The Best Lost, Season 4, Episode 4 Quotes

Ben: I feel for you, John. I really do. You keep hitting dead ends.

- I worked it out so you two can have a few minutes of privacy.
- I don't need any privacy. you need to talk to her, Kate.
- I'll be outside.

- Son of a bitch.
- Come on.

- I know why you don't want to see my baby, Jack.
- But until you do, until you want to...
- There's no you and me going for coffee.
- But um...
- If at any time you change your mind, come and see us. yeah.

- I learn English for you.
- To live in america.

- Now she's a flight risk? the definition of a flight risk.
- She has one of the most recognizable faces. Where will she run?
- Miss Austen, based on your prior history,
- I'm inclined to agree with the people.
- You're remanded into federal custody for the duration of your trial. Bailiff, take the defendant into custody. sorry.

- So here we are, just like old times.
- Except I'm locked in a different room.
- And you're more lost than you ever were.
- I know what you're trying to do.
- It's not gonna work.
- Excellent, John. You're evolving. done with your breakfast?

- Kate. I'm so glad you're back.
- He missed you so much. did you keep him away from the TV?
- Absolutely.
- I just put him down for a nap.

- So yeah, we know.
- If I were you, I'd stay right here on the island.
- Who knows? Maybe you didn't survive the crash.
- Come on, come on.
- Go back to your house, Kate.
- John, this has nothing to do with you. go back to your house, Kate!

- So, what do you want to watch, xanadu or Satan's doom?
- I'm reading.
- Will you turn that thing down? sorry.

- Don't make this about me, Kate. You didn't want a baby any more than I did.
- You're looking for some excuse to split, now you got one.
- That's all right, freckles,
- I ain't gonna hold it against you.
- I'm just gonna sit right here in my comfy bed, because in about a week, you'll find some reason to get pissed at Jack and bounce right back to me.

- Well, I unbanish you.
- You can stay right here.
[Grunts] This is my house.
- -
- Ok, me and montezuma's house.
- [Giggl681 you're gonna be all right.
- I'll keep you safe.

- Why don't you tell...? because I don't trust you.
- This is about the pregnancy thing.
- James. yeah?
- Go home.
- Ok, fine.
- See you later then.

- I only have one question for you.
- Do you love the defendant? objection!
- You opened this door, Mr. Forrester.
- I'm going to allow it.
- Dr. Shephard?
- Do you love miss Austen?
- Not anymore.

- You haven't heard from Sayid?
- You said they left yesterday.
- And I'm sure they're fine.
- What if Locke was right?
- What if these people are here to hurt us?
- Locke has no idea what he's doing.
- Then why is Kate with him?

- I just...
- I just want this to be over.
Melissa: I can do that.
- Ten years probation, and you stay put.
- I have a child.
- I'm not going anwvhere.

- Cool. That dude creeps me out.
- He's still in the rec room, right?
- I moved him to the boathouse...
- You just totally scooby-doo'd me, didn't you?
- Sorry.
- You're not gonna let him go, are you? no. No, I promise.
- Just don't tell Locke it was me.

- The boathouse down by the dock?
- If Hugo knows, everybody knows.
- Are you sure about this? yeah, I'm sure.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Where are you going with that?
- Whatever miles has to say to Ben...
- He can say to me.

- Court is now in session.
- Please be seated.
- Don't fire me, ok? what?
- We got killed in the opening.
- I had to do this.
- Does the defense have a witness?
- Yes, we do, your honor.
- The defense calls Dr. Jack Shephard to the witness stand.

- Because...
- It all changed, when I thought you were dead.
- My doctors have given me six months to live for the last four years.
- I don't know how long I'm going to last.
- I came here to tell you that I...
- I don't want to testify against you.

- I just need to know what they said to each other.
- Miles told Ben he would lie to the people he works for on the boat, tell them Ben was dead for $3.2 million.
- Listen, John, I'm sorry.
- I asked you where he was... you're not welcome here anymore.
- I want you gone by morning.

- In the meantime, however, you're gonna keep your mouth shut.
- I learned something yesterday.
- No use having rules if there's no punishment for breaking them.
- You'll be fine if you bite down on the trigger.
- Enjoy your breakfast.

John: Do you think I know what I'm doing?
James: Huh?
John: Do you... Regret following me out here? Or are you worried about what we should do next?
James: All I know is that I would be a lot more worried if I were sitting on that beach.
John: And the rest of the group, what are they saying?
James: I think they're saying 'baah'. That's the nice thing about sheep - predictable.

- "Albuquerque?"
- New York. too many people.

- I'm not letting you go.
- I don't want to be let go.
- I am exactly where I want to be.
- What I want is one minute of someone's time.
- You bring him to me...
- And I will tell you everything I know about you.
- Who do you think?

- Hello, Katherine.
- Was it true, what he said?
- Dr. Shephard.
- That you're a hero?

John: My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible for the well-being of this island.

- Minkowski wasn't answering.
- The people on the island want to talk to their friends, make sure they're ok.
Regina: What friends?
[Charlotte] They left last night.
- Frank took them up in the helicopter.
Regina: What do you mean?
- I thought the helicopter was with you.

- I'm calling your boat all day.
- Why isn't anyone answering? we're here. How should we know?
- If they're not answering... there's only one line on that boat?
- There is another number we're only supposed to use in emergencies.
- It's an emergency.
- Put it on speaker.

- I want to use you for something.
- See? Wasn't that hard.
[Exhales] For what? for Ben.
- I want you to help me bust him out.
- Want to play some backgammon?
- You're on.