Top 50 Quotes From Mr. Robot, Season 1, Episode 1

Elliot: That's what you're wrong about Rohit. I don't give a shit about money.

- I'm getting off here.
- I think you should come with me.
- But only if you didn't delete it.
- If you deleted it, we got nothing to talk about.
- Are you talking to me?
Man: [On pa] Stand clear of the closing doors, please.

Elliot: So good. That it scratched that part of my mind. The part that doesn't allow good to exist without condition.

Elliot: If it weren't for Qwerty, I'd be completely empty.

- I deleted him.
Man: Hey!
- Hey, you!
- Hey, kiddo.
Man: What's happening?
- Exciting time in the world right now.
- Exciting time.

Elliot: It's good. So good, it scratched that part of my mind. The part that doesn't allow good to exist without a condition.

- That'll come later. Right now...
- You have a lot to think about.
- You have to change this .dat file, okay?
- But put Colby's ip in there.
- You do that, you'll have set in motion the largest revolution the world will ever see.

- Worst ddos attack
- I've ever seen.
Elliot: Did you reconfigure the dns?
Lloyd: Yes.
- Stop the services. I already stopped the services.
- I tried to reboot the servers, but they're not coming back up.
- Dude, someone is straight up finger-blasting our entire network right now.

- No Mr. Robot.
- No fsociety.
- I need to take my mind off things.

- You know, it's good that you're...
- ._dafing. [Sighs]
- Um... well, see you on Monday.
- We can do movie night next time.
- I promise. Okay? [Softly] Yeah.
- Have fun.

Tyrell: Bonsoir, Elliot.

- Don't ever make decisions when you're on morphine.
- Instagram check-in for krista at Pierre loti.
- Okay, Michael Hansen. Time to find out who you really are.

- She won't respond to any of my texts or emails.
- Then, go to her in person.
- Tell her you need to talk.
- Communication is key, Elliot.
- Real human interaction.
- That's what's important for you right now.

- Gideon,
- I promise I'll find them.

Elliot: Sometimes I dream of saving the world. Saving everyone from the invisible hand, the one that brands us with an employee badge, the one the forces us to work for them, the one that controls us every day without us knowing it. But I can't stop it. I'm not that special. I'm just anonymous. I'm just alone.

- It's not... it wouldn't have been secure.
- If someone terminaled in on this.
- It was...
- The smarter move to have someone come in so they can log in on a secure line.
- Exactly.
- Then, Lloyd was able to...
- Just_ just, actually, uh... just one second.

- Even if I'm losing, let me lose.
- Okay?
- Don't look confused!
- Justsay_.
- "Okay-ll okay.

- Her radar needs fixing.
- I'll know if you skip any detail.
- So don't.
- And one more thing.
- I'm gonna need something from you.
- Come on.

- I like you, flipper.
- You're cool.
Elliot: I never wanna be right about my hacks, but people always find a way to disappoint.
- Michael Hansen now gets filed away among the others.
- Forever buried in my digital cemetery.

- There's a powerful group of people out there that are secretly running the world.
- I'm talking about the guys no one knows about.
- The guys that are invisible.
- The top one percent of the top one percent.
- The guys that play god without permission.
- And now I think they're following me.

Krista: And what is it about society that disappoints you so much?
Elliot: Oh, I don't know. Is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?... Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit. The world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our burning commentary *bullshit* masquerading as insight. Our social media faking as intimacy. Or is it that we voted for this. Not with our rigged elections but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new, we all know we do this, not because "Hunger Games" books make us happy, but because we want to be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend because we're cowards... F - - society.

- To protect them.
- How? He's too old to have a complicated password.
- It had to have been a combination of these things.
- I'm missing something.
- I'm missing something.
- I'm missing something.
- Michael Hansen isn't his real name.

Elliot: [My secret: I look for the worst in them]

- Sent him to jail.
- He dies five years later.
- My respect goes with him.
- I thought he was free doing what he did, but he wasn't.
- He was in prison.
- Just like you are now, Elliot.
- But I'm gonna break you out.

Tyrell: So I see you're running Gnome. You know, I'm actually on KDE myself. I know this desktop environment is supposed to be better but, you know what they say. Old habits, they die hard.

- Go ahead.
- Sir, go on in.
- Sir, go on in.

Elliot: The backup server up and running?
Man: It's ready, but it's not configured for auto switch.
Elliot: We need to redirect the traffic. We need to switch dns.
- You got this. You got this. You got this.
Gideon: No, this is impossible.
- You got this. You got this.
Gideon: It's almost at the bad server.

[first lines]
Elliot: Hello, friend. Hello, friend? That's lame. Maybe I should give you a name. But that's a slippery slope. You're only in my head. We have to remember that.

