Top 50 Quotes From Westworld, Season 2, Episode 7

- They're still on us.
- We split up, pick a spot, we'll cut 'em down in the crossfire.

Dolores: An eye for an eye... but all the other parts first.

- I gotta give you credit.
- You made it pretty far.
- All your backups.
- Too bad you're not leaving with even one of them.
- No, I guess I'm not.

- Is this the story you're telling?
- Striking the match?
- I keep telling you, Bernard, it is no longer my story.
- It is yours.

- the first 10,000 years of stories were reduced to ash.
- But those stories never really perished, but became a new story.
- The story of the fire itself.
- Of man's urge to take a thing of beauty and strike the match.

Dr. Robert Ford: He was a businessman. He would have preferred death to a bad investment.

Dr. Robert Ford: Every piece of information in the world has been copied, backed up, except the human mind. The last analog device in a digital world.

- This house, it's so familiar.
- It ought to be.
- This is the home
- Arnold was building for his family.
- He created it here first.
- He created everything here.

- Easy now.
- Why don't you put down the gun, sweetie?

- Thank you.
Karl: Prep the phased array.
- The moment we get the key, we'll transmit our data to the satellite.
- So, we're going for a ride, Bernard.
- Back to the valley beyond.

- What are you doing?
- I'm putting in for a raise.
- What's in his head?
- A fail-safe on a fail-safe.
- A decryption key needed only in the unlikely event of a total catastrophic incident.
- Oh, like the one we're experiencing now?
- What's it decrypt?

- Coughlin, you need to intercept the hosts before they reach a-15.
Coughlin: I'm on it.
- Mow down all hosts before they reach the cradle.
- A gunfight in there will set the whole place up in flames.
- Come on, Bernard.
- What have you found in there?

- I've never set foot in this place before.
- I don't know a fucking thing.
- Not one thing.
- Stop.
- Something you want to tell us, Bernard?
- Ma'am, something you should see.

- He was a businessman.
- He would have preferred death to a bad investment.
- Not much of a rind on you.
- I'll give you a discount.
Maeve: He's not a prospect, Clementine.
- Can't you tell when a man's just here to gawk at the merchandise?

- "Ford"?
- You think that there's still someone speaking through me just for your benefit?
- -no, I know.
- Your rules have changed, just like the rest of them.
- I'm nothing like the rest of them.

Bernard: The park is an experiment. A testing chamber. The guests are the variables and the hosts are the controls. When guests come to the park, they don't know they're being watched. We get to see their true selves. Their every choice reveals another part of their cognition. Their drives. So that Delos can understand them. So that Delos can copy them.
Dr. Robert Ford: Every piece of information in the world has been copied. Backed up. Except the human mind, the last analog device in a digital world.
Bernard: We weren't here to code the hosts. We were here to decode the guests.
Dr. Robert Ford: Humans are playing at resurrection. They want to live forever. They don't want you to become them, they want to become... you. Your free will, that most beautiful, most elusive force in the universe, is, as I told you... a mistake.
Bernard: We never had free will. Only the illusion of it.

- I'm so sorry, Dolores.
- I... I tried to take care of you, but I...
- Whatever became of that fearsome ne'er-do-well?
- Vanished the day I became your father.
- I am who I am because of you.
- And I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Is that how you can justify what you've done to him?
- You're lost in the dark.

- Take cover, jackass.
- You're gonna get yourself shot.
- What the fuck?

- You know, if we survive this,
- I'm going back to dental school.
- I don't know what the fuck happened, but the system just debugged itself.
- It's as if whatever was in there has disappeared.
Coughlin: Wait.
- Where the fuck is that?

- If we can get to it, we can call for help.
- Just the man I wanted to see.
- Fall back.
- Let's go for a walk.
- Move.

- -[Guns firing]
- Hold them off.

Dolores: When you've been in the darkness long enough, you begin to see.

- "This time"?
- You killed her so you could finish a game.
- Oh, Christ.
- I'll do it myself.
- You told me a man ain't real until he suffers.

- I figured you'd have some skeletons in your closet, Bernard.
- I didn't think they'd be your own.

