The Best Spartan Quotes

Spartan: [seeing Ramsey turn into Bloodwork] That's one ugly son of a bitch.

Spartan: Yo, Casper! I got something for you.
[shooting Godspeed]
Spartan: Nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer.

Caitlin: The clones are back.
Cecile: Seems like they came back awfully fast this time.
Chester P. Runk: Flash, we got company.
The: I'm ready, Chester. Do it.
Chester P. Runk: [tapping a control] Signal activated.
[the wings on Barry's cowl emit a high-pitched tone]
Chester P. Runk: Okay, Flash's suit is emitting a signal identical to the original Godspeeds.
Cecile: So the new Godspeeds will think that he's their rival...
Caitlin: When he's really bait.
The: [a Godspeed catches up to him] We got one!
[approaching the entropy trap, he phases through the street]
Caitlin: [seeing Godspeed suddenly stop] What happened? Did it work?
Spartan: It worked, all right.
[Barry speeds in next to him]
Spartan: That's something you don't see every day.

Anti: [growing to giant proportions] The age of heroes ends now!
Spartan: Guys, we're gonna need a bigger bomb.

Ramsey: What have you done to me? I'm human again.
Green: I've cleansed the entire Multiverse of your infectious cells.
The: Including the ones inside you.
Ramsey: And you killed me. Now my HLH will return.
Green: I took care of that, too - perks of being the Spectre.
Kid: So it looks like you'll be spending the rest of your human days as a regular criminal.
Spartan: Where you're going to rot until old age, just like everyone else.
Ramsey: No. I was going to cure death. I was supposed to save the world.
The: Don't worry. That's our job.

Frost: [Diggle has another migraine attack] Spartan, look out!
[knocking Godspeed back with a blast of ice]
Frost: You all right?
Spartan: Yeah, I am, since you had my back.
Cecile: It happened again. I gotta get you out of here. Caitlin needs to examine you.
Spartan: No. Not while Heart is still out there.

Spartan: [First meeting after Oliver's death] Oliver?
Green: I can explain...
Spartan: Doesn't matter, man.

Frost: You sure this is the right place?
Cecile: Yeah, Iris' notes say that August Heart works at this address in 2049. But in our time, Dayton Labs hasn't been built yet.
Spartan: This was the last place on your list?
Cecile: Yeah.
[seeing something out of the corner of her eye]
Cecile: Did you see that?
[stopping Dig]
Cecile: Wait. He's scared. I can feel it.
[giving her weapon to Dig, then heading over to a nearby dumpster]
Cecile: Whoa, wait, wait, wait, we're not gonna hurt you. We're not gonna hurt you. Hi. My name is Cecile Horton. Are you all right?
August: Yeah.
Cecile: What's your name?
August: I... I... I-I-I don't know.
Cecile: Okay. Okay, well, look, we g... we gotta get you out of here. It's not safe.
August: No, no, no, I can't... I can't leave! It's there. This place is... it's important. It's important. I can feel it.
Cecile: Do you know why it's so important to you?
August: No! No. Do you?