The Best Guard Quotes

Anthony: I want to know what you're gonna do to compensate Julia and all the others to whom you've brought pain and sorrow.
Tyrone: I guess I don't know yet.
Anthony: Well, you're gonna have plenty of time to think about it. This is your third offense, and they're gonna throw the book at you this time.
Tyrone: I know. I don't even know why I did it.
Anthony: You just wanted to screw up because that's what everybody expects of you. Well I'm gonna surprise you, Tyrone. I'm gonna wait around here for you to get out. I'm gonna come to visit you every week. I'm gonna check on you. I'm gonna hound you like a dog. And when you do get out of here, I'm gonna expect to see something a whole lot better than what I'm looking at now.
Tyrone: You are?
Anthony: Oh, you're damn right.
Tyrone: I can't believe you came. My own sister didn't even come.
Anthony: So what, Tyrone. You think that you're the only kid in the world whose family doesn't care about him? Well let me tell you something. I grew up in a neighborhood where people put cigarettes out on your head. I never met my father, and my mother was an addict who left me behind when I was two weeks old - - I didn't see her again 'til I was nine. Then she wrote and said she was coming. One day she showed up at school after I had told everybody how beautiful my mama was and how she was coming just to see me. You know what she did, Tyrone? She got out of her car. She walked across the playground and picked up some other kid and hugged him and starting crying and calling him by my name. She did that right in front of everybody. I was her son and she didn't even know me. So you see... I've been where you are right now. And if it hadn't been for that one person, my grandmama, loving me and kicking my butt everyday I'd still be there.
Tyrone: I'm sorry I let you down.
Anthony: I'm gonna be here every week. You can count on that, Tyrone.
Guard: I'm sorry, but your time is up.
Anthony: One more thing, man. You know that birthday wish that you asked me about? I wished you were my son.
Tyrone: I love you.
[hugs Anthony]
Anthony: I love you too, man.
[the guard escorts Tyrone out. Julia comes up to Anthony]
Julia: Anthony, I want you to know that I've never been prouder of anyone in my life... than I am of you at this moment.
[she hugs him]
Julia: Let's go home.