The Best The Office, Season 9, Episode 19 Quotes

Stanley: Pete, ice tea. Three sugars, five creams.
Pete: The morning three by five. Coming right up.

State: I am gay.
Reporter: Were you always gay, or did your wife turn you gay?
Reporter: Question for the Senator's beard.

Oscar: Our office has an unusually large number of, unusually large people. So when something as routine as elevator maintenance happens, and people are forced to expend cardiovascular effort, we have to compare it to the end of time.

Carla: Can you juggle and crap?
Andy: Yes and yes.

- Our office has an unusually large number of unusually large people.
- This is an abomination!
- Come on, you got this!
Oscar: So when something as routine as elevator maintenance happens, and people are forced to expend cardiovascular effort, we have to compare it to the end of time.

Clark: We can't just leave him bubble-wrapped like this.
Dwight: Are you kidding me? The bubble wrap is the only thing that's stopping his suit from getting wrinkled. These meetings are all about presentation.
Clark: That's actually really smart.
Dwight: Thank you.
Clark: God, if only there was any other use or situation for that kind of knowledge.

Nellie: Marriage counselling? You know that is the only kind of counselling I've never had.