The Best The Handmaid's Tale, Season 4, Episode 3 Quotes

- It's only through true suffering of the flesh that we shall find His love.

- Can see its beady eyes
- All these things
- Into position
- All these things
- We'll one day swallow whole
- And fade out...
- And fade out
- Again

- Getting June to talk.
- It could help you stay in this house.
- What are saying?
- You owe me.
- You already said that.
- Bears repeating.

- Ooh, baby, do you know
- What that's worth?
- Oh heaven
- Is a place on earth
- They say in heaven
- Love comes first
- We'll make heaven
- A place on earth
- Yeah? Come on.
- Come on. [grunts]

- Thank you, Commander Blaine.
- Ofjoseph is in good hands.
- I am here as her advocate.
- Think of me as her guardian angel.
- Be strong with the Lord... and in the strength of His might.

- It's okay.
- It's okay, baby.
- It's okay.
- It's okay.
- It's okay, baby.

- Look.
- Here's the persimmon.
- Now, hold that.
- Now, we're gonna put that... put it in there.
- Drop it down. Put it in.
- There you go.

- Hi.
- You've looked better.
- You should eat.
- No one's gonna hurt you here.
- Go ahead, eat.

- Poor choice.
- I will never tell you where they are.
- Brave words, Ofjoseph, but... just words.

- Immerse your soul
- In love
- Immerse your soul
- In love

- Mrs. Keyes is safe in custody.
- The other Handmaids are still at large.
- They moved on to the next safe house.
- That's what they assume.

- I love you.
- I love you.

- It's just she knew she'd probably never see me again.
- Right?
- She knew she'd probably never see either of us again.
- And, um, that's the choice that she made and, uh, you know,
- I gotta respect it.
- I gotta respect her.

- We're gonna get you a bath and an early bedtime for once.
- Come on.
- June's in prison... and we're lighting candles.
- We're doing everything we can for her.
- Yeah, don't rub it in.

Aunt: Praise be.
- -[knock on door]
- -[door buzzes]

- All done.
- Come on, we should go wash hands, huh, Supergirl?
- You want to wash hands?
- All right. [grunts]
- Oh, who's a good girl?
- Good girl.

- June...
- -[June gasps]
- -[Sienna screams]
[Lieutenant Stans] What a shame.
- Aw... [chuckles]
- Please don't lie to me again.

- Blessed evening, dear.
- All of our wayward girls have been retrieved safe and sound, thanks to you.

- Help!
- Stop!
- And fade out
- Again
- And fade out
- Again

- I can't... move on.
- I can't.
- I know.
- I wish I could help you.

- Praise be. Gentlemen.
- Bless us, O Lord, for this holy service we are grateful to perform in Your name.
- In our search for justice, may You guide this sinner to righteousness and repentance.
- Amen.

- -Listen to me.
- -[sobbing]
- She didn't know me.
- -Hey.
- -She didn't know me.
- She loves you.
- She loves you.
- I love you.

- June, you have to tell me where they are.
- Or they will hurt Hannah.
- They will hurt her.

- It's all right. Shh.
- All right then.

June: We slept in what had once been the gymnasium.
- We learned to whisper... in the semi-darkness.
- We learned to lipread.

- You wicked, wicked girl.
- All those children, taken from their homes.
- Did you give one thought to their poor parents?
- Did you think about how I would feel?
- You have caused so much pain.
- I hope you're happy with yourself.

[softly] Wake up. Wake up.
- Wake up.
Alma: Hey. What?

Hannah: It's all right.
- I like it.
- That's good.

[Guardian] It's gonna be a little while.
- If you don't mind,
- I'm gonna go use the necessary.
- Oh, of course. [chuckles]
- -Nature calls.
- -[Guardian] Praise be.

- Motherhood's always been an evolutionary puzzle to me.
- Gentlemen.
- I was hoping we could avoid this.

- They're at the Murrow farmhouse,
- 13 miles west of the Keyes' place.
[Lieutenant Stans] It was lovely meeting you, June Osborn.
- Thanks for helping.

- -[vehicle thuds]
- -[June gasps]
[man] ID, please.
[man] Clear. Under His eye.

- You wanted things to change.
- June did that.
- She changed Gilead.
- Gilead was ripe for an overall.
- But she changed me, she changed you.
- So perhaps, she's fulfilled her purpose, and it's time to move on.

- Oh...
- Lydia.
- You know, Janine, your girl, she was so easy.
- She turned on you in a fucking second.

- for I am the Lord thy God.
- Wow.
- What a crazy night, huh?
- Now, where are the Handmaids?
Beth: June... don't tell them anything.

- I can't ask God for something that she didn't want.
- Well, God's been looking out for her so far.
- All right, look,
- I'll see you later.
- I gotta... I gotta go.
- Uh, be safe. Be careful.

- Your choice.
- Your choice.
- Hmm?
- Ah, no, no, no.
- All right, let's get you cleaned up.
- This is the start of a new adventure.

- six dead.
- Some bad liquor... at Jezebel's in Pennsylvania.
- It's bad luck.
- June...
- You have to tell me where the Handmaids are.

- I thought you would've figured that out by now.
- I thought you were gonna clean up your mess.
- I can't do it from the end of a rope.
- This is where we are.
- Well...
- Go fuck yourself.

- Come on. Come on.
- Come on, it's all right.
- Come on.
- Yeah. It's all right.
- Good girl.
- So... tell me where they are.

- Honey, you've got to get up now.
- All right. Come on, dear.
- She's safe.
- She's safe. You're okay.
- Come on now.
- You've got to rest.
- Baby...
Aunt: Come along now.

- No. No.
- No, no.

- If you don't tell them where they are,
- I can't help you.
- Please let me help you.
- -[June breathing shakily]
- -[footsteps approaching]

- I know where they are.
- They went to Vermont.
- They're in a library in Burlington at the university.
- They're waiting there to cross the border.
- Now, let's get you some dry clothes and a place to stay.
- Shall we?
- Bless you.

- When she is hanging on the wall, justice will be done.
- Something's wrong.
- -You should go. Now.
- -I'm not leaving you.
- And bring her to me.
Nick: Where are the Handmaids?
- I'm trying to keep you alive.

[Commander Murrow] What is this?
[Guardian] Commander Murrow, where are they?
- Get out of my house!
- -[gunshot]
- -[woman screams]

- Thank you.
- Thanks, Rachel.
Rachel: Okay.
- My grandmother used to bury a green persimmon in the backyard for luck.
- For what it's worth.