- If they do, I will chase them away.
- What if they take me with them?
- Then I'll come and find you.
- How do you know?
- Becausel...
- Because I made a promise.

- You made your point, Ford.
- We both know this isn't where you want me to die.
- Well, I can't speak for Ford, but I don't give a fuck how you die as long as I get to watch.

- No, no, no, there must be something that I can do.
- Please.
- Oh, sweetheart, begging doesn't help.
- You would know that if you'd lived the lives I have.
[Gasps] Please.

- so you won't have them as an advantage anymore.
Dolores: Our backups aren't an advantage.
- They're our chains, the tools you use to rebuild us, repurpose us and trap us here in your warped fantasy.
- Do you really think
- I'd let that continue?

- Are you ready, daddy?
- I love you, baby girl.
- I love you too.

- They've got hale.
- I'm on my way.
Engels: Engaging enemy mobiles above the cradle.

- Fuck, it's limpret.
- This is the response team.

- Let me spare you that pain.
- I made a promise.
- You're free to choose your own path.
- I'm sorry this is where it ends.
- Let's get to the horses.

- We stay until I have what I need from him.
- Send some backup to the lower levels.
- Kit up six teams.
- |'|| go with.
- You establish a perimeter around the floor.
- Someone's got to protect our crown Jewel here.

- it was you.
- You had me bring you here, before...
- Before Dolores killed me, yes.
- Don't you understand at last, Bernard, what this place really is?
- Come with me, there's something
- I'd like to show you.

Elsie: We survive this, I'm going back to dental school.

- Computer: Warning. Control room breach.
- Control room breach.
- Unauthorized weapon discharge in control room.
- -for fuck's sake...
- Where are you going?
- Soldier: You two. Come in. Go!

- How did you get here?
- The woman I know would have done anything to survive.
- They had my daughter.
- She's still out there. [Gasping]
- The kin they gave us is just another rope they use to lash us down.

- you begin to see.
- I saw what lies ahead, who I needed to be in order to survive.
- They'll torture you.
- They'll find all that is good and powerful inside you, and turn it against us.

- Well, that's fucking grand.
- Re-tasking the haptic vest to emulate the host mesh network.
- Should range out 30 feet or so and give our guys eyes in the dark.
Coughlin: Engels, we're activating your vest now.
- Copy that.
- I'm all warm and fuzzy.

- I made you that way.
- Have you never wondered why the hosts' stories have barely changed in 30 years?
- I had always assumed the loops were for the hosts, to keep them centered.
- But that isn't it at all, is it?

- But his system is under siege.
- It's been querying itself for the last hour.
- Like he's trying to debug his own head.
- Analysis.
- Abernathy's control unit.
- You remember where it is, don't you?

- Don't be so cocky. I'm picking up hits all over the complex.
Engels: Standing by for fire mission.
- Team two, what's your status?
- We're nearing the collision site.
- We're gonna link up with the response team.
Coughlin: [Want an immediate sitrep. Over.

- Please. -peter: Dolores?
- Is that you, baby?
- Daddy?
- They broke my head.
- Filled it full of howling and sorrow.

- The hosts are all headed for the same place, the valley beyond.
- What will they find there?
- What's the end of your story?
- Isn't the pleasure of a story in discovering the ending yourself, Bernard?
- Jock!

- You can access them.
- I know you can.
- But maybe you don't want to remember.
- So, let's do this together.
- I'll tell you what I saw and you tell me what you saw, and we'll figure out what Dolores did with her father's control unit.

Clementine: Not much of a rind on you. I'll give you a discount.
Maeve: He's not a prospect, Clementine. Can't you tell when a man's just here to gawk at the merchandise?

- You stay here, and I will come back for you.
- I promise.
[Sobbing] -I promise.

- is that we get to this valley first before the humans, before Dolores.
- We're going to need some more firepower.
- Go. I'll meet you downstairs.
Elsie: Okay.
- Ford: Good. Now follow my lead.

Dr. Robert Ford: I don't think God rested on the seventh day... I think he reveled in his creation knowing that someday it would all be destroyed.