The Best Ursula Schmiendorf Quotes

Judge Harry T. Stone: [Speaking of Bull's replacement for two weeks] Her name is Ursula something.
Dan: Ursula? We're getting a bailiff named Ursula?
Judge Harry T. Stone: That's what they tell me.
Dan: Yee. I picture high Scandinavian cheek bones... Stern, yet yielding blue eyes, a mane of blond hair. Kinda girl you wanna get naked with and roll around in front of a fire place.
Ursula: [Old, short woman walks into Harry's office] Judge Stone, I'm Ursula.
Dan: [Notices Ursula, jumps. and screams] Aaaah!
Ursula: What's with him?
Judge Harry T. Stone: Reality cramps.
Ursula: Tell me about it.
Judge Harry T. Stone: So, uh, you're Ursula...
Ursula: Schmiendorf.
Judge Harry T. Stone: Schmiendorf. That's German, isn't it?
Dan: Yeah, it means bad sausage.