The Best Lost, Season 2, Episode 9 Quotes

- You see that?
- You mean the big-ass horse standing in the middle of the jungle? Then, yeah.

[text appears on the monitor]
Monitor: Hello?
Michael: [typing] Hello?
Monitor: Who is this?
Michael: [typing] This is Michael. Who is this?
Monitor: Dad?

- Home, sweet home.
- I really thought you were yanking my chain.
- What do you keep smiling at?
- You need a haircut.
- Oh, really?
- Maybe you ought to take me back inside.

- Maybe because he's the one who always comes down here and chops wood and now you are.
- It's, like, transference.
- Are you a shrink now?
- That's what they called it in the mental hospital.
- I'm not mad at anyone.

- You are beautiful.
- Good night.

- If that don't make a person want to kill somebody, I don't know what does.
- But the question is: Now, why now?
- Why after all these years did you just decide to blow poor Wayne up?
- He come knocking on your door late at night?
- He never touched me.
- Look out!

Mr. Eko: Hello. I have something I think you should see. If you don't mind, I will begin at the beginning. Long before Christ, the king of Judah was a man named Josiah.
John: Boy, when you say beginning, you mean *beginning*.

- Hey, girl. What are you doing here?
- Hey, there. all right. Let's get you to bed.
- Watch your step.
- Watch your step.
- What the hell is that smell?
- Probably your breath. yeah, right.

- Hey.
- I'm going to go to the funeral.
- I don't think I'm gonna make it.
- I think most of them realize it was an accident, Ana.

- No, I don't think so.
- Don't run, Kate.
- I got her.
- Kate Austen, you're under arrest for murder.
- I didn't do anything. yeah, you did.
- Your mama gave you up, Kate.

- But he did leave a movie.
- A movie? yeah.
- You wanna see it?
- I would like to see it, too.
- If you don't mind.
- Why not? The more, the merrier.

- Why can't you just put the numbers in now?
- No. Doesn't work that way.
- The alarm goes off at four minutes.
- You can't type anything until then.
- You mind if! Check out some of this hardware?
- Sure.

- You're beautiful.
- Hey.
- Hey. I just gave you a compliment.
- Yeah. I heard you.
- Aren't you gonna take my pants off first?

- Sawyer!
- Fifteen, 16, 2...
- Forty-two.

- Hey.
- Jack. This place is crazy. It's just...
- I can't... it's driving me nuts.
- I know. It's ok.
- It's all right. It's all right.
- All right?

Jack: Sorry, man, I know this hurts. Michael told me you pulled the bullet out with your bare hands. You'll have to show me how to do that sometime.
Sawyer: [whispering] Where is she?
Jack: What? I didn't...
Sawyer: [whispering] Where is she?
Jack: You mean Kate. She's been watching over you for the past 24 hours straight. The only way I could get rid of her was to send her out to get some food for you.
Sawyer: [whispering] I love her. I love her.

- I'm 24, ma.
- You wanna ride on that death trap of yours without a helmet,
- I'm not gonna help your cause by getting you drunk.
- How's that wrist? what? This?
- You know that shelf in the kitchen sticks out sometimes.
- You'd think I'd remember it was there. don't.

- I'm sorry I missed it. Herfuneral.
- I had to be with Sawyer, so...
- Why aren't you with him now?
- Because I'm going crazy.
- Do you believe in ghosts, Sayid?
- I saw Walt in the jungle, just before Shannon was shot.

- I didn't tell you because I knew you'd kill him.
- And your mother loved him.
- You were five years old.
- I wanted to take you along with me, but she wouldn't let me.
- So why didn't you kill him?
- Because I don't have murder in my heart.

- every time I feel something for him,
- I see you, Wayne.
- And it makes me sick.
- That's about the sweetest thing
- I ever heard.
- Sawyer?
- Who the hell is Wayne?

- Can you hear me?
- Sawyer?

Hugo: So, Rose's husband's white. Didn't see that one coming.

- Keep him hydrated. Maybe mash up some fruit and see if you can get him to eat.
- Everybody will be at the beach, so don't forget the button.
- I've got it.
- I'll be back in a couple hours. yep.
- You're sure you're ok?
- Yeah. I'm great.

John: [watching the extra film footage] Here it comes.
Dr. Marvin Candle: And do not attempt to use the computer for anything else other than the entry of the code. This is its only function. The isolation that tends to be associated with Station Three may tempt you to try and utilize the computer for communication with the outside world. This is strictly forbidden. Attepting to use the computer in this manner will compromise the integrity of the project and worse... It could lead to another incident. I repeat, do not use the computer for anything other than entering the code.

