30 Best Lorena Krasiki Quotes

Sookie: If you kill him, I will kill you!
Lorena: Oh please, please try - without that sanctimonious little prick Godric to save you, I would just love to rip you open and wear your ribcage as a hat.

Lorena: [to Bill about Sookie] You smell like her. Sweet and... cheap.

Lorena: [to Sookie] Did you know your boyfriend hit me over the head with a 52 inch plasma television earlier tonight? Everyone says they're so thin and light, but let me tell you, when wielded properly, they're quite a weapon.

Lorena: Why am I here, Mr. Northman?
Eric: We want the same thing, you and I.
[when she just looks at him]
Eric: Okay, Bill has something I want and he's in the way.
Lorena: [knowingly] His human?
Eric: She's something more than human.
Lorena: What is she?
Eric: That I do not know. Whatever it is, he loves her.
Lorena: What makes you think I want him back? That I'd even take him back.
Eric: Because you didn't come all this way just to see me.
Lorena: [seething] I haven't seen Bill Compton is over seventy years. Surely you can't think I have any pull over him, what so ever.
Eric: I haven't seen my make for much longer than that and yet, I am still loyal to him. Fiercely.
Lorena: Shame I didn't turn you. Then again... you're not really my type.

Bill: [flashback] Is there anyone inside? I require help. I'm a soldier of the 28th Louisiana infrantry. I require food and water. Is there anyone who can help me?
[cuts the door open and enters]
Lorena: [holding a gun to his head] Do not move. I will shoot you!
[scene flash forwards to a warm dinning area]
Lorena: I wasn't even aware we surrendered.
Bill: Word came two weeks ago. We disbanded immediately. Most of the men marched back to Monroe. But I chose to take a short cut home by-by way of these trails. I over estimated my knowledge of the land.
Lorena: You're not far off. The lake is 10 miles southwest of here and Bon Temps is 10 miles south of that. My husband was in the 13th infantry, under Colonel Gibbson. He fought at Shiloh. He used to write to me every few weeks. But I haven't heard from him in nearly seven months.
Bill: Many of the postal routes have been disrupted. I'm sure your letter simply got lost.
Lorena: That's kind of you. But I've considered myself a widow for sometime now. You still have quite a lot of blood on you. You're a lucky man, Lieutenant. I doubt you would've survived another day without food.
Bill: I'm in debt to you for taking pity on me.
Lorena: I think, for your sake, you best spend the night here, with me.
[tries to kiss him]
Bill: [rising suddenly] I'm sorry. I apologize if I misled you. But I have a wife and two small children waitin' for me. And if Bon Temps is as close as you say it is, then I'll see them soon and I do not wish to sully our reunion.
Lorena: You are an honorable man. The others have not always been so.
Bill: [surprised] There's been others?
Lorena: From time to time. Deserters mostly. I offered them a crust of bread and a place to rest, and they would help appease my loneliness. It may not be moral, Lieutenant. But these are times of war.
Bill: I do not judge you. Your choices are your own, as are mine. I wish to continue on my way home. You have my gratitude for your hospitality. I will not soon forget it.
[he turns to leave as she appears at the door, biting him]

Lorena: [as Bill wakes up suddenly] Is somethin' happenin' to your human?
Bill: Lorena!
Lorena: [holding him down] I made you. Your blood knows mine. You will never physically overpower me.

Godric: [catching her by the throat] Retract... your fangs. Now. I neither know or care who you are. But in this area and certainly in this nest, I am the authority. Do you understand?
Lorena: Yes sheriff.
Godric: [about Sookie] This human has proven to be a courageous and loyal friend to our kind. And yet you treat her like a child does a dragonfly. Pulling off wings for sport. No wonder they hate us.
Lorena: She provoked me.
Godric: And you have provoked me. You have disrupted the peace in my own home. I could snap you like a twig and I haven't. Why is that?
Lorena: It's your choice.
Godric: Indeed it is. You're an old vampire. I can tell. You've had hundreds of years to better yourself, yet you are still a savage. I fear for us all, humans and vampires, if this behavior persists.

Bill: [weakly] We need to rest.
Lorena: So the minute I shut my eyes, you can run into the sun light and destroy yourself to save her? I care about you too much to allow that.
Bill: I may love her, but I'm not suicidal.
Lorena: I know better than anyone what you are capable of.
Bill: Lorena, this is foolish! We are getting weaker and the bleeds have begun. You may be able to keep me here awake, for a day, maybe two but not forever.
Lorena: You're right. Forever is a long time. Than again, I'm very patient.

Bill: [awakens, very weak and looks around seeing 2 bodies] The others?
Lorena: [meakly] They all presented themselves as gentlemen. Blame the war if you like. They proved to be no more than savages once I let them into my home. They deserved no better.
Bill: Am I dying?
Lorena: Oh, yes. But I'm not keen to let you go quite so easily. I've waited a long time for a man such as you.
[straddles his waist and cuts her neck]
Lorena: Drink. If you do not drink, you will die as certain as I am speakin' to you right now. Do you wish to see your family again? Your wife, your children? You must drink from me.
[Bill drinks with reluctance]
Lorena: Take me in you. Feel me in you. We are together, William. Forever! You are mine!

