The Best The Middle, Season 6, Episode 3 Quotes

Axl: Yep, I went with Engineering 'cause , uh, Hutch is doing it, so I figured we could do it together. Plus, I like trains, so...
Mike: It's got nothing to do with trains.
Axl: Uh, I think it does.
Mike: Uh, I know it doesn't. Engineers are the guys who build bridges and buildings.
Axl: Oh my God! That's an engineer? Why don't they just call things what they are - bridge builders and building builders.
Brick: That's just embarrassing.

Brick: Mom, Dad, I've decided I'd like to be popular.
Frankie: Okay.
Mike: Not sure that's really couchworthy.
Brick: I've noticed lately that all the other boys seem to get picked up together. I don't know where they're going, but they laugh and slap each other on the back, and treat each other with a lot of camaraderie and bonhomie.
Mike: Well... bonhomie does not grow on trees.
Brick: It looks very enjoyable and I'm thinking I might want to participate in that kind of thing. I know I'm not very good at the social stuff, so I would appreciate any tips you can offer.
Frankie: Okay, I know you love your books, but maybe you should put them down once in awhile and talk to people. You know, like at lunch or parties or that class we send you to to teach you how to talk to people.

Axl: But I just got all B's and now this? When does it end?
Hutch: Wait, why'd you come to college?
Axl: 'Cause I was done with high school. That's where you go.

Axl: Oh, by the way, good news... I've picked my major. Sue, dork roll, please.
[imitates drum roll, cymbal crash]
Axl: Buddhist studies! Booyah! Or should I say "Buddha-yah."
Mike: Really? You're a Buddhist now?
Axl: No, I'm not a Buddhist. I'm studying them. It's Buddhist studies.

Axl: And Buddhism's about rebirth, so I'll learn how my coolness will live on forever. In your face, Death!

Axl: Oh, everybody's always telling me what to do, but now I want them to tell me what to do, and nobody will.

Axl: You have to start from Sue level on down. The bottom feeders, the band kids, the A.V. club, maybe some girl who was kicked in the head by a donkey and talks slow.
Brick: There is a kid who just came to school with a neck brace.
Axl: Ooh, mnh-mnh, that's temporary. It will come off and he could be cool. Don't waste your time.

Axl: What am I doing with my life? It was so much easier when I wanted to be a fireman or superhero. God, I wish I was still seventeen.