasn't but a few weeks ago when I was in a room with him being called everything but a child of God. "Mr Colvin sir, fuck you."
Namond: Yo at least I said mister.

- keep him in the hole in the hole down in the hole down in the hole keep him in the hole keep him in the...
- Down in the hole down in the hole keep him in the hole keep him in the...
- Down in the hole down in the hole

- Another 100 to you if this happens. But
- I need this camera quick or shit will fly.
- Look, man, it's not about the money for me right now.
- This motherfucker, he messing with my livelihood here.
- They're always coming back, always.
- He's like some Terminator and shit.
- I'm with you.
- I'll do all I can to help you with your problem, and you're gonna help me out with mine.

- Thanks for your time.
- Jesus Christ.
- He's slick.
- Apologizes for the short con and in the next breath, setting us up for the long.
- He and burrell are as thick as thieves.
- What is the long con?
- At least we know he's running one.

- I want to see everybody's worksheets out.
- Kareem, you want to play dice with me?
- Not with you.
- And we're not just playing games here, we're doing math.
- I'll roll with you, man. Come on.
- No kidding. We are.

- and I might have reason to let a few things slide.
- Mad at me?
- Come on, now.
- Dukie's just mad at everybody.
- Snitch bitch.
- Yo, what the fuck was that?
- I don't know.

- Fuck!
- Officer, what are you doing?
- What, you need bifocals or something?
- What?
[Radio] 0-9. I'm responding.
- 16, 200 north.
- I'm gonna need your name.
- I'm very sorry, ma'am, all right?
- Give me that.

- Late model Lincoln. You want the license?
- Yeah, give it.
- P-r-8-z-g-o-d.
- Yeah, he pulling out now, turning down gilmore.
- Dozerman, get me foxtrot.
- Good job, bubs. We're on it.
- Ladies, a cellphone?
- It's got, like, a half hour on it.
- No, thank you.