Lorena: I may not be able to make you feel for me. But I will make you feel.
Bill: You have always so enjoyed making others suffer.
Lorena: And there's nothing wrong with that. Especially after having been made to suffer as I have been.
Bill: You haven't suffered at the hands of others for a very long time.
Lorena: I am suffering now!
[She cuts open his chest]
Bill: Please. Do it quickly.
[She cuts her finger and places it on his wound mixing their blood together]
Lorena: Even as you face the true death I will be inside you. Not Sookie. Me.
Bill: I wish I had known you before you were made. Before you turned hard. I would like to have seen you smile with light in your eyes instead of darkness. That, would have been something
[She starts to cry]
Lorena: I have no choice. William

Lorena: [about Eric] He wants the girl, William. Just let him have her.

Lorena: [walking up to Sookie] Hello there. I'm Lorena.
Sookie: Nice to meet you. I'm Sookie.
Lorena: Hmmm, yes. You're what all the fuss is about.
Sookie: Excuse me?
Lorena: Aren't you a morsel.
Sookie: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Lorena: Well, we have a mutual friend.
Sookie: Bill?
Lorena: Funny, he never mentioned you. I practically made him what he is today.
Bill: [entering the room] Lorena!
Lorena: Oh, hello darling. I was just getting to know your plaything. You always did like to prey on the innocent.
Sookie: Bill, is this your maker?
Bill: She released me years ago. She no longer has any hold over me.
Lorena: Oh I wouldn't say that. We had two marvelous nights in your hotel room.
Sookie: What?
Lorena: Did you know your boyfriend hit me over the head with a fifty-two inch plasma screen television earlier tonight? Everyone always says they're so thin and light. But let me tell you when wielded properly, it's quite a weapon.
Sookie: [to Bill] You did?
Bill: Lorena, you need to leave!
Lorena: [to Sookie] I hope he doesn't pull the same shenanigans with you. There's no excuse for domestic violence.
Bill: What she has failed to mention is that she was holding me prisoner!
Lorena: [almost laughing] Cha! We were catchin' up, is all.

Eric: [sensing Lorena walking in behind him] I was beginning to think you weren't going to accept my invitation, Lorena.
Lorena: For a vampire, you're a terrible liar.

Bill: [back in the present] You released me. There was nothin' left between us. What could you possibly have to gain from this?
Lorena: You're making a fool of yourself with that girl. You have no future with her. Everyone knows it but you... Some day you'll see this for what it is. An act of love.

Eric: [pulling her back] I use to think you had no sense of humor.
Sookie: I use to think you were made of cold, hard stone and empty inside.
Eric: And now?
Sookie: [tender] You're a big faker. You're deep. You feel. There's love in you.
Eric: Only for Sookie.
[kissing her]
Lorena: [to Sookie] You don't want Bill. He means nothing to you.
Sookie: [moving away] No.
Eric: [pulling her to him] ... This is the beginning.
[kissing her passionately]

Lorena: [to Tara about Bill] You know him?
Tara: I thought I did.
Bill: [to Russell] Why is she here?
Russell: [to Franklin] Why is she here?
Franklin: She wants to be with me.
Talbot: Hence the restraints.
Franklin: She's mine!
Lorena: Relax. Nobody wants her.

Lorena: That was the best sex I've had in decades.
Bill: At least someone enjoyed it.

Bill: You should go to ground.
Lorena: And not be with you when the light flows out of you? I cannot.
Bill: And what will you do then? Find another man that you deem honorable? So you can turn him into a violent hateful thing like yourself? Destroying whatever it was you loved about him to begin with?
Lorena: Yes. It's all my fault isn't it? You never enjoyed killing those humans, writhing naked in their blood. Making love to me as the light died in their eyes. Oh no. I forced you to do all that.
Bill: No, you did not.
Lorena: Be a man and admit you liked it.
Bill: Just as you liked enticing all those starving men with your flesh. Luring them into your maker's clutches so that he could murder them and defile their bodies in unspeakable ways as you watched!
Lorena: I am NOT Istvan!
Bill: Really? He made you his mirror just as you tried to make me yours. He is the reason that a girl, who once marveled in the beauty of all life, now delights in bringing pain and horror to every moment
Lorena: You never embraced our nature!
Bill: Your nature! It was never mine! I welcome death because only then will I be truly free of the disease that is you.

Lorena: [taking him back home for a last look at his family] You know you can never enter. Do you wish to see them grow old, grow feeble and die while you remain the same year after year?
Bill: [beseeching as tears of blood start] They are my family.
Lorena: They are as good as dead if they are found harboring a vampire. I've brought you here, and now it's time for us to go. Come.

