The Best Adam Guenzel Quotes

Vernon: Adam Guenzel has become a liability.
Prisoner: You think he'll blab to the nun?
[Schillinger nods]
Vernon: [to Guenzel] Hey, prag! Get over here!
Adam: Yes, sir.
Vernon: It's your lucky day. Tonight, we're going to help you escape.

Franklin: [Guenzel has been transferred to Unit B] Oh, how the mighty hath fallen.
Adam: Fuck you, faggot!
Vernon: GUENZEL!
Adam: Oh, Hi Vern. Your buddies from Em City all send regards.
Vernon: Shut up!
Adam: But I was...
Vernon: [bitch-slaps Guenzel] Speak when you're spoken to!
[the other Aryans drag Guenzel into a storage room]
Franklin: [blocking Schillinger's path] Sir. May I watch?
Vernon: If you don't watch, how will you ever learn? After you.

#02W562: Hey there, handsome.
#02W561: Fuck you.
#02W562: Hey, what's with the attitude, man? I'm in here because of you, remember? I didn't wanna rape that girl!
#02W561: Look at yourself. Look at what you've turned into!
#02W562: I had to, to survive, you know?
#02W561: You don't see me all dolled-up.
#02W562: That's 'cause you've got Beecher, and from what I understand, you're paying the same price for protection that I am.
#02W561: Bullshit!
#02W562: Hey, everyone knows that Beecher's a fucking fag, and everyone knows you're sucking *his* cock.

Tobias: Adam? Is everything all right? You haven't said a word all evening.
#02W561: Were you a fag before you came to Oz or did you start here?
Tobias: What?
#02W561: I've been asking around, I've heard some stories; are they true?
Tobias: Depends on what you heard.
#02W561: That when you first arrived, you were Schillinger's bitch?
Tobias: [embarrassed] Yes.
#02W561: And then some guy named Keller's bitch?
Tobias: Not "bitch", exactly.
#02W561: Well, then what? His "girlfriend"?
Tobias: People like to reduce things to their most basic form...
#02W561: You're either a fag or you're not a fag. And if you are, you should of told me instead of pretending to act normal; pretending to care about me for the right reasons.
Tobias: [begins to approach him] Adam, I *do* care about you for the right reasons.
#02W561: Stay back!
Tobias: Come on, don't be an asshole.
#02W561: Yeah, you'd like that, huh? You'd like to be up my asshole?
Tobias: Shut the fuck up!