50 Best Westworld, Season 1, Episode 4 Quotes

Hector: You sound like a man who's grown tired of wearing his guts on the inside.

- The dreamwalker said there were some who could see them.
- That it's a blessing from god.
- A blessing?
- To see the masters who pull your strings.
- They don't know what they're talking about.
- You wanna die lying down or up on your feet?
- Go to hell.

- You're a capable man.
- We could do with your help where we're going.
- Afraid not.
- We owe you a debt.
- No, your friend here simply owes me a word or two.
- That'd do. And a word of advice.
- That thing you're looking for?
- You're never gonna find it in that safe.

William: Hey.
- You must be cold.
- Take that.
- Thank you.
- Sure.

- Wyatt's freaks just wiped out the last group that went seeking him out.
- And here we are riding right after him.
- I'm just trying to convince you not to get yourself, and me as a bystander, killed.
- I'm not gonna get myself killed. [Laughs]
- Don't think I didn't notice that distinction.

Dolores: I used to believe there was a path for everyone. Now I think I never asked where that path was taking me.

- Uh, excuse me, sir?
- I didn't want to intrude, but I just had to say that I'm such an admirer of yours.
- Your foundation literally saved my sister's...
- One more word and I'll cut your throat.
- You understand?
- This is my fucking vacation.

[Laughs] How in hell have we never met?
- Clearly a terrible oversight on my part.
- Where, may I ask, are you headed?
- To retrieve something of great value.
- You look a little shorthanded.
- We got enough men.
- Seems like you got a couple positions open.

Maeve: I can always tell when a man wants something that's not on the menu.

- If you're outnumbered, the last thing you need is somebody standing by.
- I can help.
- No. No, no, no.
- Um, I know it doesn't make any sense to you, but I can't get hurt in there, but you can.
- I would hate to see that happen.
- Just stay here. Okay? Be safe.

- And so will you.
- Trust me.
- So, which way to pariah?
Slim: Aw, you just let me take it from here.
- All right, time for the floor show.
- Got some guests riding with Hector this time.

- Ain't none of them's gonna tell you nothing about that.
- It's $5 for an hour.
- $4 if you bathe first.
- Well, if we just get the one, do I get a discount for being second and all?
- I'm sure we can work something out.
- Come on.

Man: Choices, Lawrence. You know, you tell yourself you've been at the mercy of mine because it spares you consideration of your own. Because if you did consider your choices you'd be confronted with a truth you could not comprehend - that no choice you ever made was your own. You have always been a prisoner. What if I told you I'm here to set you free?

- Perhaps I can help you with that.
- The narrative you're creating is clearly a massive endeavor.
- If you need more time,
- I'm sure the board would be happy to oblige.
- I'm sure they'd be happier for me to delay it indefinitely.
- Come with me.

- It's called the maze.
- What kind of game is it?
- It's a very special kind of game, Dolores.
- The goal is to find the center of it.
- If you can do that, then maybe you can be free.
- I think...
- I think I want to be free.

- Dolores.
- Is she accompanying a guest?
- Unclear.
- The boss is disrupting so many storylines with his new narrative, it's hard to tell.
- Flag her with behavior, they can pull her today.
- Make sure everything's checking out.

- I remember when I first started here.
- The hosts seemed very lifelike.
- You begin to read things into their behaviors.
- Don't be patronizing.
- Fine.
- The hosts don't imagine things, you do.
- That's not Orion.
- There are three stars in Orion's belt, not four.

- The tall one, I've seen him before, hanging in the window of the post office.
- Bandits? Do you think they're here for something?
- I think they're interested in more than a turn at franny's backside.
- I think he rides with Hector.
- Is that the one they say lives out with the savages?
- That's the one.

- And what does this shade do?
- You've seen this?
- What is it?
Hector: The man who walks between worlds.
- They were sent from hell to oversee our world.
- Forty-seven.

- Every one of them I tracked down,
- I used their blood to paint my skin again.
- Only one man left.
- The head of the snake.
- What's his name?
- He has many names.
- Most know him as Wyatt.

- The board will agree with me.
- They'll be sending a representative.
- But they already have.
- I thought they would've told you.
- That won't be necessary, manu.
- Not anymore. You can join the others.

Manu: I beg your pardon, sehorita.
- Ford: There have been many of you over the years, and we have always...
- Almost always, found a way to make it work.
- So, I will ask you nicely.
- Please don't get in my way.

- My mistake. Y'all have a nice morning.
- Yeah.
- So, we got a lead on slim.
- You can stay here if you want, and I'll just circle back and get you.
- No, I think I need to keep going.
- Okay.

- Step lively, Hector.
- Any last words?
- Get it over with.

Deputy: Ma'am?
- Got word a girl went missing from Abernathy ranch.
- Is that where you belong?
- I'm sure your daddy's worried about you.

- Patch her and get her on the cart...
Clementine: Most things touch the tip of my tongue, I'm happy to forget.
- Except that cowpoke from abilene.
- That thing he was packing, that was something to remember.
- The way he used that thing.

