The Best Lost, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

- What's gonna happen? just push it.
- Locke! who the hell is that?

- That simulated sunlight, is that because you never leave?
- Is there another way out?
- How many of your group have gotten sick?
- Sick? sick. As in ill. As in dead.
- Is that why it says "quarantine" on the hatch?
- Answer the question! no one has... no one, no one is sick.

- Walt! Walt!
- Walt!
- Mike!
- Sawyer!
- Jin!
- Michael! On fire!
- Michael!
- Walt!
- Walt! Walt!

- You got a better idea?
- Then go to hell.
- Never gonna be able to do it by yourself.
- I thought we parted ways. we're caught in the same current.
- He's still talking.
- Come on...

- why I got a bullet in my shoulder.
- Hell, bluebeard blew us up because they wanted your kid.
- You saying this is my fault? yeah. That's what I'm sayin'.
- They took him because of you.
- They were sailing away!
- They found us because they were looking for us! For Walt!
- Don't ever say his name again, ever! what you gonna do? Splash me?

- Come on! Come on, come on!
- Sawyer!
- Sawyer!
- Gimme your hand!

Desmond: [to Locke, repeated line] Are you him?

- It tells me that I'm the best that you can afford.
- If we go fonnard with this, it's gonna take money.
- A lot of it. Even at my rates.
- This is David and Goliath, so I gotta ask you, are you sure you wanna do this?
- They're not taking my son away.

- Type in exactly what I tell you.
- Understand? Exactly. Nothing else.
- Four... eight... 15...
- Do you hear that? what?
- What'd you just put in?
- What number did you just put in?
- Fifteen. right, 16...
- Now press "execute."

- Goodbye, Michael.
- Yeah. Bye.

- Where's Kate? she's fine. Put down...
- I'm not putting down anything...
- Do you want him to die? Put it down.
- Is this what you were talking about,
- Locke? Is this your destiny?
- "All roads lead here?" calm down.
- Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damned head off, brother.

- John? easy, easy, easy.
- Behind you.
- Are you him?
- Are you him?

- But how are you going to do that, any of that, and still be a part of Walt's life?
- I'll do it by doing it.
- Walt is my responsibility too.
- Then let him go.
- Because it's not about you or me.
- It's about him.

- Get rid of the knife. You're not him!
- We didn't come here to hurt you. yeah? Then why did you come?
- We were in a plane crash.
- Were you now? And when was that?
- Forty-four days ago.
- Forty-four days?

- Be careful with it.
- Here, hey, take Aaron.
- Come here. There you go.
- You gotta be careful with it, you know, it's the virgin Mary. She's holy.
- I didn't realize you were so religious.
- I'm not. It's just, you know, it might come in handy.
- Be a nice thing to have around.

- They took my son.
- They found us, took Walt, because you made me fire the flare.
- Well, at least Walt is on a boat.
- Probably wrapped in a blanket with a cup of cocoa while we're on... get off my raft.
- What? get...
- What the hell was that?

- You all right, Mike?
- It's my fault.
- What?
- I never should have brought him on the raft.
- I'm gonna get him back.
- I'm gonna get back my son.

- Sawyer!
- Climb up!
- I do and we both sink.
- I'm going for the pontoon.
- Don't be an idiot.
- You see that toothy son of a bitch, you aim and squeeze. Got it?
- Got it.

- Hang on, Mike!
- Hang on, Mike!
- Hang on!
- Walt!

- Oh, well, I'll just stop bleeding then.
- You suddenly forget what happened?
- Why I got shot?
- What? how about a little gratitude here?
- I mean, how about, "thank you?"
- Thank you? For what?
- For you trying to save your own ass?
- You want me off this raft? You got it!

- You got a band-aid?
- Are you? Are you him?

- I don't want to go to court, Michael.
- So please, just...
- Let him go.

- Who is he?
- His name is Jack. He's our doctor.
- What's he doing here?
- To be honest with you,
- I'm a little surprised to see him.
- Your doctor has a gun, brother.
- Move.

- Always. Ok?
- I'm sorry, he's... no. It's ok.
- It's ok.
- Hey, here.
- Just, you know...
- Let him know it's from me sometime, ok?

- You don't know that!
- I got a good sense.
- Even if he was, there's nothing you can do.
- If he can hear me, he knows I'm alive, that I'm coming for him, that I'm going to get him back!
- Right now, all I got is that maybe my son can hear me...
- Does that make any sense to you? yeah.

- Ok. This is unnecessary...
- Well, for someone who wants to retain his paternal rights so badly, you don't seem to know much about your son, Mr. Dawson.
- I'm his father.
- I'm sorry, could you say that louder, please? Just for the record?
- I'm his father.

Sawyer: What are you going to do, splash me?

- How about that?
- Current brought us back.
- We're home.

- Previously on lost: Good luck. same to you.

Sawyer: [after pulling the bullet out of his arm] You got a band-aid?

- The sun comes up in three hours and we're all gonna see that happen.
- We're gonna stay here tonight, ok?
- Together.
- John, what are you doing?
- I'm going in.
- Locke's going into that thing, whether you like it or not.
- I'm going to the hatch.
- Live together, die alone, right? right.

Michael: [to little Walt] Hey, little man. Well, I guess I can't call you that, I mean, because look how big you are. So, you and I, we're not gonna see each other for a while, Walt. But you are gonna have a great life. I know your mommy, she's going to take real good care of you. And Brian is gonna take good care of you, too. But you know what? I just want you to know that no matter where you go, I... That your daddy... Yeah, your daddy, he loves you very, very much. And I always will. Always. OK?

- Look. I know... shut up!
- Don't even...
- You have no idea what it's like to care for somebody else.