The Best Karl Muller Quotes

- I think that sounds reasonable.
- Uh-huh.
- And the three board seats?
- Including yours?
- We can do that right now.
- I have my dad's authorization to go there.
Karl: Can we sign off on this?
- Dad?

- The ground pounders can fuck off.
Karl: [CLEARS THROAT] All right,
- I'll get the investor call list for later, and...
- I'll, uh, update you in, what, 20, on the--
Logan: No, no, no.
- You're staying.
- Stay.

Shiv: Hey. Dad wasn't really, um... How... How bad was Dad?
Frank: He was a salty dog. He was. But he was a good egg.
Karl: What you saw was what you got.
Shiv: Yeah?
Frank: Yeah.
Shiv: Okay.

- is a team... it can't actually physically be beaten.
- It's impossible.
- So, go hard, go fast, go, you lovely bastards.
- -"Go, you lovely bastards"?
- -I don't fucking know.
- What the fuck am I supposed to say?
Karl: I have no idea.