The Best Daphne Landry Quotes

Daphne: Dionysus, Satan. It's really just a kind of energy. Wild energy, like... lust, anger, excess, violence. Basically, all the fun stuff. Maryann brings it out in people. She channels it, controls it. She's immortal, Sam. She never wasn't here, so there ain't no point in fightin' her. You see, you'll never win.
Sam: I'm not just gonna let her kill me.
Daphne: Bein' apart of something divine is worth dyin' a thousand time, you'll see.
Sam: If I give myself up, will she go away, leave everyone else alone?
Daphne: I wouldn't bet on that. She's havin' too much fun and this town is full of crazies, ripe for the pickin'. She's like a pyro in a room full of matches.

Daphne: [to Sam, after the collie runs off] Were you just talking to that dog?
Sam: [in the water] Daphne? What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?
Daphne: Same as you, I guess. Just tryin' to cool off and I can't sleep. I have this hardass boss. He really laid into me this week.
Sam: He sounds like a jerk.
Daphne: He's not all bad. He can be real nice, to dogs.
Sam: Listen, I'm real sorry. I've had a lot on my mind.

Sam: [about MaryAnn] Why is she going' through all this trouble tryin' to get to me?
Daphne: 'Cause you got away from her once. She can't control you.

Sam: [surprised] Y-you're a...
Daphne: A shapeshifter and proud of it!
Sam: How'd you... how'd you find out about me?
Daphne: Last night in the woods, I watched a dog jump in the water and it came up you.

Daphne: [walking through the woods, undressing] You're carrying that secret like a two-ton sack of feed on your back and it doesn't have to be that way.
Sam: Secret? What secret?
Daphne: [going behind a tree] Fiber!
Sam: I ain't in the mood tonight, little girl... Daphne?
[picking up her clothes, seeing a fawn]
Sam: Well, hey.
Daphne: [shifting back] Hey your own self.

Daphne: Hope you're enjoying that Coca-Cola, Arlene.
Arlene: Well, thank you, Daphne, I am. Because unlike you, I actually did my closing prep last night.
Daphne: I'd appreciate it if you gave me a hand, just for today.
Arlene: Then you'll never learn. Now, some people around here might let you slide on by, but I'm thinking about your future as a server.
Daphne: [Rolls her eyes] That's real generous.
Arlene: Don't forget to make the iced tea

Daphne: [hearing people near by, to Sam] Oh crap. Hand me my drawers.

Daphne: [Whispers into Sam's ear] I know what you are.