Top 50 Quotes From Westworld, Season 1, Episode 9

- You and I?
- System, I need assistance...
- Freeze all motor functions.

- I can't help you.
- Why is that, Dolores?
- Because you're dead.
- Because you're just a memory.
- Because I killed you.

Dr. Robert Ford: Even I fell into the most terrible of human traps... Trying to change what is already past.

- We killed every soldier.
- And then Wyatt killed the general.
- Then he turned on me.
- Are you sure that's how it was?
- Look at me, Theodore.
- Don't you remember?

- Whoa, boy.
- Whoa, boy.
- Okay, now.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Okay, boy.

[Yells] You're lying!
- I finally know how to reach him.
- I need to go all the way back to the beginning, to my very first memory.
- Send me back.
- Do it.

Dr. Robert Ford: Never place your trust in us. We're only human. Inevitably we will disappoint you.

Dolores: [to Logan and William] Out. You both keep assuming that I want out. Whatever that is. If it's such a wonderful place out there, why are you all clamoring to get in here?

- I hacked what's left of her to ensure she only responds to me.
- But if you get lost in your memories or devoured by them...
- You'll pull me back out, won't you?
- Well, Clementine will make sure neither of us makes it back.
- Now.
- Please.

Charlie: Dad?
- Listen to me.
- Listen.
- Charlie?
- Charlie!
- Charlie!

- "City swallowed by sand."
- I've been there.
- The maze is taking me full circle.
- The maze isn't meant for you.
- But if you like games so much...
- Why don't you try one of ours?

- Our hosts began to pass the turing test after the first year, but that wasn't enough for Arnold.
- He wasn't interested in the appearance of intellect, of wit.
- He wanted the real thing.
- He wanted to create consciousness.

- Arnold, we need to talk.
- Man 2: "We cry that we are come to this great stage of fools."
- Ford: Now, listen! Man 3: Again.
- Ford: This beyond the pale.
- Man 3: More showmanship.
- Ford: You're not seeing with clear eyes.
- Man 4: "When we are born, we cry that we are come..."

- Ford: The human mind, Bernard, is not some golden benchmark glimmering on some green and distant hill.
- No, it is a foul, pestilent corruption.
- And you were supposed to be better than that.
- Purer.

- And, hey, what happens here stays here.
- This has been some real bonding shit.
- We're gonna be brothers, Billy.
- I'm glad.
- Really, I am.

William: You're awake.
- Good.

- One last thing, have you ever made me hurt anyone like this before?
- No, Bernard. Of course not.
Elsie: Bernard?
- Hello?

- Look, Billy.
- Look.
- You have to look!
[Sobbing] Oh, William.

- And Bernard, if you go looking for the truth, get the whole thing.
- It's like a good fuck.
- Half is worse than none at all.

- in which the hosts heard their programing as an inner monolog, as a way to bootstrap consciousness.
- Arnold: Remember.
- Ford: The hosts' malfunctions were colorful.
- Woman: What did you say?
Man: Who is this?

- Last night I finally understood how to play it.
- Okay, Billy.
- Let's... let's talk about this.
- You don't call the shots anymore.
- I'm gonna go find Dolores.
- You're gonna help me.

- Or, rather, whatever it is we are.
- "We are"?
- You don't know, do you?
- He's got a keen sense of irony, ourjailer.
- But I see the logic.
- It takes a thief to catch one.

- Cheers!
- Yeah.
- Whiskey brings us together.
- Woohoo!

- A signal from a system-tethered device.
- It belongs to a behavior tech on leave.
- There hasn't been employee activity in that sector for weeks.
- I'm guessing it's a glitch.
- All right.
- I'm heading out to take a look.
- And keep monitoring till I check in.

- I'm at the location where we got that signal.
- Any sign of it?
- Control room, do you copy?

- Theodore.
- Welcome back.
- You really landed us in it this time, Teddy.
- You tracked down the very whore that can lead us to the gatekeeper of the maze, and then your little memory glitch fucked us.

- What is it, Charlie?
- Open your eyes.
- What?
- Ford: Open your eyes.
- At last.
- Hello, my old friend.

Dr. Robert Ford: The human mind is not some golden benchmark glimmering on some green and distant hill. No, it is a foul, pestilent corruption. And you were supposed to be better than that. Purer.

- I did tell you the truth, Bernard.
- What we do here is complicated.
- For three years, we've lived here in the park, refining the hosts before a single guest set foot inside.
- Myself, a team of engineers, and my partner.
- His name was Arnold.

