The Best Annie Quotes

Sabrina: [caught crawling trying to make her escape] Hey, while I'm down here, you want a pedicure?
[self-conscious giggle]
Annie: Okay, I know I suggested you change your appearance, but I'm not sure the Pamela Anderson look is the image you want.
Sabrina: [referring to her new assets] Oh, these aren't mine. I'm, uh, carrying them for a friend. Gotta go!
[scampers off on too-high heels]

James: She looked like a bag lady.
Cole: James, I think you're over-reacting. We really don't know anything about Sabrina.
Annie: He's right. I mean, this could be her sad, desperate attempt to give herself a little edge. You know, like when the Bush girls get drunk and make out with Democrats.

Sabrina: You're right. I'm gonna tell Annie I have written my last obituary.
Annie: [appearing] Sabrina! Get down to Boston General. There's a rumor Keith Richards is having chest pains.
Sabrina: Can't I wait till he goes to the morgue? I have my own parking spot there.

Annie: Let me get this straight. You were all excited about doing this article this morning, now you don't wanna write it.
Sabrina: Well, it's not that I don't wanna write it, it's just that... uh, this is kind of a left-brain type article. And I just happened to sleep on my left side last night, so that side of the brain is really numb. Now the right side is feeling bitter and neglected...
Annie: Oh, can't you just call in sick like normal people?
Sabrina: Well, that would be a left-brain function, so...