The Best Tami-Lynn Quotes

Tami: [Unrated version] Teddy, I got a really good feeling about this.
Ted: I know. Me too. I mean, adoption's great. Right?
Tami: Oh, yeah. I mean, Steve Jobs was adopted.
Ted: Yeah! Yeah. And also a million kids who did nothin'.
Tami: You know, Teddy, this has been nice, you and me doing this together. It's like we have a common goal or somethin'. Right?
Ted: I love hearing you say that, 'cause I feel exactly the same way.
Tami: And we ain't fought in, like, a week.
Ted: I know! We haven't! Hey, you know what, if the baby works out, we should get a dog.
Tami: Oh, my God. A German shepherd.
Ted: A German shepherd and a baby, together.
Tami: It's, like, the perfect family.
Ted: And a gun to protect us all!
Tami: Yes! Okay, as soon as we get the baby, we get the gun.
Ted: I love our gun-dog-baby family!