The Best Captain Annie Kramer, LAPD Quotes

Captain: L.A. seems to agree with you.
Captain: Oh, yeah, well, I couldn't take another Jersey winter. Or another Jersey cop.
Captain: You stay in touch with the old crew?
Captain: You know, dirty cops don't like to hang with clean ones.
Captain: So that's why they called me squeaky?
Captain: I thought what you did took a lot of guts. Integrity is hard to come by in vice.
Captain: Yeah, it's the only detail where you're told to drink, gamble and pick up hookers, all the while carrying a gun.
Captain: Garden of Eden. Temptation kills you, or it compromises you.

Captain: L.A. has over two hundred criminalists. You got to bring your own guy?
Captain: Well, Rick is like a vampire. He needs to be invited in.
Captain: If this goes to court, Warrick's going to have to come back and testify.
Warrick: Well, you got beaches, bikinis, free trip to L.A.? I'm down.