The Best Person of Interest, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

Harold: What happened to you?
Root: Me? You think I was damaged? Some childhood trauma? That is so sweet.

Hanna: Damn it. Death by dysentery again.
Samantha: That game's so dumb, Hanna. I don't see why you play it.
Hanna: 'Cause I'm gonna get to Oregon.

John: Carter, you can keep the rental. Guys are lending me a truck.
Detective: Why is there a crossbow on the bed?
John: Long story, but we're friends now.

- Well, well.
- Seems I underestimated your knuckle-dragging friend.
- How he got there, I do not know.
- Did the machine help him, do you think?
- Something for us to discuss on our journey.
- I hope you like trains.

- At least, not until I've found what she knows.
- So ingram's little it guy.
- We always suspected the idiot in the tux...
- Couldn't have done it on his own.
- What do you want?
- I want to know what you know.

John: Harold, meet Bear. Unfortunately, my apartment has a strict policy regarding dogs.
Harold: [Bear presents a chewed up novel] I have a strict policy regarding rare first editions. Namely, don't eat them.
[Looks at the book]
Harold: Asimov. He has expensive taste. I'm sure we'll get along.

Root: [after John tracks them down] How did he find us?
Harold: Because you're wrong. He proves you're wrong. Not all humans are bad code.

- I wanted to thank you...
- For finding my friend Hanna.
- Giving her a proper burial.
- I won't forget it.
- Come near us again, and you will be sorry.
- Tell Harold I'll be in touch when I'm ready.

Root: But, you must see I'm on your side.
Harold: I'm not on any side.
Root: You know what I mean. I am the best friend, the best support, the best partner you will ever have. And definitely the most fun.

Harold: [Root has Weeks strung up with a hood over his head] Can you please make this stop?
Root: Another hour in that hood, and he'll believe anything I say. Amazing how easily the human brain can be manipulated.
[Goes to Weeks, removes the hood]
Root: But you know that, don't you, Denton?
[Root holds up a sheet of paper]
Root: A top-secret DOD memo authorizing enhanced interrogation techniques, including "Palestinian hanging," which you are currently enjoying. Whose signature is at the end? Why, it's yours.
Denton: Please water.
Root: [Mockingly checks the document] Sorry, not allowed. Unless you tell me what I want to know.
Denton: Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a White House lawyer. I sign documents. I don't read 'em. Please, for the love of God, let me down.
Root: If you tell me where the machine is.
Denton: What machine?
Root: [Points at Harold] The machine he built. The machine Nathan Ingram sold you for one US dollar. You know where it is!
Denton: I don't know anything! I swear!
Root: [Looks at Harold as she puts the hood back on Weeks] Really, Harold, why do men always seek to delay the inevitable?

- Weeks: Water. Please.
- Oh. We need to get this show on the road.
- And since you just drank half a pint of sodium pentathol...
- That gives me time to go gas up the car.
- By the time I get back...
- You'll be ready to spill everything in your little head.

- I will get access to the machine, Harold.
- And either you can show me how to do that...
- Or this sad specimen will.
- Denton weeks.
- The man you sold the machine to.
- One of you will walk out of here onto the next stage of our adventure.
- I do hope it's you, Harold.

- How did he find us?
- Because you're wrong.
- He proves you're wrong.
- Not all humans are bad code.
- You helped him.
- I told you what would happen if you tried to get away.
- Excuse me, sir.

- How long did he know Hanna frey?
- -Hanna? Reese: Mm-hm.
- He didn't.
- Carter: Then how do you explain this?
- He signed for a bank account in her name.
- Two years after she disappeared.
- This must be some kind of mistake.
- Yeah. Just like his murder.
- You mind if we look around?
- Yes, I do. You need to leave now.

- Let him down. Please.
- Well, you did say please.

- What did I say, Harold?
- Heard you were staying here, buddy.
- Not now, fellas.
- Time for a re-match. Don't think you're gonna sucker-punch me aga... oh!

Denton: I know you're reluctant to trust me - you don't know me...
Harold: Oh, I do know who you are, Mr. Weeks. You tried to hack the machine.
Denton: I certainly tried. It was my job. I had to test its limits, see if it was safe. But in all of our crisis scenarios, we never envisioned this. That someone would get to one of us.

- Hey.
- Hey yourself. Where's the dog?
- Wonder boy came and took him.
- So we got our friend with the glasses back?
- Buy you a drink?
- Long as it don't have egg in it.

- Who had done so much for this town, and the library and all the children.
- And then I told her to keep her lying little mouth shut.
- Why?
- Because I was in love with Trent Russell.
- And I couldn't believe he'd do such a thing.
- What do you believe now?

- The broad who took your friend is going after a guy by the name of weeks.
- He's in the same kind of government business as corwin. And he's missing.
- Feds are flying around trying to find him.
- Know where they're looking?
- He's got a girlfriend who's got a cottage outside of DC.
- All I got is a name,
- Julie Davenport.
- Search property records in relton, Maryland for a Julie Davenport.

- Just make sure you get there first.
- No telling what kind of smoking gun that nutjob left lying around.
- A dead nutjob who used to work for denton weeks.
- Let me worry about weeks. What do we know about the assigned working the case?
- Wouldn't sweat that too much. Not exactly
- New York's finest working on this one.
- Okay.

- You know where it is.
- I don't know anything. I swear.
- Really, Harold.
- Why do men always seek to delay the inevitable?
- What happened to you?
- You think I was damaged?
- Some childhood trauma?
- That is so sweet.

