The Best Capt. Richard Carey Quotes

Capt. Richard Carey: Seaman Wainwright, the members found you guilty of assault and sentenced you to six months' confinement.
Cmdr. Harmon 'Harm' Rabb,: Credit for time served, Your Honor.
Capt. Richard Carey: Granted. Seaman Wainwright, stand at ease. Twenty-two years ago, you made a foolish mistake. Youth and ignorance are no excuse. However, this court martial has ruled that there was a tragic miscarriage of justice. Apologies are inadequate to compensate you for your lost years. All of your rights, privileges, and property, including back pay, will be restored and you will be honorably discharged. On the part of the United States Navy, I wish you well and pray that the remainder of your life brings you joy and fulfillment. You are a free man. This court martial is adjourned.