The Best Richard La Penna Quotes

Richard: [while they prepare dinner, jokingly, referring to Tony] Didn't you see my favorite patient today?
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: Tomorrow
Richard: How's that going?
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: [not wanting to talk about Tony] Let's not
Richard: [referring to stopping Tony's treatment then continuing his therapy sessions] I still wished to Christ you hadn't taken him back
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: [referring to their divorce and reconciling] I took you back
Richard: You think the synergy escapes me? You start treating him, we start seeing each other again. No, seriously...
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: [interrupts him] If you really wanna know, he had a real breakthrough last week
Richard: [amused] Breakthrough what? Somebody's jaw?
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: [sarcastically] Your right, I'm wasting my time: better I should boycott with the National Italian American Foundation and save the world from... oh what is it this week?
Richard: The very idea ABC would even think of producing that stereotypical goombah fest
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: We're the advertisement for the American experiment. We did great
Richard: I'm so fed up with people assuming I'm a thug because my name ends in a vowel: undershirts, yelling, Hollywood tries to give these sociopaths a tragic grandeur of Al Pacino
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: Condescend to me, it gets me so hot
Richard: Tell me a little more about this breakthrough then. You yourself said this guy's an alexithymic: he said Nothing's gonna get through, not if it threatens that straw house his built inside his head to shelter his base criminality. It really concerns me you don't see this, I mean pink slip this guy: his dangerous
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I'm gonna pink slip you if you don't get that chicken in the oven