The Best Frank Vernon Quotes

Shiv: Hey. Dad wasn't really, um... How... How bad was Dad?
Frank: He was a salty dog. He was. But he was a good egg.
Karl: What you saw was what you got.
Shiv: Yeah?
Frank: Yeah.
Shiv: Okay.

- Fuck... Congress, Roman?
- Yes, Shiv. Fuck Congress.
- Have I shocked you?
Frank: Uh... Shareholder meeting in two-and-a-half weeks.
- I mean, we are unusually subject to the vicissitudes of public opinion.
- Uh... I can translate.
- That's Frank for "We're fucked."

Frank: Ever hear of loyalty?
Kendall: Sure. Wasn't he one of the seven dwarves? No?
Frank: Oh...
Kendall: Oh, he's a rapper. He was in Wu-Tang?

Frank: You sure it was him?
Kendall: You think a lot of people come in here and take a piss?
Gerri: Maybe someone spilled something.
Kendall: Yeah, maybe the massive fucking ice sculpture I forgot about melted. It's urine.
Roman Roy: This isn't a false flag, is it? Did you piss on your own floor?
Kendall: Why are you looking like that? W-what if people knew? Gerri, you gotta talk to him.
Gerri: What do you want me to say?
Roman Roy: Well, first tell him where to go pee pee and poo poo.
Kendall: He came in, he was talking to Stewy. What's he gonna do next, start jizzing in my coffee? Take a dump on my iPad?

Kendall: Is it real, Frank?
Frank: I don't know.
Kendall: My dad wanted me to take over?
Frank: Well, sometimes.
Frank: You know that, he did. Sometimes.
Kendall: He made me hate him, then he died. I feel like he didn't like me.
Frank: Oh.
Kendall: I disappointed him.
Frank: No. No. Come on. We think these grand horror things at times like these, these ice shelves are gonna come at us in the night and take our heads off. It's not true. He was an old bastard. And he loved you. He loved you.
Kendall: You think?
Frank: I think so.

- He can't be in the room. Okay? Guys...
Frank: Let the minutes reflect that Logan Roy was asked to recuse himself.
Logan: Let the minutes reflect that Logan Roy shoved his boot up frank's ass.
Frank: Okay.
- All in favor of the vote of no confidence in Logan Roy?

- Hi, Kendall?
[Over speaker] Hey, guys.
- Can you hear me?
- I apologize. I will be there shortly.
- Where are we at?
- We are at your item.
Frank: Performance issues.

Frank: Is it wise to fire the board with the share price this weak, heading into a political fight?
Logan: Take it like a fucking man. You're out. You're fucked. You tried to kill me, but you failed. And you're dead. Now, fuck off!