Mr. Robot: Hey, you like Ferris wheels? Ah, it's beautiful. It gets better the higher up you go, you know. I love it up here. You like it?
Elliot: I'm here to tell you I'm turning you in. I'm giving them all the information.
Mr. Robot: Let me tell you why you're really here. You're here because you sense something wrong with the world. Something you can't explain. But, you know it controls you and everyone you care about What are you talking about? Money. Money hasn't been real since we got off the gold standard. It's become virtual. Software, the operating system of our world. And, Elliot, we are on the verge of taking down this virtual reality. Think about it. What if you could take down one conglomerate? A conglomerate so deeply entrenched in the world's economy that "too big to fail" doesn't even come close to describing it?
Elliot: You wanna create another financial meltdown like the one we just had, but way worse. Yeah, why would I want that? Everyone would lose their money.
Mr. Robot: What if I told you that this conglomerate just so happens to own 70% of the global consumer credit industry, huh? If we hit their data center just right we could systematically format all the servers, including backup.
Elliot: That would erase...
Mr. Robot: All the debt we owe them. Every record of every credit card, loan, and mortgage would be wiped clean. It'd be impossible to reinforce outdated paper records. It'd all be gone. The single, biggest incident of wealth redistribution in history.

- I'm not on Facebook.
- What? Why not?
- 'Cause I hate Facebook.
- That's crazy.
- Well, you wanna do these together, then?
- Pure Molly.

[Softly] Okay.
Elliot: Did you start smoking again?
- Did you not get my texts last night?
- Isentyou exactly 13 of them.
- Yeah, sorry. I couldn't make it.
- You promised me that you were gonna try this time.

- Then we're going to Brooklyn.
- Out by coney island.
- What's there?
- Obviously, you're gonna ask a lot of questions.
- It's weird what you're doing right now. I get it.
- But... I can't tell you anything until we get there.

Angela: What's a rootkit?
Lloyd: It's like a crazy serial rapist with a very big dick.

- sources close to the FBI have confirmed the hacks were, in part, tied to Colby's terminal.
Elliot: It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening. It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening.

- This is about last night.
- I should've gone to
- Angela's birthday party.
- Instead, I went to...
- Woman: Hey, Ron.
- There you are.

Elliot: E Corp, the largest conglomerate in the world, they're so big, they're literally everywhere. A perfect monster of modern society. The E might as well stand for Evil. In fact, after a thorough, intensive self-reprogramming, that's all my mind hears, sees or reads when they pop up in my world. Evil Corp.

Elliot: Elliot. Just a tech.

Elliot: I understand what it's like to be different. I'm very different too. I mean, I don't jerk off to little kids, but I don't know how to talk to people.

Ollie: Look bud, you and Angela have been close for a long time, and that's even more reason why I want us to be on good terms. I just, I feel like things have been awkward between us, don't you?
Elliot: I'm ok with it being awkward between us.

- 56y2.
- Sure.
Man: How 'bout you two? Huh?
- You guys got any spare change?
- Help me out? Homes are expensive, guys. Come on.
- 306, hawthorne.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Ifeelhke I can talk to you.
- I mean, more than the others, anyway.
- I'm sure, in a weird way, you'll be happy if we went under.
- Aw, come on. [Chuckles]
- I know you hate wearing those stupid shirts.

Lloyd: Dude, someone is straight up fingerblasting their entire network right now.

- And the ownership history before that's sparse to non-existent.
- This guy's good.
- Very good.
- Doesn't matter.
- Their arcade network's ip is in the .dat file.
- That'll be enough to turn them in.

- Wipe the infected servers clean, then bring them back up.
- You're coming with me. Yeah.
Gideon: Lloyd? [Sighs]
- Tell everybody to start taking everything offline.
- Lloyd: On it. Gideon: Uh, the server farm in Dulles.
- We're gonna need the jet.

Elliot: Nineteen days.
- No news. No arrest.
- No revolution.
- No FBI, Colby, evil corp.

Elliot: I'm good at reading people. My secret , I look for the worst in them.

[last lines]
Elliot: Please, tell me you are seeing this, too.

Elliot: That's what you're wrong about Rohit. I don't give a shit about money.
Mr. Robot: Exciting times in the world.
Elliot: Gotta go. Big meeting today.
Elliot: I'm good at reading people. My secret. I see the worst in people.
Elliot: Something about him bugs me. Scratching the part of my mind again but I'll hack him soon enough. I always do.

- Will ya... will ya go?
Elliot: Hey! Go! Go, will ya?
- Come on. Hey.
- Can I borrow your phone?
- Mine's dead.
- I need to call my mom.
- Thank you.

Elliot: Fuck society.