Lorena: William. I love you.
Sookie: [Before staking her] You wouldn't know love if it kicked you in the fangs!

Bill: It doesn't matter if we ever meet again. You may be immortal, Lorena. But you are dead to me.
Lorena: [tearfully before leaving] I wish you hadn't said that.

Eric: [running a finger down her arm, waking her as she turns to him] Finish your sentence.
Sookie: What was I saying?
Eric: You were telling me why'd you be a terrible vampire and I was disagreeing.
Sookie: Well I don't feel right without a tan.
[as he laughs]
Sookie: It's true and I'd rather be alive than undead. Than ya'll are always killin'.
Eric: [knowingly] You've killed a man.
Sookie: That was for self defense, not for lunch.
Eric: Shhh. Oh, you'd adapt. Like we all do. Trade the sun for the moon and stars.
Sookie: Uh huh. Not me. I want 'em all.
Eric: [smiling] Ooh, greedy.
Sookie: Yeah, I am.
Eric: I love it.
[kisses her]
Eric: You have the temperament for a vampire.
Sookie: What? I'm high maintenance, blood thirsty, and old as dirt?
Eric: Ahh, blood thirsty, Yeah.
Sookie: I am not.
Eric: Everyone thinks you're a darling, don't they.
Sookie: I 'am' a darling.
Eric: You're ruthless because of the people you love. You'll do anything for them.
[kissing her]
Eric: Your brother, your friends... me.
Lorena: [in the shadows] Bill.
Sookie: [pulling away a bit] Bill? Where's Bill?
Lorena: What do you care? You've already abandoned him.
Sookie: I have not. I love Bill.

Lorena: I'll let you play your little game of hard to get. You're gonna be that mh sweeter when you're mine again.
Bill: You know, Russell was right. You're not very smart. You played yourself into a corner, you tiresome cow.

[last lines]
Lorena: Most impressive. You won the trust of Russell Edgington himself. A bravura performance.
Bill: I don't care what you believe. My only loyalty is to my king.
Lorena: Your only loyalty is to your own sentiment. It's your great failing. A century ago it was to your human wife, now some ridiculous waitress. You'll say anything to save her.
Bill: We can never love humans without bringing suffering upon them. You taught me that. And I will never forgive you for it.
Lorena: It's an essential truth. One you refuse to face, because you've clung to the illusion of humanity.
Bill: [grabs her by the neck] You are right! Is that what you wish to hear? You proved it to me once, and now I've learned it again! You have won. You've deprived me of my freedom. My home. My humanity. But I will never, ever love you.
Bill: [Lorena kisses him, he throws her on the bed] Never!
Lorena: Yes! Make love to me!
Bill: Never! I will never!
Lorena: [Bill rips her clothes off and has sex with her, then twists her head around a full 180 degrees] Oh William, I still love you.

Lorena: [after biting Sookie] No wonder Bill's drawn to you. You're delicious.
Sookie: Fuck you!
Lorena: I've never tasted anything like you. What are you?
Sookie: I'm the bitch that's gonna kill you.

Bill: Sookie has nothing to do with this. She's innocent.
Russell: We know that you love her, that you've killed for her. And from the look in your eye, I can see you'd do it again if you thought that would save her.
Russell: So romantic.
Lorena: [Enters] It's not romantic, it's delusional.
Russell: Lorena.
Lorena: Oh, goodie. I'm just in time for dessert.

Lorena: [catching him] Open that door and I will end you!

Bill: If Sookie is hurt in any way because of you, I will not stop until I drive a stake through whatever semblance of a heart you have left.
Lorena: It's true. You're in love with a human. That's so tragic, it's funny.
[starts laughing]

Lorena: [in 1935, shouting] I gave you everything! Everything and you've thrown it away, moaning over what you've lost. You disgust me.
Bill: Than let me go!
Lorena: No. I made you and you are mine!
Bill: You know I don't love you!
Lorena: You never tried.
Bill: [seething] I have spent decades tryin'! I despise myself for what I did for you! God help me. I killed innocent people to prove to that I loved you! But it was pure annilism... I do not, I cannot, I will never love you.
Lorena: Men have readily laid down their lives to spend just one night with me. What more can I give? What is it that you want from me?
Bill: Choice... Let me go.
Lorena: With out me, you would be alone forever.
Bill: You're the one who's afraid of that. You are the saddest, loneliest creature I have ever known.
Lorena: How dare you!
[throws him into the table]
Lorena: ... You hate me that much?
Bill: Let me go!
Lorena: [tearfully] I cannot live without you.
Bill: [putting the stake to his heart] You'll have to.
Lorena: No! Don't!... As your maker... I release you.

Lorena: [crying] I don't know how it got this way. I can't help that I still love you. You know I do. But now it has become a constant humiliation.
Bill: The pain you suffer you have inflicted upon yourself.
Lorena: When will we see each other again?
Bill: Never.
Lorena: We're immortal. Our paths are bound to cross eventually.