Root: Oh, Harold, generous to a fault. Always letting someone else take credit for your work. I'd recognize your code anywhere. It's so elegant.
Harold: Then let it be.
Root: I told you, I don't want to control your machine.
Harold: Then why are we here?
Root: We're here to observe another kind of code. The bad code.
Harold: Clearly, we differ in our views of humanity.
Root: Do we? Then why are you; the father of a seismic shift in intelligence; forced to live in fear and anonymity?
Harold: You don't know anything about me.
Root: Oh, but I do, Harold. You're the man who sold the world. Just to the wrong people. I will get access to the machine, Harold. And either you can show me how to do that, or...
[Goes over to another man she has prisoner]
Root: This sad specimen will. Denton Weeks: the man you sold the machine to. One of you will walk out of here onto the next stage of our adventure. I do hope it's you, Harold.

- Hanna was a bright girl, mostly kept to herself.
- Did you notice anything off about her that night?
- Not really.
- She was at the computers over there.
- Like she was almost every night.
- We didn't have Internet back then.
- Just a couple of pcs and a few games, educational of course.

Detective: So what's this all about?
John: What do you mean? I promised you guys that round of drinks.
Detective: It's 8:00 AM.
John: Which means Finch has already been gone 24 hours, but we're gonna get him back.
Detective: [Looks at his drink] This have a raw egg in it?
John: The alcohol will kill the salmonella.

- But in all of our crisis scenarios, we never envisioned this.
- That someone would get to one of us.
- She won't get to the machine through me.
- But you must see...
- That if you don't help me get free, we will lose the machine.
- What can I do?
- The knife.
- Try to push it to me.

- Just want to see if the train is on time,
- Harold.
- Can I remind you of our deal?
- Try anything, innocent people get hurt.

Root: Amazing. We've managed to perfect the apple - a genetically modified version that never goes brown. And yet, we still haven't upgraded human beings. The human race has stalled out, Harold. And from what I've seen, most of it is rotten to the core.

- Maybe she left everything at the hotel.
- That's not the only discrepancy between what's listed in evidence and what's here.
- Ballistics report was corrupted too.
- Someone really wants this to go away.
- You find that person, maybe you'll get some answers.
- And fusco?
- Be careful who you read in on the case.
- Yeah, all right. I'll talk with you later.
- Okay.

Motel: Lucky you called when you did. Deer season just started. Booked up solid for the week.
Detective: [Sees the room. There's only one bed] Oh, I don't think so. We're gonna need another room.
Motel: Afraid I can't help you there. I've got three RVs backed up in the lot looking for a room with running water.
John: [Carter looks like she's going to protest. John interjects] Thanks. This won't be a problem.
[the manager leaves]
Detective: So what exactly are the sleeping arrangements?
John: I don't plan on sleeping much. And if I do, the bathtub will -
[See's there's just a shower, no tub]
John: The floor will be fine.

- It cannot be altered remotely.
- If anyone wanted to change anything...
- They'd have to have physical access to the servers?
- That's right.
- So if the location is hidden, the machine is safe?
- That's all I need.
- It's been an honor to meet you at last.

- That amount of servers, of course a train.
- But a train to where?
- Started in des moines.
- Then it was transferred to union pacific railway.
- Bound for salt lake city.
- And that's all I know.
- That's a start.
- You have no idea what you're getting into.

- Account name was Von neumann.
- Last four digits, 4-2-5-3.
- Uh, hey, buddy. No trouble.
- Just need to get our stuff, you hear...?
- Police business.
- Whoa, whoa. We're good.
- Yes, I'm here.
- Cop: Found something.

- I like the west, Harold.
- Fewer people, bigger skies, more space to think.

- Don't move.
- Am I hit?
- I don't think so.
- Sorry I took so long.
- I really didn't intend for you to come find me, Mr. Reese.
- There are other people who need your help.
- You saved my life once or twice, Harold.
- Seemed only fair I return the favor.

Detective: You jacked my phone?
John: Little tip. Someone offers you a great deal on any sort of male-enhancement pill, don't click on it.

- Agent: Denton weeks.
- Somebody got to him.

- You knew someone I'm looking for.
- Hanna frey.
- You a journalist? Or a fed?
- Neither.
- Good.
- Man: Get off of him.
- I asked you nicely.
- Hey, city boy!

- Man: Lucky you called when you did.
- Deer season just started.
- Booked up solid for the week.

Detective: So we got our friend with the glasses back, huh?
Detective: Yeah, we did. Buy you a drink?
Detective: Long as it don't have egg in it.

- Called 911 but nobody would listen.
- Where is she now?
- Only child.
- Her mother died about 10 years ago.
- So Sam left town.
- Was never heard of again.
- If anybody is root, it's gotta be her...
- Then she's the one who took Finch.
- I know where she is.
- I'm going after her.

Denton: So Ingram's little IT guy. We always suspected the idiot in the tux couldn't have done it on his own.
Harold: What do you want?
Denton: I want to know what you know.

Harold: [Reese has rescued Finch from Root] I really didn't intend for you to come find me, Mr. Reese. There are other people that need your help.
John: Well, you've saved my life once or twice, Harold. Seemed only fair I return the favor.

Root: [On the phone] Is this a bad time, John? I wanted to thank you for finding my friend Hanna, giving her a proper burial. I won't forget it.
John: Come near us again, and you will be sorry.
Root: I don't think so. Tell Harold I'll be in touch when I'm ready.

- Maybe this'll help.
- Did you justjack my phone?
- Reese: It's a malware app.
- Little tip, someone offers you a great deal on any sort of male enhancement pill?
- Don't click on it.
- Another thing. I need you to look after a friend of mine.
- Bear, remember Lionel?