The Best Reg Mackworthy Quotes

Reg: I know where you at, man. You had it all, and now it's gone. And it's torn a whole in your soul bigger'n my Escalade. So you turn to the drugs, the alcohol, the pornography, freebasin' with O.J., human traffickin', dog fights-slash-orgies... darkness.

Reg: Who the fuck is this guy?
Stevie: Who the fuck are you? WHO the FUCK are YOU?

Reg: When did you become such a pussy? I mean, you've always been a pussy. But now you're like a vagina with a mullet.

Kenny: You came.
April: Yeah, I heard it on the radio.
Kenny: So does this mean...?
April: Yes.
Kenny: I just want you to know that I've been thinking a lot about what happened at the cook-out.
April: Can we talk about it later when everyone is not around?
Kenny: It was just that we were there, and then we were touching each other, and then I saw those tits and I started feeling your ass, and then i just started breathing heavy and i almost got a headache, and then my vision started to go all colorful... Then I just came in my pants.
April: Ok...
April: But I won't do that again.
Baseball: Hey, can we finish this or you just gonna yakkity yak with tits and legs over there?
Kenny: Hey! She's more that just a pair of tits with legs, Mackworthy!