The Best Ron Collins Quotes

Young: Kenny saw you.
Sheriff: He should have kept that telescope up in the sky. He was such a smart kid. Good kid.
Young: He was my friend.
Sheriff: I didn't want to hurt him.
Young: What did you want?
Sheriff: Little compensation, maybe. Get paid like a dog protecting spoiled rich folks. Drugs come over the border from Canada, hardly even hide it. Must think I'm a joke. And the government, they want me to burn it. Why not get a little something back for myself? That's all.
Young: Yeah. Real heartbreaking. You're a scumbag who kills kids to cover his own ass. You're pathetic.
Sheriff: You are real brave. Not even screaming. Not that anyone can hear you.
Young: Someone's listening right now. Someone who can hear every single word you say. Every time you breathe. Can you feel it? She's coming.

Alex: Where you going, Sheriff?
Ron: Far away from you.
Alex: That's right. That's because you prefer to shoot from a distance. Or behind the back, like a coward.
Ron: Kenny Li was a long time ago.
Alex: I'm not talking about Kenny Li.

Ron: I owed a debt for what I did. I paid my debt.
Alex: What you did was murder a teenage boy.
Ron: And I have to live with that! Forever.
Alex: Oh, I... you want me to feel sorry for you?
Ron: Why would you? I don't even feel sorry for me. Every time I close my eyes, I see that young boy's face. The future that I stole from him. I see the blood bursting out of his body. I can feel the weight of the gun in my hands. I wasn't a good person. I was corrupt. Then I never thought of myself as a killer. Kid killer. But it turns out, I was a monster. And I deserved everything I got. But I'm not trying to kill you, Danvers. What the hell difference would that make? It's not gonna bring Kenny back. It's not gonna save me. I'm already damned.

Alex: You're trying to kill me.
Ron: [scoffing laugh] Are you kidding?
Alex: You tried to shoot me this morning at the park.
Ron: At the park? Heh, man. Are you still seventeen?
Alex: You don't even care about the countless kids that you could've hurt trying to get to me. Then again, what's one more dead kid to you, right?

Sheriff: You and Kara are quite the little detectives. You ever think about going into law enforcement?
Young: No, not really. Science is kind of my thing.
Sheriff: Well, if you ever want to trade in your microscope for a badge, you let me know.