- Where's the tonic? we're running a little low on mixers.
- Sure you wanna waste that on me?
- I figured you could use a drink.
- I know I could.
- You gonna try to convince me that everyone here doesn't hate me?
- Only if you're gonna try to convince me every woman in the world's not crazy.

- Really? All I heard was something about electromagnets and an "incident."
- What about all the missing pieces?
- You mean the splices?
- Just a frame here and there, I think.
- Nothing important.
- What do you think?
- About the film? What do you think?

Mr. Eko: Don't mistake coincidence for fate.

- And it was with that ancient book, not with the gold, that Josiah rebuilt the temple.
- On the other side of the island...
- We found a place much like this.
- And in this place we found a book.

Kate: [Noticing the bruise where Wayne hurt Diane's wrist] How's that wrist?
Diane: What, this? No, that shelf in the kitchen sticks out sometimes. You'd think I'd remember it was there, but I banged it.
Kate: Don't.
Diane: I made my bed, Katherine.
Kate: Well, your bed's gone, Ma.

- Sawyer? You awake?
- You killed me.
- Why did you kill me?
- It's the alarm.

- You'll have to show me how to do that sometime.
- Where is she?
- What? I didn't... where is she?
- You mean Kate? She's been watching over you for the past 24 hours straight.
- Only way I could get rid of her was to send her to get food for you.
- I love her.

- I'm gonna have to call them.
- Can I have an hour?
- Bye, daddy.

- You know that horse, freckles?
- Yeah, I do.

Kate: [sees a large horse and thinks she's hallucinating] Do you see that?
Sawyer: If you mean the big ass horse in the middle of the jungle, then, yes, I see it.

- Shannon and I were strangers.
- We never would have met if...
- We wouldn't even have spoken if...
- But we did meet.
- And we did speak.
- I loved her.

- You hungry?
- I'm just gonna mash you up some fruit here.
- When you wake up, you're gonna get a kick out of me feeding you like a baby.
- I saw a horse.
- That's what happens when you don't sleep.

- Charlie. Have you seen Kate?
- A little while ago in the jungle.
- She was acting kind of barmy, asking me about horses.
- You know where she is now?
- She's on the path heading back to the caves.
- Everything ok? yeah, Charlie. Everything's fine.

Kate: Can you hear me? Sawyer? Wayne? I'm probably crazy and this doesn't matter, but maybe you're in there somehow. But you asked me a question. You asked me why... why I did it. It wasn't because you drove my father away, or the way you looked at me, or because you beat her. It's because I hated that you were a part of me... that I would never be good. That I would never have anything good. And every time that I look at Sawyer... every time I feel something for him... I see you, Wayne. And it makes me sick.
James: That's about the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
Kate: Sawyer?
James: Who the hell's Wayne? I'm in a bunk-bed?
Kate: Yeah, you're in a bunk-bed.
James: Are we saved?
Kate: No, Sawyer. Not yet.

- I don't know. He didn't come back.
- Has he said anything?
- Sawyer?
- No. He's still sleeping.
- Can you watch him?
- I can stay if you... no, yeah, I can.

- Am I in a bunk bed?
- Yeah, you're in a bunk bed.
- Are we saved?
- No, Sawyer.
- Not yet.

Kate: Why didn't you tell me that Wayne was my father?
Sgt. Sam Austen: I didn't tell you because I knew you'd kill him... and your mother loved him. You were five years old... I wanted to take you along with me, she wouldn't let me.
Kate: So why didn't you kill him?
Sgt. Sam Austen: Because I don't have murder in my heart.

- Someone else out this piece out.
- We crash, two halves of the same plane fall on different parts of the island.
- You're over there. I'm over here.
- And now here's the missing piece, right back where it belongs.
- What are the odds?
- Don't mistake coincidence for fate.

Dr. Jack Shephard: Figured you could use a drink. I know I could.
Ana: Are you going to try to convince me that everyone here doesn't hate me?
Dr. Jack Shephard: Only if you're going to try to convince me that every woman in the world's not crazy.

- You've gotta be kidding me.
- Airlock's over this way.
- Come on, admit it. We've been rescued.
- You got it? Sorry.
- Watch yourself.

- What did you do?
- Does Wayne know about this?
- Just remember you were here and you didn't see me.
- Katherine! What did you do?
- I took care of you, ma.
- I gotta go.
- You're not gonna see me for a while.