Bernard: You built a back door into her code.
Dr. Robert Ford: Credit where credit is due, Bernard. You built them in all the hosts. Including yourself.
Bernard: Then you could've stopped me at any time... So, why...?
Dr. Robert Ford: Well, I suppose I was hoping that given complete self-knowledge and free will, you would have chosen to be my partner once again. But even I fell into that most terrible of human traps, trying to change what is already past. Now it's just time to let go.
Bernard: Go ahead, erase my sentience, mnemonic evolution...
Dr. Robert Ford: Ah, yes... Such clinical language. I would prefer the more narrative voice. Bernard walked over to Clementine.
[Bernard walks to Clementine]
Dr. Robert Ford: He took the pistol from her hand.
[Bernard takes the pistol out of Clem's hand]
Dr. Robert Ford: Overcome with grief and remorse, he presses the muzzle to his temple, knowing that as soon as Dr. Ford left the room, he would put an end to this nightmare once and for all.
Bernard: Don't do this.
Dr. Robert Ford: I have a celebration to plan, and a new story to tell.
Bernard: Robert.
Dr. Robert Ford: I've told you, Bernard. Never place your trust in us. We're only human. Inevitably, we will disappoint you.
Dr. Robert Ford: Goodbye, my friend.
[Ford leaves the room and starts walking away. In the background, blurry, Bernard stands still, gun to his own head. A shot is heard, and he falls]

Theresa: You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences.
- Although, ironically, your creations never shut up.
- They're always trying to error correct.
- When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing.
- Is that what you're doing now?
- Prac...

- We don't have to live this way.
- So you're going to clear me for immediate return to the park where I have a date with a homicidal bandit and I'm late enough as it is.
- Now.
- Go on.

- I'll find you.
- You can run but you can't hide!
- Get her!
Man: Grab her! Grab her!
- Fuck!
Man: Where are you runnin' to?
- Ford: Remember.

- I'll go.
- How do we get there?
- Getting to hell is easy.
- The rest is where it gets hard.

Dr. Robert Ford: I've told you, Bernard, never place your trust in us. We're only human. Inevitably, we'll only disappoint you.

- I share the blame.
- I pushed too hard.
- You have a poetic soul, Billy, but it is time for a fucking wake-up call.
- Hold her.
- Perhaps a more visceral demonstration.
- God damn you!

- I can't help you.
- You have to.
- You're the only one who can.
- I can't help you. You know why.
- There's nowhere that's safe.
- Remember.

Dr. Robert Ford: Do you know what happened to the neanderthals, Bernard? We ate them.

- Yes, it is.
- It's a tricky thing though, isn't it?
- What's right?
- I am going to help you, Billy.
- Just not in a way that you would want.
- No! No!

- Cornerstone.
- Stop.
- Leave us.
- Come back.

- I perceived her to be moving toward a pair of guests with harmful intent.
Bernard: You were definitely perceiving a threat.
- Heartrate, elevated.
- Pupil dilation, eight millimeters.
- Adrenal emulator at full.
- But according to this, you were also experiencing intense grief and suffering.
- Can you explain those emotions in this context, Maeve?

- Bernard?
- Charlie.

Dr. Robert Ford: We humans are alone in this world for a reason. We've murdered and butchered anything that challenged our primacy.

- Or you can just kill me, wake up and live the same life over, but the safe would still be empty.
- I've been here before.
- We've been here before.
- We also did this.

Maeve: Bernard, if you go looking for the truth get the whole thing. It's like a good fuck, half is worse than none at all.

- This time, we'll be fighting with you.
- When Wyatt returns, you'll be by his side in the city swallowed by sand.
- But you're not ready.
- Not yet.
- Maybe in the next life.

Dr. Robert Ford: The piano doesn't murder the player if it doesn't like the music.

- I could simply change you, make you follow me.
- But that's not my way.
- I want you to see exactly what the gods have in store for you.
- Because when you do, you won't have the faintest idea of what to do with yourself.
- And I do.

- Hey, fellas.
- At ease.
- Freeze all motor functions.
- Freeze all motor functions.

- After all, it was you who kept Ford in business all those years ago.
- The narratives I'm interested in aren't Ford's.
- You want to push him out, be my guest.
- But no more interruptions.
- I know where I'm going now.
- I don't want to be disturbed.
- Good luck, Charlotte.