The Best Michelle Michaels Quotes

Michelle: Come on. This isn't goodbye. You only say goodbye to people you're never gonna see again. This is more like, see you later. I'll see you later, Will.
[walks off]
William: [puts down the ring] Good-bye, Michelle.
[walks off... then comes back and retrieves the ring]

William: What am I supposed to do with a dude putting his hands all over my woman? Look, besides, he deserved it. He stole one of your rings.
Michelle: Will, I gave him that ring.
William: You did?
Michelle: Yeah, I did. I give out a lot of rings.
William: Well, I'm saying, this one you gave me is the last one though, right?
Michelle: I just gave one to the paramedic.
William: I was wondering why he was taking your pulse...