- that you didn't understand what you were paying for.
- It's not a business venture, not a theme park, but an entire world.
- We designed every inch of it.
- Every blade of grass.
- In here, we were gods.
- And you were merely our guests.

Dr. Robert Ford: So, I will ask you nicely, please...
Dr. Robert Ford: don't get in my way.

- you'd be confronted with a truth you could not comprehend.
- That no choice you ever made was your own.
- You have always been a prisoner.
- What if I told you
- I'm here to set you free?
- Man: Hyahl man: Whoa.

- Come on. Let's go fuck these fuckers up.
- The fuck is that? Huh?
- I look like a dog to you? Huh?
- No, sir.
- Feed that to them.
- Slap leather, cocksuckers.
- Oh, god!

- Most things touch the tip of my tongue,
- I'm happy to forget.
- Except that cowpoke from abilene.
- That thing he was packing, that was something to remember.
- All I recall is you letting that cowpoke skip out on his bill.
- Hell, I ought to have been paying him!
- The way he used that thing.

- See, now that's why
- I never learned to read.
- Why don't we forget about this damn snake, head to pariah?
- My friends there can help us.
- Well, your friends have nothing
- I'm looking for. Not this trip.
- Besides,
- I think we found our snake after all.

Sheriff: Open up, escaton, or we'll fire!
- What does it mean?
- That I'm not crazy after all.
Sheriff: Last chance, escaton!
- Come out or we 're shooting!
- And that none of this matters.

- Apparently, she needs to make certain this thing they're looking for is where they think it is.
- She said she'd signal if the information was good.

[In multiple voices] Better cooi them off before they move from gambling and whoring to sins that are more costly to repair.
- What is the matter, Maeve?
- Something in your eye.
Man: Can you fucking kill it?

- Three days. Normally.
- I'm afraid I don't have time for that, so we're leaving now.
- I've got a request for a pyrotechnic effect.
- Los diablos. Low-yield, two charges.
- Approved.
- Authorizing.

- like a building with rooms
- I've never explored.
- That's very pretty, Dolores.
- Did we write that for you?
- In part.
- I adapted it from a scripted dialogue about love.
- Is there something wrong with these thoughts I'm having?

- Well, what is it that you want?
- I don't know, but this world...
- I think there may be something wrong with this world.
- Something hiding underneath.
- Either that, or there's something wrong with me.
- I may be losing my mind.

- You can tell the board that my narrative will be completed on time, and it won't be a retrospective, as I'm sure you have all feared.
- I'm not the sentimental type.

- The belly is the most vulnerable part of every animal.
- It's so sexy being compared to a frightened beast.
- There.
- That's the posture you're looking for.
- Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you can actually be quite charming.
- Hmm.

Man: Are you all right?
- Hey, hey. You all right?
- I just got a chill. That's all.
- Let's go back to the fire, you're probably exhausted.

- I'm not sure you'll understand.
- Sometimes I feel like something's calling me.
- Telling me there's a place for me somewhere beyond all this.
- I know that feeling, Dolores.
- I know that feeling.
- But you really don't want to go back to your old life?

Dolores: Then they killed them. And then... I ran. Everyone I cared about is gone... and it hurts... so badly.
Bernard: I can make that feeling go away if you'd like.
Dolores: Why would I want that? The pain, their loss... it's all I have left of them. You think the grief will make you smaller inside, like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it doesn't. I feel spaces opening up inside of me, like a building with rooms I've never explored.
Bernard: That's very pretty, Dolores. Did we write that for you?
Dolores: In part. I adapted it from a scripted dialogue about love.

- Let's give them something to shoot at.
- Re-task a few of those soldiers.
- If you're riding into our town under the company of armed men, you'll need to state your business.
- Mayhem.

- This is why the company needs to bump our stake in this place.
- They can even give you a sense of purpose.
- You said the trip was about welcoming me to the family.
- This is business?
- With our family, William, everything is business.
Holden: We better get a move on, gentlemen.

- I thought I was crazy, but I got shot here.
- There's no wound.
- No.
- But I was shot.
- And this was standing over me.
- And then it was as if it never happened.
- I want you to cut me right there.

- Don't suppose you have a light?
- No smoking in here.
Man: Normally, I'm sure, but this is the finest tobacco a man can enjoy.
- Hand-rolled on the ample thighs of exotic women.
- Perhaps you'd like to try one yourself.

- Lock him up with the other man.
- Enjoy the cigars.
- Go fuck yourself.
- And just who are you supposed to be?
- Your salvation.
Man: Hyah! Hyah!

- Good morning.
- It's a lovely town. Is this your home?
- Well, where are you from?
- Same as you. Don't you remember?
Man: [Distorted] Remember.

- Lawrence Pedro Maria Gonzalez.
- Yeah.
- Heard you slipped the rope.
- Dropped some damn good men in exchange.
- The way he tells it, he's more partial to a firing squad.
Marshal: I reckon we'll be happy to oblige.